Star Eater

Chapter 18 - 18

Chapter 18:

Arthur's Point of View

Temple atop Helmsforth

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Cassidy asked me.

The Zugal had literally flown us up the side of the mountain. They had special harnesses that they put on us and simply flew as if we were luggage. It was a little funny. However, I did also get to see more of the rungs as we flew. Not for very long, but enough to see that there was a gap of sorts between the bottom rung, AKA the Slums, and the others.

Above the Slums was the first official rung on the mountain itself and not the base. The homes were flashier and seemed to be built with better materials. Think of it as a middle-class home that was well off. The streets were cleaner, and it was less crowded.

Next was the middle rung, which was right below the temple itself. It amused me that the top rung was composed of very few homes, buildings, and the temple. However, given that the middle rung was full of people who appeared to be nobles in mansions and whatnot. Everything looked almost perfect compared to the bottom two rungs, and even the merchants looked rich.

It made sense why they would limit what could be built on the top of the mountain. Didn't want too many people vying for spots and playing favorites. Plus, I assumed it kept a barrier between the people and the Priestesses, smart on their part. I was honestly impressed with their ability to keep people away.

"I'm not too scared of flying, but that was certainly an experience." Then I turned to the Zugal. "Thanks for not dropping me." I told them.

A few of them chuckled. "The thought crossed my mind a few times, not going to lie." One said and I rolled my eyes.

"And you wonder why I don't like anyone."

He shrugged, and Cassidy chuckled. "Come on. Let's get inside."

The temple stood before us at the very peak of the mountain. Part of it seemed to be etched into the peak and ended up becoming the peak itself. It really was a shining beacon to all things fantasy related. Gold archways, stone columns, flowing waterfalls flowing down the sides, and greenery growing on top of its three-story height.

"Sure are a lot of guards around here." I pointed out as we walked through the courtyard.

"The other buildings in the top rung are used by the Lestrania Guard." A voice called out, and I looked to see Arceana waiting for us up the stairs leading to the main door. "Barracks, offices, warehouses, and more are all stationed here at their headquarters." Behind her was her security detail.

"Not too far from where you can keep an eye on everything, huh?" I pointed out.

Pulling her scepter closer, she gazed down at me as Cassidy frowned. "As one of this nation's rulers, it is my duty to make sure the people who protect it have everything they need to do so." Now directly in front of her, she looked up at me. "However, one with such a suspicious mind might think I have other reasons for doing so."

Rolling my eyes at that, a smirk made its way to my lips. "Can't imagine why." Was my playful reply.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, which caught my attention, but I didn't say anything. "I'm glad you decided to take my offer. There are many things I would like to ask you. Of course, I realize some things might be personal for you, so I shall keep the questions more basic." Gesturing to the doors behind her, she spoke. "Follow me inside. I've already had a room prepared for us to talk."

"Fantastic." Was my emotionless response.

Cassidy hit my arm and glared at me. "Be nice."

"I am being nice." I replied as I looked at her.

"No, you're bein difficult. Can ya just lighten up for a minute?"

"Fine. Sixty seconds. That's all."

Groaning at my reply, Cassidy just rubbed her face exasperated. "Why did Ah expect anything different?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps lightening up will help! It??s doing wonders for me!" Then I held up nine fingers. "Nine."

"Nine?" My redheaded companion repeated, confused.

"Well, nine seconds had gone by. Figured I'd be helpful and let you know!" My fake, overly joyful tone just got a hate filled glare directed at me. "Of course, that was like sixteen seconds ago. Twenty-five." We continued walking, and no one said anything. "Forty-three." Still nothing. "Fifty-one."

Before I could continue, Arceana opened a door and gestured for us to enter. "Sixty." The Priestess said with a smirk.

Then I gestured to her as we passed. "At least she appreciated my effort." I mumbled, which got me another arm smack from my freckle faced companion.

Upon entering the room, we came face to face with Ayda and Typhon. "Hi, Arthur!" Floyd shouted from behind the door that opened.

I didn't jump. Instead, I turned towards him with a blank expression and spoke. "You're awfully cheery for someone with a broken knee." Then I looked down to see him standing on it perfectly fine. "Or was it dislocated?" I asked, unsure.

"Oh no! You definitely broke it! Thankfully, the Priestess was kind enough to fix it! Healed me right up!" Floyd informed me.

Turning to Arceana, I saw another little smirk on her lips. "Is that so? Healing wounds a specialty of yours, Priestess?"

Gesturing to me as she passed, she answered. "Healing magic is known by all with magic. It's one of the first things ever taught to most magic users. Elven curriculum demands it." Arceana stated. "Of course, most wounds are simple to heal with enough magic and enough practice."

"Which is why it's so easy for you." I added with a small nod.

Floyd and Cassidy moved over to their friends, and I didn't care where Kine was. Elincia wasn't present, which I did care about. That was a tough fight, and if she was lying in wait, it could mean trouble for me. So, I stayed on guard. If this was a trap, they'd pounce when I least expected it.

It was because of this that I looked over the room's details to be careful. There didn't appear to be any alcoves or hiding spots for guards. The room itself was very nicely furnished with beautiful furniture and plant life. Large, windowed doors let in plenty of natural light and were opened, letting in a nice cool breeze. Aside from being a sitting room that you would expect royalty to have, nothing seemed off or out of place.

Arceana sat down and gestured to the spot across from her. "As well as it is for you."

Moving towards the couch, I sat down. "I'm not sure what you mean." Was my careful response as guards took up positions around the room.

The Priestess looked off to the side where the rest of the group stood. "It escaped my notice that Ayda was in such critical condition. Using too much magic can be lethal for some Elves. Especially for those who are exceptional." Then she looked back at me. "From what I heard, you acted as a donor for her."

"Yes," I said less than thrilled. "It was certainly an experience."

"It usually is for most. However, that wasn't more than an hour ago, and yet here you are." Arceana gestured at me. "Without fatigue and looking as though you you're well rested. Intriguing if you ask me."

"Then it's a good thing no one did." My retort got me a few glares from around the room, but I ignored them as I kept my gaze focused on the Priestesses. "Cut to the chase, Priestess. Why am I here? What's the real reason you asked me to come here?"

All signs of amusement disappeared from her face as the room became quiet. The Priestess studied me as I did the same in return. Eventually, she crossed her legs as her scepter made a small ringing noise as it moved slightly. Turning her attention from me, she glanced at her scepter for a moment.

Raising her free hand, she made a motion and spoke. "Bring it in." The Priestess ordered.

The doors behind her opened, and in came a group of guards carrying a body bag. This amused me as they moved to the space directly between the Priestess and me. To my surprise though, they simply dropped it, and moved out of the way. Arceana's hands lit up in her white aura, and the body bag slowly unzipped.

"I'm sure you recognize this man." The Priestess said.

I shrugged. "Kind of. As I said, there were a lot of them, and all of them were wearing cloaks that masked their appearances."

"But, you recognize the cloak of one of your opponents?" She asked for clarification.

"I do."

"Do you know who they are? What they are?" The Priestess asked with an underlying edge in her tone.

Leaning forward, I replied. "They might've introduced themselves to me. Called themselves Ghouls."

The Priestess's eyes immediately darted to the dead body. "I thought as much. This is most disturbing." Then her gaze returned to me. "As is the fact that they were hunting you. What did they want with you?"

I shrugged again. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Ran into one group earlier and killed them." Was my nonchalant reply before gesturing to the dead Ghoul. "This group was sent to track down the one responsible." Holding up my hands, I continued. "Bad luck that I was the one they were looking for. Although, I doubt they were expecting much when they ran into me, but what can you do?" It was a rhetorical question.

"Die, apparently." Ayda said from the side, which got everyone to look at her, and I snorted in amusement from the sudden comment. "Sorry." She said with a blush before looking down at the floor.

"As inappropriate of a comment as it was, Ayda is correct. They did, in fact, die." Arceana repeated as she looked at the body once more. "Most gruesomely..." She added before leaning back to a more relaxed position. "However, this does worry me. Not only did you kill a Ghoul, you killed a little more than a dozen."


Arceana gestured to Ayda. "Aside from Ayda, only a few others would be capable of facing off with a single Ghoul. Even fewer would be able to successfully kill one." Using her scepter to tap the body, she continued. "However, you killed fourteen that we know of and another group before-hand. Yet, there isn't a scratch on you. Do you see why this would worry me?"

Again, I shrugged. "Not really. So, I killed a few ghouls without getting injured, and I'm better than your students and guards. If you're trying to make a point, I'm not seeing it."

"Only my sister and I would've been able to deal with such a large group of Ghouls. That, or we would've needed to assemble our finest guards to address the issue and deter this threat. However, a man of unknown origin appears and takes care of them without a single issue. That, my dear Arthur Pendragon, is my point." The Priestess was keeping her eyes focused on me now and wasn't even blinking.

"Worried I'm here to challenge you and your sister?" I asked as I leaned in, amused at the situation.

"Are you?" Arceana asked back.

Quirking a brow, I answered the stupid question with a question. "Would I tell you if I was?"

Her magic activated suddenly as a white aura appeared in both her hands. Moving instinctively, I launched myself from the couch and over to the Priestess. I felt magic wrap around my body and grab my ponytail to stop me. However, my sword was drawn and pointed at Arceana's throat. The Priestess's scepter was also raised at my throat as well.

Everyone in the room was stunned at the speed the two of us moved. Even the guards were unable to react. There was a smirk on Arceana's face, and it mirrored my own. My arm wasn't restrained, so I could've easily hurt the Priestess, but stopped. Just like how she left an opening on purpose. This was a test, and from her softening expression, I knew I had passed.

"It would appear I was right about you, Arthur," Arceana said as she moved back and released her hold on me. "You aren't here for my sister and I." She held up her hands to stop her guards from approaching.

Putting my sword back, I sat down. "To be honest, that was fucking stupid. Not sure how you're running a nation if that's how you act." Gesturing to her previous move, I shook my head in disappointment and the guards present seemed to reach for their weapons. "And no, I'm not." I answered her initial question. "As I told Cassidy," Gesturing to her with my head, I explained further. "I'm just passing through. Need to get some information before going on my way."

Amused at that, the Priestess giggled lightly and raised her hand to stop her guards from doing something stupid. "Now, that is something I cannot allow. Despite you questioning my judgement, I can assure you that I am of sound mind. So, you leaving isn't possible"

"And why is that?" I asked, once more on guard.

"You can't leave. You're far too valuable. How about instead, you become a Captain in our Guard...?" The Priestess offered, and the entire room went silent from shock while I just raised a brow. "I'll make it worth your while." She told me with a smile as she leaned forward.


We didn't hit our goal, but that's okay! I've decided to lower it down to 650 Power Stones for an extra chapter this week since we were so close to that! We got over 630, so I think we should be set to hit at least 650! However, if we hit 700 Power Stones, I will release an additional extra chapter as well! That's two extra chapters for Sunday if we reach 700 Power Stones!

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