Seven Sins System

Chapter 128: Gas of Madness I

Chapter 128: Gas of Madness I

Seven Sins System Chapter 128. Gas of Madness I

Five minutes later, after the other teams arrived, we finally managed to kill all the monsters, either the Brown Lice or Dung Beetle.

"Did everyone save?" Theo shouted as if he was the most meritorious of all of us, completely ignoring that his shout could bring more monsters to us. He turned his body around and swept his gaze to all of us.

"We are, sir," answered the students in a much lower voice than his. They knew they had to answer or he would keep shouting.

The other mentors frowned at him, but they didn't say a word since they were busy checking their own team and reporting this attack to the academy. Besides, Theo was the 'hero' of this accident. He was the first to arrive at this place so they couldn't say anything.

Meanwhile, I was busy with others. After checking that no one was near me or following me, I bent one of my knees in front of a hole the beetle came from and extended my hand to it.

Soon, my tentacle-shaped mouse brought a glass bottle commonly for medicine. From the shape, I was sure it came from the Clourmity Academy. But instead of missing the sleeping drugs, the big red X with the date on the bottom of the bottle indicated that it was the medicine bottle that I threw away. I marked it to make sure no one used it.

I took it and let my tentacle transform into their original mini form before they slipped into my skin. There was no label on that bottle. There was only a slight blue residue with a pungent smell at the bottom. I brought it to my nose and smelled it.

The smell of rotten fish mixed with burned corpses pierced my nose. My eyes widened once I realized what it was.

'Gas of Madness...' I thought as I pushed the bottle away from my nose. That was the main reason why The Dung Beetles suddenly went berserk for no reason when my announcement didn't find any anomaly around here.

Despite its name, Gas of Madness was a liquid, not a real gas. But it would evaporate and turn into gas once someone opened the container. It was a drug commonly used by mortals in monster gladiators to force the monsters to fight against each other. It would stimulate their nerves and put them into a rage. As a result, they would kill each other. It was an illegal competition for the rich that still existed today.

I glanced at the mentors.

'The culprit must be one of them.' I didn't think the students had the guts to do this. This person could also be related to the culprit or even he is the culprit himself.

'Or maybe…' I shifted my glance to Theo. As usual, he was approaching Julia and asked how she was. While she completely ignored him and concentrated on the other team.

He was the main suspect considering I saw him stalking me near the infirmary. The reason? I bet it was because he wanted attention. I took everyone's attention on the last mission, so I was sure he didn't want that anymore.

Moreover, it was clear from how he fought the Beetle before. Instead of teaming up with Team 5, he attacked the monster alone. He even did not allow his team to attack and acted like he was alone. On the other hand, he also ordered them to set up an attack formation and prepare themselves.

On the other hand, he didn't let any of them help me including team 5, so he didn't lose his audience.

I decided to play a trick on him. I turned and lifted the bottle, showing it to the others.

"I found something interesting here," I announced.

Everyone's gaze turned to me. Some immediately approached me without further ado. Including Julia.

"What's that?" asked Julia curiously once she was near me. The others also showed the same question on their faces.

I lowered my hand and brought the tip of the bottle to their nose. Some immediately scrunched their noses due to the pungent smell. The others immediately turned their faces in other directions and coughed.

"It's Gas of Madness," I stated.

"Isn't that illegal? Why is it here?" asked one of the mentors.

"So that is the reason why those monsters attack my team," said another mentor.

"Does that mean someone pulled a cruel prank on us?" guessed Team 5's mentor.

"I think the culprit should be one of us," I said as I showed the X-red mark at the bottom of it. "This bottle is from the academy. I always make this mark and put the date when I discard it. The culprit couldn't possibly use this by chance."

"That's crazy!" said one of them. The others exchanged glances and murmured to each other. Only Theo didn't react, instead, his eyes fixed on the bottle.

"I think---" One of them was just about to let out their voice, but he stopped after Theo suddenly tried to snatch the bottle from me. I quickly moved my hand the other way due to his sudden movement, avoiding him.

"What are you doing? You could break it!" I asked in displeasure.

The other mentors also turned to him and frowned upon his reckless action.

"I just want to check it," he replied. He opened his hand, asking me to give it to him. His eyes that were looking at me were filled with clear arrogance.

"You can check it later after I give it to Miss Katrina," I refused.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because this is important evidence and I was the one who found it, so I'm the one who will give it to her," I insisted. From his attitude, I was sure it was his.

But he didn't care.

"Give me that bottle, Dr. Allen," he demanded in a firm voice once again.

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