Return of the War God

Chapter 5516: destroy

Chapter 5516: destroy


The thoughts in his heart were surging like waves, but Ye Wuque didn't seem to have changed at all on the surface, he was still looking at the immortal host with no expression on his face.

All the creatures in the realm were caught in an indescribable shock and trance, and the needle fell between the heavens and the earth to be heard!

And the immortal poster who told this greatest secret history, his expression was also surging with unconcealable emotion and sigh at this moment.

"How could the truth of history be like this?"

"How do you believe this?"

"The true face of Human Domain..."

"Our ancestors, our roots, our past!"

A celebrity creature suffered an unimaginable shock and could not calm down.

"Indestructible landlord!"

At this moment, the voice of Jiu Xian Zhizun sounded again. She took a deep breath, her tone was still low, but she seemed to suppress the shock in her heart for a while, staring at the immortal host, and slowly continued to speak.

"The truth you tell is whether it is true or not, what we want to know is..."

"Why do you know all this?"


"Who is it?"

"Being able to know these taboo secrets, you will never be just an indestructible landlord. What is your true identity?"

Jiu Xian Zhizun's voice is not high, but with an undisguised doubt, there is also a touch of Ruoyouruuowu hostility.

After all, all these secrets from the immortal landlord are too shocking to the world, and it is by no means a "human domain creature" who has the right to know!

So who will know? ?

The answer is ready!

Following the questioning of Jiu Xian Zhizun, almost all the creatures in the domain woke up from trance and horror in an instant, regained their sobriety, and immediately watched the masterpiece in their hearts, all staring at the immortal poster!

Ye Wuque also looked at the indestructible poster, and he also wanted to see how the indestructible poster would answer.

In the face of Jiuxian Supreme's questioning, the immortal poster did not seem surprised, his face only showed a touch of distant emotion and gloom, and slowly spoke again.

"After exiling those sinful creatures to'Exiled from Prison', it doesn't mean that you can sit back and relax!"

"Controlling the movement, mentality, etc. of all sinful creatures at any time. These are necessary to prevent these sinful creatures from doing things in the exile prison and causing many slaughters again!"

"Moreover, if you encounter some serious sinners who have not repented, you need to get rid of them in time!"

"and so"

"In the'Exiled Prison', there will be...monitoring agents!"

"I was ordered to enter the exile, and at the right time, build up the right forces, monitor everything, and give feedback in time."

"According to the rules of the ancient forces, there are two lines of supervision who enter the'Exiled Prison'."

"One light and one dark, one simple and one complex, the inside should be combined with the outside."

"While monitoring the sinful creatures together, we also... monitor each other and check and balance each other!"

"but me"

"It is a special supervisory agent who represents the bright face!"

At this moment, the immortal poster finally spit out his true identity, which shocked all the creatures in the domain again.

Ye Wuque, who had been listening quietly, had his eyes moved at this moment, and he realized it in his heart for an instant, and he said directly: "Then the other supervising envoy representing the'dark side' is... the Emperor Clan?"

As soon as these words came out, all the creatures in the domain were shocked again!

The indestructible poster looked at Ye Wuque, and slowly nodded and said: "Yes, the Huangtian clan is the dark side monitor."

After getting this affirmative answer, all creatures in the realm suddenly realized that everything seemed to make sense.

No wonder the Huangtian clan possesses such terrifying power!

No wonder the Huangtian clan is so mysterious and unpredictable, almost never appearing in the human domain, but it has a great reputation and can be called a legend.

It's no wonder that the Huangtian clan is full of disdain when mentioning the creatures in the human domain, calling this a prison and despising everyone.

"In fact, in the past, the'Huangtian Clan' was not the name, but later, as their power slowly grew and reached a terrifying level, it was changed to this name."

"As long as it is a creature, there will be ambition and greed!"

"Even if it's an inspector?"

"From ancient times to the present, are there few examples of dragon slaying warriors turning into evil dragons?"

The indestructible host didn't know if it was self-deprecating or sarcasm with a sneer.

"In fact, at the beginning, both of our lines were still conscientious. In terms of strength, the emperor clan surpassed me, because there was more than one person in their line, and I was just alone."

"But compared to the strength of the Huangtian clan, my advantage is that I have had a special inheritance, blended with the lifeblood of'Exiled Prison', and I can live forever as long as I am in'Exiled Prison'! My strength will be affected."

"The Huangtian clan does not have a long life, but their strength can continuously break through."

"The so-called one simple and one complex is the truth."

"With the development of time, the Huangtian clan has been passed down from generation to generation, and has reproduced its own bloodline, and their place is called the'Huangtianyu', which is in the depths of the void of the'Exiled from Prison'."

"And I have always been equally loyal, monitoring the sinful souls exiled from prison, year after year, never slacking off."

"In the first millennium, our two channels were conscientious and conscientious, following the laws and rules of the ancient forces. According to the rules, every hundred years, our two channels are eligible to temporarily leave the'exile prison'. With the approval of the ancient forces, Open the exit of "Exiled Prison" and return to the ancient forces to receive awards and promotion."

"Each award is an unimaginable honor and gift for both of us," which enables our strength to advance by leaps and bounds every time. "

"This is also the cultivation and reward of the ancient forces for the dedication disciples!"

"Slowly, as time goes up, our two veins are excited and anticipating from the very beginning, and then it doesn't matter, as it should be, even greed and dissatisfaction."

"But even so, one thousand years, two thousand years, five thousand years, ten thousand years...Time is still slowly passing by. Our two lines are still working hard, still fulfilling our responsibilities, and we hope that one day we can successfully leave the'exiled prison'. , Back to the real outside world, soaring into the sky!"

"Because the monitoring agents monitor each other, it is not that the true emperor of the mountain is far away. Moreover, the'Exiled Prison' is part of the ancient power, so no matter how careful you think, you can only keep it in your heart, let alone, the'Exiled Prison' Its been smooth sailing, and there are also problems."

"But just when we thought we would continue to do so, and our strength was gradually improved, until a certain year, unimaginable terrible things happened!"

"Just when the'hundred-year period expired', our two veins discovered a terrible fact!"

"The exit of'Exiled Prison' can't be opened!"

"To be precise, the ancient forces outside did not open the exit of the Exiled Prison as usual!"

"We are both frightened! Because something like this has never happened before, and it shouldn't happen!"

"The ancient forces have strict laws, step by step, everything is perfect, perfect and meticulous, and there will be no mistakes!"

"But the facts are in front of us, and we can't tolerate our disbelief!"

"No matter how we call or contact, there is always no news from the outside world. In the end, we can only turn back and temporarily suppress it."

"I discussed with the Huangtian clan, and in the end I could only think that something might have happened, which caused the ancient forces to forget to open the door to the'exiled prison'."

"So we can only wait for the next 100-year agreement to come! It will definitely be reopened by then."

"But another hundred years later, the door still hasn't opened!"

"Two hundred years, three hundred years, five hundred years, until a thousand years!"

"The door of'Exiled Prison' has never been opened again!"

Having said this, an extremely complex expression appeared on the face of the unquenchable poster, which seemed to be mixed with disappointment, horror, unwillingness, anxiety and so on.

"Finally, Huangtian and I came to an extremely terrifying and unacceptable conclusion..."

"The reason why the ancient forces outside did not open the'Exiled Prison' anymore is because the ancient forces have suffered annihilation!"

"The entire force, within this thousand years, was completely destroyed...all to death!"

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