Chapter 8 - 8
Chapter 8:
Arthur's Point of View
Reed Homestead
"What is all that racket!?" Grandpa Reed shouted from the front porch.
Cassidy stopped in shock and looked at him. "Grandpa!?"
"Cassidy!" He cried out and gestured to me. "Girl, what in the world are you doin!? Assaultin the man who saved my life!? Shame on you!" Augustus reprimanded, and Cassidy looked at me in shock. "A manticore showed up in the crops, and that there young man took care of it!"
Her arms seemed to go limp and fall back down to her sides. "Sorry," Cassidy said wholeheartedly as she looked me in the eyes. "Ah saw the blood up around the house an followed the trail..." Gesturing to me, she continued. "Then you showed up, a stranger who knew ma name, and Ah sort of assumed the worst."
The blush on her cheeks was so dark it made her hair look lighter. "I understand. No harm, no foul." Holding out my right hand to offer a handshake, she smiled.
"Thanks." A quick shake and all was well.
"No worries." Waving at Augustus, he shook his head, exasperated at the situation, and went back inside. "You military?"
"Huh?" Was her confused reply.
"Are you a soldier or something?" I questioned further.
Scoffing at that, she brushed my question off and started walking toward the house. "Of course not. What gave ya a silly idea like that?"
Following behind her, my eyes narrowed on her form, and I explained. "You had form, and you definitely seemed to have experience."
Cassidy stopped for a moment and looked at me from over her shoulder. "Ah help the priestess with some stuff from time ta time, but Ah aint no soldier." She huffed. "Now, if ya don't mind, Ah got some work ta do."
Grabbing a pair of gloves that were hanging out of her back pocket, she grabbed a shovel, threw it in a nearby wheelbarrow, and started moving towards the crops again. Once in the field again, she put her gloves on, grabbed the shovel and started digging. She certainly was a character. Prideful from what I could tell and didn't like being wrong. However, she was just as quick to apologize when Grandpa Reed informed how wrong she was.
"An interesting family, to be sure." I mumbled and headed back inside the home. "Reed?" No reply. "Grandpa Reed?" I called out again.
"In here!" I heard an elderly man's voice call out from the room across the kitchen.
Moving to the room in question, I saw Augustus sitting in a rocking chair. "You look comfortable." I commented as my eyes darted around the living room.
"It's my favorite chair! It's always comfortable!" He said with a grin and then sighed. "Want ta apologize to ya. Cassidy came home earlier than Ah thought she would. Darn girl jumps ta conclusions sometimes when her family is involved."
Crossing my arms, I leaned on the door frame. "She seemed to be trained. Not fully, but she certainly had a combat form. Is that why Austin said she'd take care of the Manticore if she was home?"
Both his hands were on his cane, and he tapped it on the wooden floor. "Sorry, but that's private, nothin against ya or nothin. Just don't like talkin about certain things. Ah'm sure you understand."
I nodded slowly. "That I do." The old man was studying me. "Anyway, I suppose I should get out of your hair. Your granddaughter is back, and she's already taking care of all the blood. You don't need me around here anymore."
"Cassidy aint gonna let ya leave." Augustus informed me.
"Why is that?" Standing at that, I waited for him to explain.
He chuckled the way that all old men do. "She's gonna want ta make it up to ya. Looks like you're stayin for supper again."
"Is there anything else I can do to-"
Augustus didn't let me finish. "You could sit down and have a talk with this old man."
Smirking at that, I moved to sit down on one of the sofas, which had holes in it. "I can do that." Looking at him as I sat, he was eyeing me carefully. "Mind if I ask you some questions?"
"Sure, but only if Ah can ask some myself." I nodded. "Swell. Ah must admit, Ah'm interested in what ya might want ta know."
"These questions might seem strange."
My lighthearted warning made him smirk. "Everything about ya is strange, my boy."
"Where am I?"
The question seemed to stump the old man. "Do ya mean the town or..." Augustus trailed off, unsure of what I was asking.
"Town, country, continent, etc."
"Well," Grandpa Reed began slowly in surprise. "This is Helmsforth. Specifically, the bottom rung, or as those snobs on high call it, the Slums." He explained. "The entire mountain is the city of Helmsforth, but there are sections, and we're at the bottom."
My eyes narrowed. "The farmers of this land are considered to be in the slums?"
Grandpa Reed sighed. "We help take care of the lower level at the base of the mountain. In fact, we're pretty much self-run at this point. Different lifestyle down here and almost all of our crops go ta our fellow townsfolk down here." He then used his thumb to gesture up the mountain. "Only other place we send food is ta the temple itself."
"The temple?"
Tilting his head in confusion, he spoke. "Ta Priestess Arceana and Priestess Elincia. They rule this land and oversee the temple."
"And they're humans?"
"Ya really don't know who they are, do ya?" Not responding, since I was unsure of how to, he seemed even more curious now. "They're the only High Elves in existence. They care about us down here. Been down ta visit several times as well. Powerful and kind."
This seemed very suspicious. "I'm sure they are."
Leaning forward, he whispered to me. "They rule all of Lestrania! Not something just anyone could do. Those sisters are something special!"
"High Elves? What about regular Elves? What's the difference? Also, I'm assuming Lestrania is this Country or Kingdom?"
"Elves can use magic and whatnot just like the priestesses, but not as powerful. There's a reason they rule. Aint never seen someone go toe ta toe with one of them before! Not only that, but they got wings ta float around with."
"High Elves have wings?" My question fell on deaf ears.
The old man continued as if he didn't hear me. "There are more differences, but ya'd probably be better of askin someone who knows more about the differences between magic power and whatnot. Only other thing Ah know is that those two priestesses have been around a long time. I remember them visiting when I was just a small boy. As for their exact age, ya'd have ta ask someone else, but rumor has it they're over two thousand years old." He then shrugged. "Elves live a long time, but that's longer than any Elf I've heard of."
"I will. What about Lestrania?"
"Our lovely Nation!" He replied. "Ah must admit, these questions weren't at all what I was expecting."
Smirking, I replied and leaned back. "I can imagine."
Gesturing to himself, he spoke. "May I ask a question?"
"By all means. However, there is much I am unaware of. If I can't answer, don't take it personally." I replied.
"Of course. Why're ya here?" Grandpa Reed started off.
"I'm looking for information. There's a lot I need to learn."
Augustus tapped his cane off the wooden floor below a few times. "Lost your memory?"
"...Something like that."
Bringing his hand up to his chin, he looked down in thought. "Where are ya planning on staying?"
That gave me pause. I'd been camping out in the forest for the last two days. Probably was going to do the same thing again. It'd be easy, and nothing in there seemed too dangerous. To me, anyway. Surely other people do it and won't seem weird. Although, chances are that Augustus won't allow it.
"Probably stay in the forest." I said simply.
His eyes widened, and he looked at me, stunned. "Ya don't want ta stay there, young man... All manner of dangerous critters lurk inside."
Sighing, I replied. "I know. Been staying there the last two days. Ran into a few wolves, manticores, among other things." Grandpa Reed seemed to be looking at me a little differently now and eyed my sword. "I assure you that I won't harm you in any way."
Giving a firm nod, he agreed. "If ya wanted to, ya missed the perfect opportunity ta get away with it. Manticore would've been the perfect excuse. Wasn't doubtin you or nothin. Just surprised someone can stay in that cursed place for more than a few minutes." Grandpa Reed explained.
Smirking at that, I leaned forward. "Austin did ask if I was dangerous when he found me." Augustus chuckled at that. "I've grown accustomed to sleeping in the forest. It's safe enough for me."
"That cursed place aint safe for no one." Lifting his cane, he waved in front of my nose. "Ah don't want ta hear about you goin back there. Ya can stay here for the time being until ya get your feet under you. If ya want to." He offered. "You'll get a soft bed, shower, and warm meals. Might need ya ta help around the farm here and there, but it won't be much. Harvest is still a ways off."
"Your offer is very kind, but if you're doing this because of the manticore, and you feel you must, don't." I told him. "I'm fine being on the move. I don't want you to feel guilty about my situation."
"Nonsense." He said and smacked me on the head with his cane. "Ah offered ya a place ta stay out of the kindness of my heart. You're the one who wanted ta take care of the manticore, and Ah already thanked ya for it." Shrugging, he looked outside to where Cassidy was passing with a wheelbarrow. "My Cassidy would've taken care of the body as well, but ya did it out of kindness. Just like how Ah'm inviting you into our home."
Studying the man for a moment, I answered. "You don't know anything about me..."
Smirking, he began to rock back and forth in his chair again. "Ah know enough. Saved an old man at the request of a small boy. That shows character." His smirk stayed firm.
"Well then... If you're sure, I will gladly take you up on your offer. However, I could use a guide to look around the area. Maybe show me to a library or a place to buy books? Work would also be good if you know anyone looking for someone with my skills."
Augustus's smirk grew. "Ah don't think Ah could help you, but Ah know Cassidy can. She goes into town almost every day. Takes orders for the upcoming harvest from other businesses." He then shrugged. "We trade stock sometimes with other farms in the area. Some around the other side of the mountain too."
I shouldn't be surprised. It's smart to trade crops for other goods and services. If they do it right, it might even save them money. Although it's possible, it's also to help one another out. My knowledge of the area and business practices here was almost nonexistent. There was no point speculating. However, I figured there were more farms in the area. This one, alone, was far too small to feed the entire slums.
"Ya want ta learn the area, visit the library, local business and get a job suited to your skills, Cassidy is just the girl ta help." He then winked. "After attacking you, it'll be easy ta get her ta agree."
That made me chuckle. "I bet."
"Austin!" Augustus was chuckling himself at the situation.
"Yeah, Grandpa?" Austin appeared in the doorway after we heard him run down the stairs.
"Go tell your sister Ah'd like to discuss a few things with her. When she's done, of course." With another salute, he ran off. "Ah remember when I used to be able to run like that. All that energy still amazes me, though."
"He always seems eager to help. Why is that?" I inquired.
Grandpa Reed was quiet for a moment. "Don't worry about that none. Just raised him right is all." He was frowning slightly, and his mirth from earlier was gone. "That boy had to grow up quicker than most and understands why hard work is important. Everyone around here pulls their weight." Poking me with his cane, his smirk returned. "Ah expect the same from you."
"Of course." Looking at Augustus, I spoke in a more careful tone. "I'd appreciate it if this were to stay between us. I know all this must seem strange to you, but I don't need people sticking their nose in my business."
"Ya have my word." The old man replied in a firm manner. "Seeing as how ya saved my life, it's the least Ah can do. Ya won't get no trouble from me. That Ah can promise ya. The Reed family is full of hard workers and honest folk. Our word is our bond. We tell ya were gonna do something, we do it." He then smirked. "So don't ya worry none."
The front door opened, and we soon heard the sounds of someone running towards us. Austin soon appeared by scrambling into the room and next to me. Sitting down, he merely crossed his arms and waited. Confused by this, I looked at him to see what he was doing, but the front door soon opened again. Looking back to the doorway, it wasn't long until Cassidy appeared. She noted where Austin was sitting and glanced at me with a raised brow but soon turned to her Grandfather.
Fanning her shirt, she spoke. "Ya wanted to speak to me, Grandpa?"
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