Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist?

Chapter 463: Request

Chapter 463: Request

After the Ohanami, I was enjoying the view of the falling cherry blossoms when a letter came from Margrave Volton. I had a bad feeling as soon as Jeeves handed the letter over.

Uhh, who is it from?

It is from Margrave Volton.

At that moment, Sebastian came up from the room in the basement where the gate is installed.

A new letter arrived at the Volton mansion. It may have been urgent, so I came to deliver it.

from where?

from Yggurle Kingdom, Master.

If its Yggurle Kingdom, Princess Mimir is just next door, and yet they specifically went through Volton which is in a different country

For starters, Ill open the letter from Margrave Volton.

Uhh, lets see, lets see he wants a cherry blossom tree in his Volton Castle? Why is he talking to me about cherry blossoms trees? I dont think theres any other cherry blossom like that, but there are other cherry trees, right?

Certainly, they could be viewed if you climbed a mountain. However, it would be difficult to bring back.

They dont exist outside the mountain?


I knew it would be difficult to bring back a yamazakura (mountain cherry). But I have another question.

Also, how did Margrave Volton know that I have a cherry blossom tree?

It would seem the residents of the Sanctuary were boasting to the people from the Papeck Company who came here to sell wine

Uwaa~ so that was inevitable, huh. Wait, in that case the letter from Yggurle Kingdom

It is very likely to be similar

Did they hear about it from Princess Mimir? No, Princess Mimir should still be in the Sanctuary.

As I was thinking about how Yggurle Kingdom would have heard about it, Sebastian had pointed out a possibility, though it was only his guess.

Master, could it not have been the Spirit network?

Oh that could be. Gathering information using the Spirits has gotta be cheating.

If the Spirit network, which exists in every nook and cranny of this world, is utilized, theres no better way to gather information. Just as I was thinking if I could also do that, Sophia said that it was a bit different from that.

Takumi-sama, the Spirits are fickle, as such, it would be difficult to gather the desired information. This time, the cherry blossoms had birthed new Sakura Spirits, so the Spirits were very happy. It is likely that as a result of boasting about it to whomever, it had reached even the ears of King Yggurle by happenstance.

Oh yeah. Itd be impossible to guess how such capricious Spirits feel.

Yes. The Great Spirits can somewhat exercise self control, but


Remembering Sylph, Undine, and the other Great Spirits acting as they like in the Sanctuary like always, I sighed.

so it really was the same as Margrave Voltons. So, lets see, they want cherry blossoms in the royal palace courtyard.

The royal castle of Yggurle Kingdom does not have a garden. The castle is in beautiful harmony with natural forests and springs.

Yggurle Kingdom is a country completely inside a giant forest. Grain producing regions dotted the inside of that forest. The royal capital spreads out around the World Tree known as Yggdrasil, and the royal castle stands in harmony with nature at the foot of the World Tree.

Still, I wonder if this means we have to go to Yggurle Kingdom.

What to do if we have Dryas-samas cooperation, we would not need to go all the way there. If possible, I would prefer you to not go to the capital of Yggurle Kingdom, Takumi-sama.

You have a point. Sightseeing and commerce could still be better, but if a new tree that has never existed until now was planted at the request of King Yggurle, people would say it is an affront to the pride of Elves.

There were many extremely proud Elves living in the royal capital. It is likely that the people there would not only look at Takumi-sama with rude stares, but even with offensive remarks.

Shes right. Going to the capital of Valkyra Kingdom would be nerve-wracking, but not necessarily in the castle.

Ive met King Yggurle, the Queen, and Prime Minister Balza several times, and I knew they were not people with condescending values. On the other hand, even if I exclude extreme cases like Earl Hordia, I knew there were a certain number of people who look down on other races. And that tendency gets stronger the closer they are to the capital.

As I worried over this, a voice called out to me from behind.

Takumi-chan, you dont have to be worried.

Ah, Dryas.

For Yggurle Kingdom, you can jut give Mimir-chan a cherry blossom sprig~. Its fine to leave the rest to the Spirits.

Umm, is it okay to ask Princess Mimir for that?

Its fine~. Thats why you handle the one in Volton, Takumi-chan.

According to Dryas, the World Tree is at the capital of Yggurle Kingdom, so all they have to do is to take a cherry blossom sprig that wont wither and plant it wherever they like. And just like that, it would grow into a big cherry blossom tree in no time.

Gotcha. Then Dryas, can you give Princess Mimir the cherry blossom sprig? Ill be in charge of Margrave Voltons castle.

Leave it to Oneechan~.

Dryas will take over the request on Yggurle Kingdoms side, so Im honestly relieved.

After that, I asked the Sakura Spirits to give me a sprig.

It would be nice if its only Margrave Volton though


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