The Legacy System

590 Chapter 590

"Ahem…, Ahem… You know that my eyes are up here, right Ms. Gardener!?"

Unable to resist that gaze, Young Miss Long couldn't help but attract his attention with a few light coughs, and those words.

Unfortunately, Eric turned out to be a much more tough nut to crack than she had thought, as she heard him say,

"I know that I have already seen enough of your face, now I am looking at the work of art that stands in front of me!

Don't you think it would be a lack of respect to have such a great work of art in front of me, and not cast my eyes upon it!?"

This guy was just unbelievable, not only was he shamelessly admitting that he was looking at her with a rude gaze, but he even painted it as a great work.

For some reason, Young Miss Long felt like she would never be able to win against him in a fight or argument, and that pissed her off.

Of course, the first thing in her mind would be to find someone to teach Eric a lesson, but she had seen that normal people weren't his match and those who could, were just too difficult to employ.

Furthermore, if she could employ one of those guys then she wouldn't have taken the initiative to make a deal with Eric, and even under those unacceptable conditions.

Seeing that she would be unable to win this, she could only stomp her feet, and then say in a harrumph,

"Hmph~! You should thank Heaven for the contract we just made, otherwise you would see the consequences of that look!"

"Come on partner don't be that cold, partners are supposed to have no secrets and believe each other completely!

I was just trying to deepen our relationship!"


While Eric continued to tease her as she run away, the beauty harrumphed once again, as she was about to leave the garden.

At this moment, her servant, Young Miss Fei who seemed just like a cute little cat was coming towards the garden, and due to both parties' haste, they clashed head to head!

"Who dares!"

"I am sorry, I am really sorry Miss! Please forgive me, Miss, I didn't want to do this, please forgive me!"

Upon seeing that her Miss was extremely angry, the little beauty Fei'er started pleading just like a faulty little cat.

She had a small build, despite being in her early twenties, as even her soft melons, thighs, and curves seemed a bit too small for her age.

She would be the perfect description of a legal loli, that didn't even look like one. She looked just like a middle schooler.

"Calm down Fei'er it's not your fault! If it weren't for that smelly bastard, this wouldn't have happened! Anyway just send him to the garden tools place, and immediately come back.

Be careful of him as he is a perverted smelly bastard, that will devour you without even leaving the bones behind!"

As Young Miss Long was giving extremely important instructions to her servant, Eric was looking from the side with a conspicuous look.

After all, with the clash between the two beauties, they had fallen to the ground, and their dresses were showing a bit more than they should.

It was only at this moment that both beauties seemed to have felt his gaze, as they immediately looked at their state, and couldn't help but jump to their feet in fright.

"You see I told you he is a lecherous beast, so we have to be careful of him!"

"Yes, Miss! I will make sure to teach him a good lesson!"

"You, what!?"

"Ah, no, nothing! I said I will be careful!"

"Very well then I leaving this in your hands Fei'er, return as fast as you can!"

With that said, Young Miss Long turned around and left the garden, while Eric was left inside the garden with Fei'er.

Until her Miss was beside her Fei'er looked just like an obedient little cat, but the moment her Miss left, she looked at Eric full of scorn and rage, as she said in a loud and clear voice,

p "Scum, how dare you have thoughts about my Miss!? Know your place!"


Eric was truly startled by the sudden change of the little cat, who turned into some sort of wild tigress the moment that her Miss left.

"Don't huh me you bastard! You better know your place and not attempt anything stupid otherwise, I will burn you to ashes!

Was I clear perverted bastard!?"

Eric was left at a loss for words, as he needed a few moments to adapt to the sudden change. Even a man like him hadn't expected something like this.

It was just like this little beauty was suffering from multiple personalities, and she seemed to have a special sore spot for her own Miss.

She didn't even wait to receive an answer as she arrogantly turned around and started walking towards her destination. She wanted to be done with Eric as soon as she could.

The surprised and startled Eric could only follow behind her without saying anything. It wasn't like he didn't have anything to say, it was just that it wasn't the time.

He wanted to give this little beauty the pleasure of being ahead at the moment, as only like that would she get too proud and arrogant and start slipping up.

For some weird reason, the moment that he saw her change, and confronted this second 'self' of hers, he had a great desire to actually pin her down and make her his.

As he was thinking like this, he followed the little beauty while looking around the place with a myriad of emotions and expressions plastered on his way.

After all, despite everything he still had a role to play, that of a mysterious and poor gardener that knew a bit about spirit herbs.

Seeing his expressions and his emotions, the little beauty in front of him couldn't help but mock him out loud as she said,

"Hmph~! A cheap and poor toad like you dreams of having heavenly swan meat! Courting ridicule and death!"

Eric heard her words loud and clear, still, he didn't even take the bother to say her something back, as he was fully focused on walking forward and keeping up with her.

His disinterest in answering her made the little beauty even angrier at him, as she couldn't help but wish to teach him a lesson.

This little bastard was just too arrogant for her tastes, as she thought that Eric was playing the hard-to-get, and didn't even deign to talk to her.

He was courting his own death more and more.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't want to trouble her Young Miss, she would have already reported everything to her Master, and Eric would have been thrown out by now.

In fact, her greatest fear was that her Miss had taken a liking and interest in this guy. That was because she still told her to help him, even though she knew that he was a perverted bastard.

Her Miss wouldn't try to help someone like him without a reason, right!? And since there wasn't much that Eric could do for her, she could only think that her Miss had taken a liking to him.

No! this couldn't be allowed to happen! If it did then not only herself, but even her Miss would be in big trouble.

For that reason, she had decided to try and get rid of Eric without revealing or being guilty herself, and she had already hatched a plan.

Eric didn't need to read her thoughts to understand what was going on, as he just followed behind the little beauty no matter how fast she walked.

The Long Family Mansion was certainly a large place. In fact, it looked just like a castle of the medieval era. A majestic, and an extremely grand one at that.

It wasn't only the reinforced and majestic walls, but even the pictures hanging on the walls, the carpets, the chandeliers, and even the lights that seemed all to be extremely pricey.

This was real wealth, as even the chandeliers in this house were made out of gold, and there were diamonds attached to them.

The price of each piece in this medium castle was worth a kidney, or an eye for a normal mortal person.

All the servants, butlers, and maids on the way looked at him with complicated looks, that he understood perfectly.

After all, with the exception of her Miss, the whole Long Family Mansion should know about this little devil's multiple personalities and try their best to stay away from her.

In their eyes, Eric was most probably just like a little sheep that was taken away when a big party was happening inside the Mansion.

While he was appreciating the beauty of this place, and its architecture, the little beauty in front of him stopped in her tracks, as she then said,

"This is the tools garage, take whatever you need and then return to your duty! Make sure that you don't do anything stupid and run on your own!"

With that said she didn't tarry any longer as she turned around and started walking at a normal pace towards her Miss's room.

Eric was left alone, with a complex expression on his face, while he was chuckling aloud inside. To think that this little legal loli was trying to use such means to throw him away.

Unfortunately, he had no intention of leaving this place anytime soon…

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!

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