Starsign Lord

89 Hands Of Spirit - Chapter 89

Starsign Application Technique-"Hands Of Spirit"

<strong>"Hands Of Spirit"</strong>

<strong>"Using the starsign energy to create hands made up of "pure" starsign energy, the hands can be summoned 50 meters away from the user."</strong>

<strong>"It can be used to defend, attack, or like a hand itself."</strong>

<strong>"A person can create two hands at the same time."</strong>

<strong>"(Note) (each gemini counts as one person,"</strong>

The eyes of Fraus start lighting up from the excitement. An ability like this will be good for an ordinary Starsign user. Conjuring hands made up from starsign energy is useful for them, but for him, it is different.

In exchange, using Gemini clones,

He has no idea what kind of things will emerge.

Fraus then calmed himself down,<strong> "Okay, I need to be calm and look at the other things."</strong>

The second thing was "an upgrade of starsign origin."

Fraus looks at the black stone, given to him by Bler, and then notices some information.

<strong>"Upgrade Stone-(Starsign)"</strong>

<strong>"After using, the individual starsign will be upgraded to another level. The upgrade will result in positive changes to the starsign of the user."</strong>

<strong>"Result-If Used By" Fraus" "User"</strong>

<strong>"The summoning time will be reduced from 10 seconds after the death of a clone to five seconds."</strong>

<strong>"The Gemini clones will be able to trade damages with the user,"</strong>

<strong>"If the original body of the user takes damage, the user is able to transfer the damage to gemini clones, only if the injury is not instant death."</strong>

Fraus read the information and now understands why the Ancel Clan is the most revered clan in the whole world when it comes to starsign things.

He wondered why a race like this, why a clan like this, was destroyed and taken down by other countries and clans.

Fraus, then stop thinking about these kinds of things. He is getting from these things, but look at the one simple thing. which is the last thing he will be getting.

A weapon, a whip.

The whip is a small black thing with a handle that looks like it is not something that can be used or not a whip.

But as Fraus takes it, it activates, and a black metal like rope shows itself. Its length was easily around ten to fifteen meters.

He was lucky that "Dream Sword Art" had some whip moves, so he will not be attacking himself with it.

Fraus, then stop thinking about these kinds of things. He is getting from these things, but look at the one simple thing. which is the last thing he will be getting.

A weapon, a whip.

The whip is a small black thing with a handle that looks like it is not something that can be used or not a whip.

But as Fraus takes it, it activates, and a black metal like rope shows itself. Its length was easily around ten to fifteen meters.

He was lucky that "Dream Sword Art" had some whip moves, so he will not be attacking himself with it.

Fraus takes a deep breath and swings the whip for two to three seconds. Each time he swings the whip, small sonic booms appear in the air, with a sharp sound. The speed and power behind the whip is powerful enough to pulverize and destroy solid concrete.

Not that there is concrete in this time of the world, but he believes it would be a good comparison. He can break solid stones with this whip.

The fact that he is able to destroy stone with a whip is enough to show the power of the weapon.

But he still looked at the information panel of the whip.

<strong>"The Whip Of Blacksteel"</strong>

<strong>"Each damage dealt to the enemy also deals corroding damage to the enemy."</strong>

Fraus was aware that this weapon was not the same as others, but he was content with having another ability, a starship ability that will allow him to generate hands, more than twenty soul hands for his use, and the time of summoning died Gemini Clones being reduced to 5 seconds, as well as the fact that his original body will transfer damage to gemini clones as long as he does not die directly.

All of these things are important abilities. The only thing needed is that he has to find a fast way to learn these abilities.

At the same time, Blar starts to speak.

<strong>"It seems like you, like what have you got?"</strong>

Fraus just smiles. His smiles show clear happiness and understanding, that he knew how valuable the things he got were.

Blar then manifests a stone, a small stone in the color of white.

This is a moon stone. It is useless to you. What Ancel Clan wants is for you to go to Demrion Peak on the island of Firebreath, enter the ruins of Demrion, and put this moon stone where it needs to be.

Fraus takes a long breath and then takes the moonstone. It was really small and not interesting looking. The system did not show any kind of information about the stone. So he did not know anything about it.

What kind of things that he should be doing with this stone is clear, Fraus is an evil man there is no doub that, he kills for fun and he does what he wants without morality, having a minimum amount of morality, basically.

​ But he is not some sort of an evil being that would do bad to the ones who had done him good. It is not just suited to his way of life; he does not want to encounter something like this in the future.

A real evil being would just take the stone and do research on it and find ways to use it. But he will simply do whatever he is told to do in exchange for the inheritance itself.

At least he can do that much.

Blar looks at the moonstone and then speaks again.

<strong>"This is an important mission; you must complete it within a year, and be aware that every creature on Firebreath Island is at least Torch Level, and there are many monsters and evil creatures there."</strong>

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