The Messenger of Death

Chapter 131: the goat head

Chapter 131: the goat head

['Is this some kind of illusion or some kind of act?'] Al wondered.

The person with the goat's head began closing the distance between them at a normal walking speed.

Al raised his bow and aimed at the goat, he pulled the string and an arrow appeared.

['I just tried to probe into the core of this goat or person, we are not its match. But turning around to run now isn't an option. Fake it till I make it, at most I'll cause a commotion and use that to attract the attention of the guards outside.'] Al decided to stay.

The goat head was actually a person wearing a life-like mask. The person in the goat mask was a member of an ancient bloodline family, and he decided to oppress Al into submission with his bloodline suppressing prowess. And so he released it.

The goat head was expecting to see Al fall to the ground in fear, but much to his disappointment he didn't. The person stopped in his tracks.

'Who is this person? He didn't even flinch after I tried to suppress him with my bloodline.' The person with the goat head thought to himself.

Al felt like something was crawling on his body, he didn't know that the person with the goat head was trying to suppress him with his bloodline. Al shrugged the feeling away and looked at goat head.

"Who are you? Which bloodline family do you come from?" The goat head spoke in a hoarse voice that was somewhat hard to hear.

"Who I am is none of your business, if you take one more step I'll shoot your brains out." Al threatened and that was also the signal for the rest to come out.

While the person was approaching Al, Al looked around and found out that it was only the lights in the hall that he was, that the lights had been turned off. He could see the light from the conference room illuminate the floor.

"Don't flatter yourself because you weren't affected by my bloodline suppression. Even if you weren't affected by my bloodline you are still a nascent realm cultivator, I can take you down without breaking a sweat. It will be wise of you to come with me silently and willingly and-"


The door to the conference room opened. The person with the goat head was interrupted by the creaking of the door. While he had his attention drawn to the door, for the fraction of a second he was distracted.

Al took this chance and shot at him.



Despite the speed of the blazing arrow, the goat head was still able to avoid most of the force from its explosion.


The person with the goat head disappeared from the hall and the lights turned on.

From the corners of the doors, Jayda spoke; "Is it okay to come out now?"

"Yeah, the person escaped. Although I was able to get a little info from the little that he said, it still not enough and it's not far from what we already know."

"This way!! The sound of the explosion came from over this place!" The sound of armor chinking and the sound of multiple feet stumping the ground reached their ears.

Soon the guards of the place arrived, they pointed their weapons at Al.

"Stop, drop your weapons." The prime minister commanded and the guards did as he requested.

"What do we do now? Although we know who is behind this, we don't have feasible proofs." Himari began to worry.

"The best thing would be for the two of you to go and cast your votes. We are going to use their tactics against them. They were lucky enough to escape but we need to let them know that we know who they are. That way they would calm down for a bit, giving the two sides more time to prepare their next moves." Al smiled at his own words.

"How are we going to do that, Mr.?" The prime minister asked.

"Al" He paused and wondered if it was okay to give his name instead of Alex's. "Alexander." He completed.

"Mr. Alexander, please give me advice."

"First have your men apprehend this man." Al pointed at the soldier that he knocked out. "We will use him as bait and a scapegoat."

"How?" The minister inquired.

"After you cast your vote, you let the public know of your decisions. You have them see this traitor and explain to them all the things that don't add up. Don't forget to mention that the orchestrator and mastermind of this whole thing is from a class-3 ancient bloodline whose aim is to acquire power, and from whom you got the information?

That's what this traitor over here is for, he will be the one to take the fall as the person that betrayed his master. That will add more fuel to the matter and also tell both the general populace and the family behind this that you are on to them. Make mention that you already know that there are moles in the government and you are ready to purge them out. You will have to start a beef with the general populace against the ancient bloodline families.

Al briefly explained to them what to say.

As they listened, they couldn't help but look at Al with admiration. In a short time, he came up with a plan to counter and possibly catch the people behind this whole issue.

"What about the syndicate? What if they still plan on attacking the city?" The prime minister questioned.

"You just have to make sure that your speech gets to them too. It doesn't matter if they criminals, they have one goal, to get justice for their selves and their families that were treated wrongly after their exile. If you can convince them that you are seeking justice for them then they will stand by your side." Al answered.

"Are there any other questions? If not then let's get to work." Al said after he had finished explaining everything.

He turned and looked at the spot where the person with the goat head was standing. There was blood on the blue carpet. Al tilted his head and went to where the blood was, he bent and touch the blood with his fingers. He brought it up to his nose and smelt the blood.

['This is human blood.'] He thought.

"Haha, even if he was able to dodge my arrow he couldn't escape unscathed, motherf*cker"

After casting their votes, the prime minister and mayor did as Al asked and told the general populace that they were against the reform of the rules and proceeded to give their reasons why. The place where the speech was being held was an open space outside the building. This was a place that was open to everyone and it was filled to the brim by patriotic citizens.

"The able people of Cerevaux and the whole western continent, I am grieved to inform you that there are people amongst us the government and those with power, that do not want us to prosper. They hide in the shadows and pull strings that more or less cause harm to all of us, all for the goal of acquiring more power." The prime minister paused and glanced at the governor before he resumed his speech.

From that glance, the governor knew that they were on to him. Internally, he started to panic inwardly. Other politicians there that also picked on what the prime minister just did, discreetly put a bit of distance between them and the governor. They didn't want to be labeled as the one that was conniving with the supposed mole.

The prime minister provided them with the little proofs that they had and also the guard that was knocked out by Al.

"This man is a traitor that works for class-3 ancient bloodline family, the family that is behind this whole thing. The Roxanne regiment never planned to rebel, they were tricked by their lieutenant colonel and the class-3 bloodline family that is behind this. You are probably wondering why I said that they were tricked by their lieutenant colonel, right? Well, that's because their lieutenant colonel isn't dead. He is still alive, but we do not know where he has been hiding for the past few years."

The crowd was in turmoil now, this news had shocked them.

"To the syndicate, I understand how you feel. You all are victims of the wicked, and so am I, me and my family, please refrain from harming the people while I try my best to get justice for you, your family, and my family too. We have been played by masters of mind games, but now that our eyes have been peeled open we will keep them open and end this charade once and for all."

While the prime minister was at the front speaking to the people, Al was at the back, standing beside Himari and Jayda, listening to the words of the prime minister.

['Not as convincing as I hoped it will be, but it's passable.'] He thought to himself.

He felt the eyes of someone linger on him and he looked in the direction in which he felt it coming. It was coming from a person that was standing on the roof of the House of Representatives.

The two of them locked their gaze for a while, then Al tapped the right side of his temple 3 times and the skin crawler zoomed in for him.

The person on top of the building was Duna's elder brother, the one that he met in front of the apothecary when they were advertising the pills that he stole. He took a look at his hand and saw that it was bleeding.

"So it was you," Al smirked and winked at him

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