The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 28

C28 – Disaster

​As dusk settled over Mightcairn, the city came alive with light. Mansions sparkled, streets glowed, and the atmosphere buzzed with the energy of a daytime market. Girls in vibrant attire mingled with the kaleidoscope of lanterns, while vendors hawked their wares, creating a tapestry of prosperity.

The Ni family’s estate was no exception to the city’s festive mood. With Teng Si’s departure scheduled for the next day, the household was abuzz with preparations for a grand farewell banquet in his honor. The celebration was as much a testament to his standing as it was to his close relationship with the family patriarch.

In addition to the feast, a combat exhibition was planned for the evening, allowing onlookers to witness a thrilling spar. The combatants, all experts at the Great Perfection of the second level, had honed their skills for years and stood on the cusp of advancing to the third level. Such high-caliber battles promised profound insights for those watching, with the potential for epiphanies that could be considered a tremendous gain.

Among the audience was Ni Huibo, whose eagerness for the clash was palpable. Having spent years in seclusion, his cultivation was respectable, and his knowledge vast from extensive reading. Yet, he lacked practical combat experience. Now, fully aware of his own abilities and having recently advanced to the late period of the second level, he recognized the gap between himself and those at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection. But as they shared the same realm, Ni Huibo knew that careful observation of the duel could yield invaluable lessons, catapulting his prowess to new heights.

Ni Huibo’s outlook had subtly shifted over the past decade. Embracing the path of cultivation meant he could aspire to follow in his parents’ footsteps. Determined, he refused to let any chance to grow stronger slip by. His ambition was to gain strength, venture beyond his current confines, and ultimately, to trace the path his parents had taken.

The Ni family’s hall was set for the occasion, bathed in the warm glow of candlelight that left no room for shadows. The family’s younger members took their seats at the far end, their focus on the impending battle. Above them sat the esteemed elders from various families, individuals of significant influence, gathered to partake in the night’s events.

Teng Si and Ni Xianjian were seated at the forefront, engaging in light-hearted conversation over drinks. Teng Feimei sat beside them, listlessly. As a guest, she was given a prominent seat at the front, yet she found herself amidst a circle of elders, rendering her speechless. She could only glance around, seemingly in search of something or someone.

The initial pleasantries had been exchanged, and now was the time for lively banter and toasting. Despite being guests, the Ni family members maintained a certain reserve, but the hall still buzzed with chatter.

Glasses were raised, and toasts made, with occasional spills of wine slightly obscuring Teng Feimei’s view. Her demeanor was unusually pleasant as she craned her neck now and then, peering through the crowd.

“Teng Feimei,” Teng Si, positioned at the head of the table, called out gently upon noticing his daughter’s actions, a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

She turned, only to find both Teng Si and Ni Xianjian watching her, which brought a flush of color to her cheeks. She quickly bowed her head to mask her discomfort.

​”This child,” Teng Si said, shaking his head with a smile as he turned to Ni Xianjian. “She’s accustomed to her Master’s training and isn’t used to such gatherings. She’s a bit shy.”

​”Is that so? I beg to differ. It seems her mind is simply elsewhere, not on this feast,” Ni Xianjian replied with a twinkle in his eye. He then lifted his glass, proposing, “Brother Teng, let’s enjoy our meal and drink, and then we can resume our friendly rivalry.”

“That’s precisely my intention!” Teng Si responded with enthusiasm.

Overhearing Ni Xianjian’s remark, Teng Feimei’s cheeks reddened further. She stole a quick glance at them before slipping away quietly.

​”Mr. Ni always finds a way to tease me,” she murmured to herself, feeling the corridor’s breeze as she drew in a couple of deep breaths.

“Where on earth could Ni Huibo be? I’ve been looking for him for ages and still no sign,” she thought, growing increasingly frustrated. Spotting a pebble at her feet, she gave it a forceful kick, channeling a trace of her spiritual energy into the motion, a testament to her vexation.

A distant scream pierced the air.

Teng Feimei raised an eyebrow but didn’t seem too concerned. The rage that had been simmering in her heart had largely subsided. She found a seat and settled down, resting her chin in her hands, lost in thought.

The lights in the hall remained ablaze.

Suddenly, a gentle tap on Teng Feimei’s shoulder startled her.

Her reflexes were lightning-quick, and she spun around, spiritual energy coursing into her hand, ready to strike. But she halted when she recognized the newcomer as Ni Huibo.

Ni Huibo looked serious, a hint of displeasure on his face, and a bruise was evident on his forehead.

“Why are you here? Didn’t you attend the banquet?” Teng Feimei asked, her surprise evident. That explained why she hadn’t been able to find him in the hall earlier; he had stepped outside.

Ni Huibo gave her a look, then glanced at the brightly lit hall and shook his head. “I don’t enjoy these sorts of events, so I left,” he explained.

Teng Feimei nodded in understanding. She shared his distaste for the hollow flattery exchanged among the scions of prominent families.

“Did you happen to see anyone around here just now?”

Teng Feimei paused, taken aback.

Ni Huibo fixed his gaze on her and spoke earnestly, “I was ambushed a moment ago.” He gestured to the bruise on his forehead.

Teng Feimei’s mind raced, and she quickly pieced things together, recalling the stone she had kicked away earlier.

A laugh almost escaped her, but seeing the gravity etched on his face, she stifled it, her shoulders shaking with the effort.

“Are you alright?” Ni Huibo asked, his brow furrowing.

“I’m fine. I did catch a glimpse of someone. They seemed to be heading that way!” Teng Feimei’s eyes sparkled as she surveyed the area and pointed in a specific direction.

​”Thank you,” Ni Huibo said with a nod, his expression still serious as he dashed off in the direction she indicated.

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