The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 131 Love

Chapter 131 Love

Three days later, Lyu Liang followed Saint Emperor Xuan Wu to the Land of Origin of the Demon Clan. When they arrived, the place was crowded.

After entering the Land of Origin, the Four Saint Emperors and their people were on the left side while on the right side. There were the Four Evil Emperors and their people.

The other three Saint Emperors and four Evil Emperors were already in place, except for the other two Evil Emperors that Lyu Liang did not know. Others took a glimpse at him by intentionally or unintentionally.

In recent years, with the end of the war between the Four Saints and the Four Evils, the relationship between the two parties has begun to become more harmonious. After all, it was just a battle for the land, and there was no absolute hatred that could not be solved. Thus, it also helped to ease the relationship.

All in all, the Demon Clan knew the importance of appreciation. If someone is kind to them, they will repay it by a double. If one wanted to frame them, calculate it, then he would be beaten to death by the Demon Clan.

In terms of war, though they would fight for territories, they would not hurt the opponents’ lives unless necessary. After all, everyone is a Demon Clan, and they will not let others laugh at them.

When a Demon Clan’s Saintess or Saint is born, they will carry out a grand coronation ceremony. From then on, their identity and status will rise in one night.

The reason is very simple. There are many people with the Body of Saint. Almost every person from the Demon Clan possesses it. However, it is hard for one to be awakened in thousands of years! Therefore an awakened is precious!

The Saintess or the Saint, though they might not be the next Saint Emperor or Devil Emperor, surely they would succeed beyond a Demon Emperor. Their constitutions which were awakened would have a faster cultivation rate, and their combat strength would be higher than those at the same level. If everything is smooth, these people will be promoted to the Heaven Realm and become a powerful figure who is a Guardian of the Demon Clan.

Lyu Liang was among the crowded Demon Clans. Looking at the crazy eyes of the crowd, he also had a little interest in the Rosefinch Saintess.

With a long ringing, the Land of Origin, which was bustling, turned quiet. Everyone looked at the entrance in anticipation and excitement.

Thirty minutes later, a team entered through the entrance of the Land of Origin. At the forefront, it was the Eastern Family, which was led by Dongfang Badao, this time. The five talents of the Eastern Family were all here.

Behind them, it was a huge phoenix car, and eight Demon Clan maids were divided into two sides. At last were four teams of Demon Clan soldiers respectively in red, black, green and white, each emitted an aura at the Peak of Almighty Immortal.

“They are members of the Loyal Soldier Team that belonged to the four Saint Emperor. They are impeccable elites, both in terms of their cultivation and loyalty. In the chariot is the Rosefinch Saintess. I missed that time, the last time when a Saint appeared, it dates back to more than 20,000 years ago! I had never expected that inconspicuous little girl from the Rosefinch clan to become a Saintess. Tsk, tsk, she did have a good opportunity!” Esteemed Xuangui stood next to Lyu Liang, and secretly transmitted a voice to him. He did not forget to praise the girl at the same time.

When the chariot reached the middle, Dongfang Badao and others went behind Zhu Yan, and the Demon Clan Guards team surrounded the chariot in a circle. At the same time, lights flashed, and a tall platform appeared in the middle of the venue. The chariot disappeared, and a graceful figure emerged on the platform.

When the appearance of the Saintess was seen, the initially silent Land of Origin burst into a round of cheers. Everyone expressed their love towards the Saintess from the bottom of their heart.

The Saintess had flawless skin with long hair. She looked beautiful with a pair of thin brows and almond-shaped eyes. She was so gorgeous in that red veil dress. However, she seemed to be a little sad.

At this time, Lyu Liang’s eyes widened, and he muttered unconsciously, “The little Fairy Dongfang?”

The Saintess who was smiling towards the audience shivered suddenly. Although she returned to normal in an instant, the sorrow on her face scattered, and her eyes beamed. There seemed to be tears welling up in her eye, ready to flow down at any moment.

“All right! Be quiet, everyone!” Zhu Yan shouted at the perfect time and attracted everyone’s attention. No one found out that the Saintess had a gaffe for a moment.

“Dongfang Xiaoyu, formerly a member of the Dongfang family from my Rosefinch clan, from now on, she will be the supreme Saintess of Rosefinch clan! From today onwards, whenever a Rosefinch person sees her, you shall treat her the way you treat me. You may not do the bow, but you must show your respect!” Zhu Yan made his words and took the first bow to Dongfang Xiaoyu. Of course, the people behind him followed and bowed.

Subsequently, the three Saint Emperors, Green Dragon, White Tiger, and Xuan Wu also demanded that their people to respect the Rosefinch Saintess. As for the Four Evil Emperors, although they did not say so, they went on the stage and bowed one by one. Their actions had shown the status of the Rosefinch Saintess in their hearts.

After all, the Demon Clan Saintess or Saint was rare to be seen for thousands of years. Without accidents, they would be promoted to the Heaven Realm and become a top powerful figure of the Demon Clan. Although the Saintess was from their clan, as long as she was from the Demon Clan, then they would also get some benefits in the future.

At this time, Lyu Liang has also recovered from the shock. He was afraid that others would see his gaffe, and hurriedly lowered his head to calm himself down. However, no matter how hard he tried, he always remembered the bits and pieces of the seven days that he had with Dongfang Xiaoyu.

Today, she was still here, but millennium has passed. Could everything still be the same?

Finally, Lyu Liang managed to put down his thoughts. Just then, Xuan Wu Saint Emperor told the people to go and pay respect to the Saintess. At first, Lyu Liang didn’t want to go over, for fear that others might discover his weird actions. After all, he was panic-stricken.

“I am not in my original appearance. As long as I looked and behaved naturally, there shouldn’t be anything problem!” Lyu Liang cheered himself on while reluctantly walking up the stage.

At this time, two people appeared beside Dongfang Xiaoyu. It was her elder brother, Dongfang Xiaotian and her younger brother, Dongfang Xiaobao, who also happened to meet Lyu Liang before.

Everyone walked to the front of the Saintess and worshipped, then they made a bow and went down the stage. When it was Lyu Liang’s turn, before he could do the same routine, Dongfang Xiaoyu’s trembling voice sounded in his Divine Soul, “Is it you?”

With these three words, the barriers inside Lyu Liang’s heart broke almost immediately. Fortunately, his mind was strong enough, and he did the routine stiffly. Then he quickly walked down like the people before him.

Although Dongfang Xiaoyu was disappointed, she must turn her attention to the later people, but a trace of pain appeared in her eyes. While she was feeling depressed, a familiar voice that she missed reverberated in her Divine Soul, “The little Fairy Dongfang, I’m sorry, take care!”

Although Lyu Liang went down, he couldn’t fake as if nothing had happened. From her trembling voice and question, she was still the same her.

It’s a pity that here and now, they were close yet they were far. It was impossible to recognize each other. Not to mention that he was under arrest now, Dongfang Xiaoyu’s identity was no longer comparable to the olden days.

If she was still that little girl back then, Lyu Liang could find a chance to chat with her openly. But now, she was the Saintess that everyone was watching. Even if they did not recognize each other and only made a look in between, there might be a danger to be noticed by the powerful figure.

If some malicious people discovered him and informed the Heavenly Alliance, it would not only harm himself but would also implicate Xuan Wu Saint Emperor who kindly helped him. Therefore, Lyu Liang calmed himself down and expressed himself using only ten words.

At this time, Dongfang Xiaoyu’s eyes brightened and appeared to be vibrant again. She smiled at the rest of the people who went up and worshipped her.

Xuan Wu Saint Emperor’s team soon finished the worshipping, just as Lyu Liang was to leave the Land of Origin with the others. A hand suddenly fell on his shoulder, and then, it was a youth’s cheerful voice, “Ha-ha, Sheng! There you are, we haven’t met for so long, why didn’t you come over and say hi? No matter what, since I saw you today, you will not leave. I have already told the elder brother that I will pull you over to have a good chat!”

Lyu Liang turned around and saw Dongfang Xiaobao who turned to Esteemed Xuangui and said, “Xuangui senior, my elder brother and I want to be together with Sheng for a day, please pardon him for a day!”

Esteemed Xuangui laughed and said, “Go, go. Anyway, my brother and I will leave tomorrow! Sheng, go with them but do not miss the trip the next morning. Also, before 7 a.m. tomorrow, remember to be back. There is something regarding the return trip that I need you to do!”

Lyu Liang respectfully responded and was pulled away by Dongfang Xiaobao.

After a while, Lyu Liang followed and reached a luxurious cave residence. He examined the place, and it was full of women’s stuff. When Lyu Liang was a bit lost, Dongfang Xiaobao already laid a restriction formation and said happily, “Are you Lyu Liang? The Lyu Liang from that Chaotic World? The Lyu Liang who spent seven days in the Land of Origin with my elder sister? This is her boudoir. You are the first man to enter in addition to us, her brothers and father! Let me tell you, my sister, she wanted...”

Before Dongfang Xiaobao could finish, a figure rushed over instantly, reached out and strangled his neck. Then, an arrogant voice that was familiar to Lyu Liang sounded, “You stinky and shitty little brother, you couldn’t stop your gossiping, could you? Today, let us continue with the ‘super invincible suicide swing’, I will make you feel amazing!”

Then, Dongfang Xiaobao’s head started shaking crazily.

“Lyu, Lyu Liang, don’t go...” Dongfang Xiaobao shouted a word with difficulty, and his hand reached out too.

Dongfang Xiaoyu was shocked first, and then she hurriedly turned her head, and stopped her hand movements. When she saw Lyu Liang with his former appearance, standing behind her, she knew that she was fooled. However, when she turned back, there was no sight of Dongfang Xiaobao’s trembling body.

Then, a fading sound drifted over, “Elder sister, rest assured that elder brother and I will keep your secrets. Even if our father asked, we would not say it no matter what! I have laid at least ten strong restriction formation outside the cave, that is, even if a Demon Master came, he would take at least an hour to break through it. Make yourself free!”

At this time, only Lyu Liang and Dongfang Xiaoyu were left in the house, and the two looked at each other blankly, no one knew what to say.

Just as Lyu Liang scratched his head and prepared to speak first, Dongfang Xiaoyu suddenly rushed into his arms like a whirlwind, and hugged his back, asking in a trembling voice, “Are you alright? I missed you so much! Thousands of years are too long, and even if I can only be a maid for you, I will not wait until the next life!”

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