The Legacy System

592 Chapter 592

The face of Madam Yan Meng immediately turned ugly despite expecting something like that from Eric's mouth. After all, from the first time she had interacted with him, this guy had revealed his character.

But even though she was expecting this, she still couldn't help but feel a bit offended and displeased with him.

After all, this bastard was just a lowly gardener, a toad trying to eat swan meat. How could she allow such a lowly existence to touch her, and even more give her body to him?

"Does it have to be you!? I am married and I have a husband, there is no way I am going to give my body to someone else!"

p "Well, it doesn't have to be me. But whoever is going to do this needs to know how to use Yin to neutralize Yang, and Yang to vanquish Yin!

At the same time, he needs the perfect spots he needs to apply the mixture of Yin and Yang, and also the perfect proportions.

A small mistake will lead to worsening your condition and increase the ferocity of the poison in your system. If that happens, you would have at most one month to live!

But certainly, since you are married and have a husband I understand your feelings, so you can try to live with a clean conscience and die beside your husband!

It was a pleasure meeting and knowing you for how long it lasted Madam!"

Hearing all that, Madam Yan Meng's face was turning more and more grim and ugly with each passing moment as she had no idea whether what Eric was saying was the truth or not.

In fact, she didn't even know whether the method that Eric told her about worked or not. Still, she couldn't give up this ray of hope.

After all, what kind of human being would choose to die when there was a path to live? Not to mention that she didn't have much of a relationship with her husband.

Their whole story had started on the wrong foot, and it just continued straying more and more from the natural path of things.

By now, she had turned into nothing more than her husband's pleasure toy. He would always approach her when he was horny, and it didn't matter whether she wanted it or not.

Without caring about her, or her feelings, and thoughts that man would pin her down on the bed and have his way with her.

The reason why she was staying so long inside the bathroom, despite the treatment of the poison in her system, was to actually clean her body from all the filth she had just experienced.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Eric was about to open the door and leave the place, as she couldn't help but jump from the bath, and grab his hand in order to block him.

Her other hand had grabbed a little knife out of nowhere which was now pressed against Eric's neck, while she looked at him with a grim and scary look,

"If you dare lie to me, or if this treatment of yours doesn't work, you will regret ever being born!"

At that point, there was nothing covering her body, besides the small water droplets that were sliding down her body and making this woman look even more enchanting.

She looked just like a water goddess, as her fully tonified and the curvy body was right beside Eric, who didn't make waste of this opportunity in front of him.

Without caring about the look of anger and rage on Madam Yan Meng's face, Eric looked at her from head to toe.

She had a truly S-shaped body, with large and ripe soft melons that didn't hang but stood proudly at him, followed by a thin waist, and wide hips.

Age should be just a number for her, because there was no evidence of any sign of aging, nowhere in her body.

The carpet matched the drapes, even though the carpet had been fully trimmed and there was only a small triangle standing above her secret cave's entrance.

A purebred beauty through and through!

Eric would have loved to appreciate her a little bit more, but the look of fire in her eyes stopped him from doing so as he said,

"Hoho~!? Are you threatening me, Madam!? I might love women to the point of messing the whole planet for them, but I hate being threatened that much as well!

You better ask for this in a gentler way, if you want me to treat you that is!"


"Hehehe~! Don't forget, you can't kill me until the blood rose has ripened, and you need me to save your life! This should be enough for you to understand your position, right!?"

Eric knew that he was jumping a few steps by revealing such a side of his, and this would only make Madam Yan Meng even warier and more interested in him, but that was precisely what he wanted.

After all, the best way to take a woman's mind was to incite her curiosity and interest. Like that she would start thinking of him more and more.

Certainly, his cold, calm, and cool standing surprised the beauty in front of him, as he looked at her directly in the eyes.

It was just like a cold war standoff between the two of them, with neither side willing to back off. But considering their needs, Madam Yan Meng understood that she was on the losing side.

"Heehheheh~! You have incited my curiosity little gardener, well done! Then let me request it politely!

I truly hope and desire for Master Gardener to help me in treating my poison! If you manage to save me from my anguish and return my life to me, I will be eternally grateful.

Would you please consider Master Gardener!?"

"Hoho~! Look, after all, you do know how to request for things politely! It's truly not a waste to save you.

Very well then I will start with your treatment whenever you are ready! You just need to send word to me or come directly to my room with Lu'er.

Just try to not destroy the balance between Yin and Yang in your body these days! In other words, you can't have intimate relations with your husband these days, if you want to recover!"

"Very well, I will come to you tomorrow night! I need to take care of a few things first!"

"It's your body, your life, your wish! I am but a mere gardener with a bit of knowledge, I can't order, nor forcefully treat you! Come to me whenever you feel ready!

Now I have to leave this place, see you tomorrow night!"

With that said, he continued to open the handle of the door, and was about to get outside when he suddenly stopped and turned around to ask, as he took another good look at her body,

"Oh, by the way, where is the garden tools garage, I still need to work after all!"

"Where do you expect them to be!? There is a small shed covered in green at the eastern corner of the garden, everything is there!"

"Oh, thank you! By-bye then!"

With that said, Eric turned around, left the bathroom, and started walking toward the garden once again.

In fact, he had known from the start where the tools garage was, but if he had gone directly there then people would start doubting him and his motives.

On top of that, he wouldn't have such great encounters today. While it had been a bit dangerous, it had certainly been extremely rewarding.

Not only had he created a partnership with a Young Miss of the Long Family, but he had even managed to get Lu'er from Madam Yan Meng, and even more he was going to have Madam Yan Meng herself in his bed.

Certainly if Master Long or Master Mu heard about this they would immediately put him at the stake, and then burn him until not even ashes were left.

Of course, if he allowed them to do something like that to him. Because even if he couldn't confront them, he wasn't totally hopeless about escaping from them.

As he was walking down the hallways of the Long Family Mansion, he could feel that a pair of eyes were fixed on his back and looking at him with a weird and confused look.

After executing her plan the little beauty had actually hid herself in a corner and waited for the show that was about to happen.

Unfortunately against all her expectations, there was no trace of the show she had been expecting. Something was wrong in this whole mess.

How could Madam Yan Meng tolerate such a trespass like this from a simple worker of the Mansion? Even if she didn't fire him, she would at least pluck his eyes and rip his tongue, so no one knew about it.

Yet not only wasn't there any damage to Eric's body, but he was even humming a nice song as he walked down the hallway, like he was walking around his own place.

'Could it be that Madam Yan Meng wasn't there all this time!? it couldn't be, right!?'

The more she thought about this, the more curious she was about Eric and his abilities. Just what kind of pervert was he?

Still, right now she couldn't do anything else but to witness Eric's happy tone and expression as he made his way towards the garden, which she didn't like in the least.

Noticing this, Eric couldn't help but get a bit happier as he thought to himself,

'Hehehe~! Little beauty, just you wait!"

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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