Seven Sins System

Chapter 103: Unexpected Summon IV

Chapter 103: Unexpected Summon IV

Seven Sins System Chapter 103. Unexpected Summon IV

Feeling this had something to do with my mission, I lifted the board once again and turned it around. I observed the summoning formation to make sure it was the right formation to summon me. I looked at every carve, inscription, symbol, and indentation in the formation and didn't find any difference. It was my summoning formation. But why did it say the ancient one?

Previously, Claire had also mistakenly called me, but that was purely her fault. She misread the faint writing at the bottom of the paper and thought it was to call 'Lust' since it mentioned Love. While this was completely different and the writing was clear.

"What is he doing?" Barry asked Ion in a low voice. Their eyes observed my every move.

"It seems he likes the board," whispered Ion.

I lowered the board and put it on the table. My red eyes fell on them again.

"Hiiii…" They shuddered in horror and gritted their teeth.

"Did you guys clean the board?" I asked.

"No, sir. We only brought it from the library," Darren replied.

That meant someone just put the board there. Which meant my guess was right. There was someone who deliberately spread the summoning formation in the library.

'This is bad… that guy could have used those kids to summon the demons to this realm.' If that happened then it would be even harder for me to track who the culprit was.

"Have you seen any suspicious people around here recently?" I asked again.

It made them frown.

"What kind of suspicious people do you mean, sir?" Ion asked.

I tried to find a suitable explanation for this question since I was also having a hard time explaining who I was looking for. I didn't even know what, who he/ she was, or his/her characteristics.

"It's either male or female. He/she has above-average strength, is strong, and can move quickly. Also, he/she just came recently." That was the only clue I could give since I was sure the culprit wasn't that stupid as to sneak around like a thief in the library or bring the Ouija Board openly.

I came to this conclusion since only a high-level warrior could escape from the monster horde in the forest.

They exchanged glances. Their confusion was evident on their faces.

"Is there such a person?" Ion asked.

"I don't know," said Barry, shrugging.

'It seems like asking them is pointless,' I thought. Well, I didn't put much hope in them from the start so I wasn't too disappointed in their answer.

"I think I know one," said Darren suddenly.

It made all of us turn to them.

"Who?" said Ion and Barry in unison.

Darren turned to me and gave me a serious look.

"He is our mentor. Dr. Allen."

I facepalmed myself.

'Ah of course… That's me.' Even though it sounded as if they sold me to the devil, I couldn't blame him since I did indeed meet all the criteria.

"Is there anyone else?" I asked again.

They fell silent, deep in thought once again.

"I can't think of anyone more than him," Darren replied.

"Same," added Barry.

"I see. Thank you for answering my question," I decided to end this.

Unexpectedly, they were stunned by what I said. Their eyes were fixed on me and their mouths were half open.

"What?" I asked in confusion upon their reaction, frowning in confusion.

"You said thank you," said Barry. His tone showed how surprised he was by those simple words.

'Oh crap!' It just slipped out of my mouth.

"He is more polite than an entitled kid," Darren whispered to Ion. To which he answered with a nod.

"Entitled kid? Really? I'm not that low you know," I protested.

"Uh, well. It's just an example," Darren added quickly.

I decided to ignore them and ended this conversation.

Assuming the board was another piece of evidence, I scanned it.

[Evidence number 6 has been found. The mysterious Ouija Board.]

"Since you guys called me just to play around, I will go now," I decided to wrap everything up.

But before I teleported myself, Barry spoke again.


'Did he say wait?' I was stunned by his courage. This was the first time a mortal stopped me when I wanted to leave.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Uh… since you're here. Can we take a picture? You know, just for personal collection," he asked in doubt.

"Personal collections? Have you ever summoned another devil before?" I asked, frowning in confusion.

"No, sir. It's just for our memento," Darren explained what he meant.

"A selfie also is fine," Barry added.

"Just once," I agreed. What they didn't know, the black smoke was my demonic power. So a plain camera would not be able to record it. Only certain cameras could do that. It was different if I was in my true form.

"Thank you." Wasting no time, Barry quickly grabbed his phone and pointed it at me.

"Say cheese!" he said.

I didn't say a word. But he still took a couple of pics and quickly put his phone in his pocket.

"Once again, thank you, sir," he said in gratitude.

"My business is done. Bye, kids. You better not call me anymore or any other devils. If you do it again, I will cut your head and hang it in my room," I threatened them.

"Aye, sir!" they say in unison.

After that answer, my body slowly disappeared. Just like my teleportation skill, the next time my dark aura was dispersed, I was already in my room.

Like a statue, I stood in the middle of the room. My mind was deep in thought. The words on the board repeated in my head.

'The Ancient One will be the only future of the three realms. In his palms, the realms will either be destroyed or guarded.'

"The Ancient One…" I repeated. "But why did it called me The Ancient One?" I muttered in confusion.

Note: I just added In*cest tag. It will start at chapter 137

>Read the original on /book/seven-sins-system_23117939105028405

Author note:

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