Chapter 11 - 11
Chapter 11:
Arthur's Point of View
Helmsforth Slums
Another day had come and gone. Cassidy seemed to be keeping a close eye on me as I helped around the farm. They were simple tasks. Certainly, nothing too extreme, likely due to Augustus. Austin and his sister handled the main work. I was mostly just moving things from one place to another and not even for very long.
Cassidy didn't seem to approve my general attitude yesterday, but she let it go. "Looks like you're done." She commented from behind me as I stuck the last of things in the run-down barn. "The horses' good company?"
"Neigh." Was my reply.
Chuckling at that, she patted me on the back. "Well, ya didn't break a sweat with that. Come on. Let's go back into town today. See if we can't talk to the Town's Guard or Mayor. One of them is bound ta have a few jobs ready for ya." Cassidy leaned in. "Some of them get a little lazy." She whispered as if it was a secret.
"I'll take your word for it." Standing and stretching slightly made her smirk. "After you."
"Come on." As we were walking to the town, she filled me in on a few things. "First, ya need ta be aware that the guard is a little unorthodox. The Captain of the Guard is a little more carefree than he should be." Cassidy frowned slightly at that. "He's good at what he does, even if he is laid back, but it sets a bad example."
"Not a very good group of guards?"
She sighed. "No. They're all trained like every guard. Just an unordinary bunch."
"They're not like Ayda, are they?"
"Elves or?"
"Socially unaware of people's boundaries." Was my reply.
Cassidy chuckled. "Nah. They're much better than her at respectin someone's personal space. Ain't much ya gotta worry about with them. The Captain and Sergeant are both Zugal."
That made me quirk a brow. "Zugal?"
Pointing up and gesturing to one of the flying humans, Cassidy explained. "Zugal are people of the bird clans. Specifically, the dove clan. See how the wings vary from white, grey, and a cream?" The redhead pointed out, but I was more confused. "Ya really don't know nothin about this, do ya?"
"The information hasn't exactly been available to me. I just thought they were humans with wings." I defended.
"We are similar, but they're not very strong. Faster than us for sure. On land and in the air. Quick little critters." Cassidy stated. "The dove clan is the only one that reside in Lestrania though. After the Massacre, several thousand years ago, they've never returned to the north."
"What massacre is that, and why would they go North?"
"Ah need ta get you a history book. Hopefully Ayda planned to give ya that." She said, slightly annoyed, and I quirked a brow at her sudden change in attitude. "Look, Ah aint no scholar, or even educated properly. Best ta ask someone who knows more about it."
Since we just hit town, I asked a different question. "How far away is the Town's Guard place?"
Looking down, Cassidy hummed out in thought. "Good bit away. Walking, it'll take us thirty minutes or so. Its closer ta the base. The Captain's been wanting to move the Guard's Office and Barracks out here by the edge." She then gestured back to the Hollow Forest. "Closer ta the forest and all."
"You mind if I keep asking you questions till we get there?"
Putting on a bemused expression, she responded. "Ya don't like answerin questions, but ya want ta ask em. Is that right?"
I shrugged. "You don't have to answer my questions." Was my even response.
Weaving in and out of people, Cassidy eventually sighed. "Alright. What was the question again?" She asked in her southern drawl.
"What massacre occurred, and why would the Zugal go North?"
"Well, the Zueles Kingdom is to the North. Sprawling with tall trees, snow, mountains, and an untamed wilderness. There, the more violent Zugal reside. The Bird clans are made up of several more violent factions than the Dove clan. This includes the Vulture Clan, Falcon Clan, Owl Clan, and Eagle Clan." She explained.
Sighing, I kind of already figured out where this was going. "I take it they attacked the Dove Clan?"
Cassidy nodded slowly. "'Attack' is a generous way of putting it. There's a reason it's called the Massacre of Peace..." Sighing, she rubbed her head in irritation. "Ya need ta ask someone else about the details! Ah'm strugglin enough as it is! Bad things happened! A few clans were wiped out!"
"So, some things never change." I mumbled in a whisper.
"What was that?" She inquired.
"Just talking to myself. Sorry."
"No need ta apologize. Ah was just gettin a little overloaded." She then shrugged. "The Dove Clan fled and ended up seeking aid from the Elves, who were also in talks with the humans. Only thing that really brought them all together was Priestess Arceana and Priestess Elincia." Pointing her finger at me, she continued. "Ya mark my words, without them, none of us would likely be where we are today! It's a beautiful day, and peace reigns supreme!"
"They were there?"
Cassidy nodded once. "Yup."
History never gets handed down perfectly. Especially if someone is old enough to hide it or make it whatever they want. These Priestesses sound like they dabble in this world for entertainment. Something about all of it is off. Elves, High Elves, Humans, or something else entirely, you don't live that long without a few skeletons in the closet.
Another point of interest is that the Dove Clan was the only surviving clan of the Massacre of Peace. How did they know to flee? Was that in the history books? I'd be looking into it as soon as I got a little more information on this world in general. Like how many fucking races there might be. Haven't seen a dwarf, which is disappointing, but I figure it'll happen sooner or later. Hopefully.
"You alright there?" My redheaded companion asked me.
"Ya got real quiet all of a sudden."
"Was just thinking about some of the things you said."
Cassidy hummed out in thought as she looked up at me. "Ah'm surprised ya don't know none of this. Its common knowledge. At least, here it is." She said with a shrug.
Studying her after that remark seemed to surprise her. "I'm not from Lestrania." I told her.
She scoffed. "Tell me somethin Ah don't know." We must've been walking in silence for a bit because she stopped in front of a group of guards. "We're here. Let's head on inside."
The building was acting as part of the base for the mountain. Helmsforth seemed to be lined entirely of buildings and roads. This office was no different. There was a training yard, where a few younger guards seemed to be practicing. Another group was watching them, and a few were guarding the front doors. Sentry duty and all that. Although, unlike the rest of the slums, this building was made entirely of stone.
"Is Greigh here?" Cassidy asked one of the guards at reception.
The guard pointed down the hall. "The Captain is in his office. Is this an official visit?" She inquired.
"Somthin like that." The redhead replied and then started walking through the building.
"Been here before?" I asked as she navigated through the halls.
"Once or twice." She answered.
We rounded a corner and came to a hallway with only one door at the end of it. At this point, we had to be under the mountain. Even if it was only a few feet. Cassidy and I moved closer, but as we did, we heard some manner of argument coming from behind the door.
One voice was female and the other male. "Sir, we can't just move the entire station to the outskirts of town!" The woman said, obviously somewhat annoyed. "I understand why you want to, and I agree, but we don't have the funding!"
"Then we'll get the funding. I'll talk to the mayor again if I have to." The man replied.
"The mayor doesn't care! How many times have you gone to see him!?" The woman asked back, frustrated. "And how many times has he told you no?"
"A manticore wandered into one of the farms, Ziah." The man said in a matter of fact tone as Cassidy and I came to a stop. "Cassidy wasn't there, and the Reed family, who helps feed this town, almost had a huge issue. This wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last. Something always wanders out of that forest."
The female then replied. "That's why we should build a smaller station out there or a guard tower! You can't just move everyone to the outskirts of the town!"
A tired reply came from the man. "That's where we should be. Every single time something has wandered out of the Hollow Forest, the guard are always the last to know." He sounded irritated. "We should be the first responders before any civilian has to run and inform us what is happening."
"We could add more patrols around the outskirts, but it will take away from the rung above us."
Before we could listen anymore, Cassidy knocked on the door. "Who is it?" The man called out.
"It's Cass!" The redhead said loudly through the door.
The office door opened, and a Zugal greeted us. "Hey, Cass." The man said.
Cass let herself in, slapped his stomach with the back of her hand playfully. "Hey, Greigh."
My focus turned to Greigh as I studied him. Black wings, with short grey hair, clean shaven, and red armor wasn't the combination I expected. He looked at me after Cassidy walked in and seemed to be studying me as well. However, while he was, I also took note of how toned he appeared. His armor seemed almost Greek, which made mine look far more intimidating. Not only that, but he looked rather young to be a Lieutenant. Not that I knew anything about the ages here...
"Hey, Ziah." The redhead greeted the other Zugal.
The female had brownish cream-colored wings, long flowing brown hair to match, and vibrant green eyes. Her armor matched that of her Lieutenant, and I noted that both were shorter than Cassidy. Both were rather petite in stature, but were heavily armed and very aware of my presence.
"It's good to see you, Cass." The Zugal identified as Ziah replied. "Not that you're not welcome, but why are you here and who is this? The Lieutenant and I were in the middle of something."
Greigh took one more look at me before moving back to his desk. "Sergeant," He began. "It's fine. Cass usually has good reasons for visiting." Sitting down, he gestured to her as I stepped inside. "So?"
Cassidy sitting on the Lieutenant's desk, seemed to make the two guards sigh, but they ignored it for the most part. Looking around the room quickly, I saw that it was very empty looking. A few cabinets and shelves here and there, but nothing too major. No pictures, paintings, knick knacks, or plants. Just a plane grey room.
"This here is Arthur. Saved Grandpa and Austin from a manticore while I was up in the temple." The redhead stated, and they both turned to me again.
Ziah, the female Zugal, spoke in surprise. "Him?"
Even after only sitting down for a moment, Greigh stood back up and studied me even more closely. "It was you who killed the manticore at the Reed's Farmstead?" I nodded, and his eyes darted to the sword on my back. "You're trained?"
Crossing my arms, I answered. "Something like that."
Greigh seemed more on guard, which surprised me, but now he wasn't taking his eyes off me. "So, aside from introducing Arthur and telling us about the manticore, I take it there is something else you needed." He said to Cassidy but kept his eyes on me.
Both women looked at each other, and Ziah eventually spoke. "Do you two know each other?"
"Nope." I said as I decided to play this staring contest out.
"Afraid not, Sergeant." Came Greigh's reply. "But I'm interested in getting to know you, Arthur... What did you say was your last name?"
"I didn't, but it's Pendragon." I answered.
Cassidy spoke up. "Movin on. Were here ta ask if ya got any jobs needin done. Something for someone who's able ta handle a manticore."
Leaning back in his chair, but never breaking eye contact with me, he replied. "I might. However, I'll need to look through a few files before getting back to you. How about you come back tomorrow." The Guard Lieutenant suggested.
"We'll see. Might just look elsewhere if that's the case." Was my reply.
"Well, this was a great waste of time!" Cassidy said frustrated and gave a little wave. "See y'all later." Passing me, she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the room. "Come on. We gotta get back and still have another stop ta make."
Eventually, I let her pull me, but not after I narrowed my eyes at the Lieutenant first and his red eyes did the same in return. "Yeah. Let's go." I said and followed her lead.
"See you soon, Cass!" Ziah called out, which prompted another wave from the redhead, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Greigh still staring at me as she the door closed. "Take care!"
Ignoring the incident, I followed Cassidy outside of the building and followed her to our next destination. However, as we were walking, she turned on me and glared up at me.
"What in the world was that!?" She asked as she put her hands on her hips.
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