Seven Sins System

Chapter 130: Katrina's Investigation I

Chapter 130: Katrina's Investigation I

Seven Sins System Chapter 130. Katrina's Investigation I

There wasn't any anomaly encounter after that when I thought the culprit would attack us the same way. It confused me. This would also put me at disadvantage since it was Julia and me who asked Katrina to send the drones. Katrina could have thought this was my plan and I was trying to frame someone for my fame. On the other hand, the drones would also be our witnesses and showed all the evidence that I had nothing to do with all of this.

While the trio looked excited about their victory, I spent the rest of the mission in silence. Claire and Evie also didn't say anything due to my expressions. But they didn't dare to ask either. I guessed they knew I was deep in thought about what had just happened.

After we arrived at the academy, Katrina ordered the mentors to come to her office and asked the students to gather in the classroom. She didn't say anything other than that, but we knew she did it to investigate this.

Although it seemed trivial, this was a big problem and very dangerous. They were lucky since I was with them. So no one was hurt because of this incident. If this happened to normal teams, I was sure at least they came home injured. The students were still in the second semester, they didn't have much experience. Mentors would have a hard time facing the monsters since the Gas of Madness made them more fierce.

We arrived at Katrina's office and lined up in front of her. Katrina looked at us in discontent with her two assistants standing by her sides. A recording of what happened at the Wood was on the projector screen behind her.

Without saying a word, I took out the bottle from my inventory before I gave it to Katrina, who was ready with the gloves covering her hands. The same gloves also covered her assistant's hands.

"I think you should check for fingerprints. I'm sure the culprit must have left it on the bottle," said Theo out of the blue.

"That is not fair. It came from the infirmary and Dr. Allen was the one who checked it every day. His fingerprints must be there," Julia defended me without further ado.

"Then it's easy. Just look for another person's fingerprints besides his. If they don't find it, then he's the culprit," retorted Theo. I bet he did this not only for attention but also to kick me out of the academy.

"But that bottle was in the trash. The cleaning service could touch it and leave fingerprints," said Team 5's mentor.

"All cleaning services wear rubber gloves so they won't leave their prints. Besides, we can narrow the suspects. We were the ones who went to that wood. The culprit is among us, we will keep it that way," Theo said confidently.

Yet I looked calm.

"What if there are no fingerprints at all?" I lightly asked. All of us wore gloves during the mission and I always checked the bottle with my tentacles. So I didn't leave fingerprints at all. On the other hand, judging by his confidence, I was sure Theo also used gloves to touch it.

"Are you trying to say that you wiped all your fingerprints before we got here, Dr. Allen?" he asked in a sarcastic tone, glaring at me in accusation.

"I just wanted to say I also used to wear gloves when I checked the bottles. That's my habit. I know some drugs are dangerous and someone might steal one of them and use it for his own benefit. So in case of something like this, the police can check the fingerprint to find the culprit," I said in a calm tone. I turned to him. "So if the culprit was also wearing gloves, there wouldn't be any fingerprints at all." I pointed out what I mean.

He glared at me in displeasure. "You are surely as slippery as an eel, Dr. Allen." That statement showed that he didn't check it before he put his plan into action. He just assumed all the bottles in the infirmary had my fingerprints.

"I should be the one who said that." A slight cynical smile on my lips.

"Enough!" Katrina's voice made us turn to her.

"I know this will happen so I have prepared another method of investigation. Just wait here, I'm sure I'll find it soon," she announced.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I've sent an investigation team to check your rooms. The culprit needed a special tool to fill the bottle with Gas of Madness. Let's hope the culprit hasn't thrown it yet. I hope you guys don't mind it," she declared.

'Oh, she's smart,' I thought. I was surprised she could think this far.

"Isn't that too much? What if one of them steals our stuff?" said Theo in rejection. A frown on his forehead.

A confident smile blossomed on his lips. I could even catch a mockery from there since her solution could definitely catch the culprit.

"It will not happen. It was my twin sisters who led this investigation directly. I also will not interfere in your personal affairs and only focus on this matter so don't worry. Now, please have a seat." She gestured at us to sit on the sofa.

We sat and waited as Katrina asked. While I looked calm, Theo looked uneasy.

Luckily, I let my last two tentacles follow me since I thought I would need them later and I was right. I kept my poker face while moving my mosquito-shaped tentacles to my room. I needed them to take my phone and the summoning formations. I knew Katrina wouldn't do anything even if they found i, but it was better safe than sorry.

So I simply made them fly into my room, sneak in, and eat all the evidence before they turned into mosquitoes again and left. I could make my tentacles spit it out again later.

Illustration is in my discord channel

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