Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 792 792: Each Have Their Own Advantage!

Chapter 792 Chapter 792: Each Have Their Own Advantage!


Meanwhile, Meng Yue and Ye Youling were already fighting back and forth for more than ten minutes.

Meng Yue created many things such as flame crows, lightning spears, transparent wind blades, and so on to attack Ye Youling.

Ye Youling would either steal Meng Yue's creations and use them to attack Meng Yue back, or she would seal them using her Night Shadow curtain.

In everyone's eyes, Meng Yue and Ye Youling were completely fighting on equal ground in these ten minutes.

But only both of them knew that neither of them were fighting using their fullest true abilities yet until this point.


Meng Yue unleashed three purple lightning spears toward Ye Youling, but Ye Youling stole one of them and threw it back to meet the other two purple lightning spears.

All of the purple lightning spears exploded, while Ye Youling still remained untouched.

Meng Yue and Ye Youling were floating in the sky while facing each other.

Ye Youling sneered mockingly at Meng Yue, while Meng Yue lazily yawned instead.

Meng Yue lazily said to Ye Youling: "Hey, Is that all of your abilities? This has gotten so boring. I am already tired after watching you use them again and again."

"Moreover, I cannot sense even any trace of passion to win from you. You are so strange, and I do not like you at all." Meng Yue added honestly.

Ye Youling sneered creepily at Meng Yue and replied: "I am very sorry for making Miss Meng Yue so bored. Then I will step up the level of our game, but I hope Miss Meng Yue can hold on and entertain me for a bit longer."

Ye Youling spread her hands as she activated her other hidden divine ability!

[Life Drain]~!

All of the plants such as trees and grasses around the arena were rapidly dried as if their life force were sucked dry by something horrible!

Even Meng Yue could feel that the vitality energy in her body was sucked little by little!

Meng Yue frowned a bit while muttering: "Oh, this divine ability... An identical divine ability to Undead Race's innate skill?"

Ye Youling grinned even more widely as she proudly said to Meng Yue: "That is right~! With this divine ability, I will have almost unlimited stamina and energy! I can fight non-stop without getting tired while you will only get more tired and weaker as time goes on~!"

"Our battle should be the battle of attrition. You can create anything with your divine abilities, while I can steal and seal your creation with my divine abilities. Our strengths should be on par with each other, but the one who ran out of energy first will be the loser."

"Unfortunately for you, I have this [Life Drain]~! Hehehehe... With this [Life Drain], you will no longer stand a chance to win against me!"

"I am so sorry, Miss Heaven's Favored Child of the Fox Clan~! But you have to hand over your crown to me today~! Hahahahaha~!" Ye Youling laughed out loud delightfully as if she already had 100% complete confidence that she would win this final match against Meng Yue.


Tang Li Xue widened her topaz blue eyes in shock and muttered: "[Life Drain]? Undead Race's innate skill? Err, that divine ability almost resembles my [Essence Devouring Technique]?!"

Unfortunately, Tang Li Xue's [Essence Devouring Technique] still required a physical connection with the target in order to work.

Of course, that weakness in [Essence Devouring Technique] was not without any solution.

In fact, Tang Li Xue had already found the solution to that problem some time ago...

Yes, by combining her [Essence Devouring Technique] with [Energy Manipulation], it would no longer require any physical connection with the target for it to work!

However, the problem right now was that the radius was still very limited, maybe only a few meters from her.

If she managed to solve the radius problem, then completely integrated [Essence Devouring Technique], [Energy Manipulation], and [Art of Concealment], Tang Li Xue was 100% sure that her version would definitely surpass Ye Youling's [Life Drain]!

Tang Li Xue sighed: 'Forget it... My [Essence Devouring Technique] complete version is still far from ready, so how could I already compare it to Ye Youling's [Life Drain]?!'

Tang Li Xue stared at Meng Yue with a worried expression while murmuring softly: "Now what will you do, Meng Yue? If it keeps going like this, you will certainly get exhausted first sooner or later, so you better do something very quickly before that happens."


Meng Yue puckered her pink lips cutely and uttered in a displeased tone: "You talk as if you have already won. Does that something called [Life Drain] give you that much confidence to win against me?"

"That might be an amazing ability, but it does not mean you will become invincible just because you have it. Even the strongest god from the Undead Race can still be killed by a human."

"Undead Race surely has their own advantage, but the Human Race and we, the Beast Race, also have our own unique racial advantage. I think there is no need for us to go that far until we have to replicate the other race's advantage." Meng Yue stated in a solemn tone.

Meng Yue's words were clearly not only addressed to Ye Youling but also to the other foxes including their higher-ups and top leaders.

In Meng Yue's eyes, Ye Youling was actually the result of the top leaders' distrust of her and the other Fox Clan's younger generation.

Because if the higher-ups and top leaders of the Fox Clan fully trusted them, there should be no need for them to go that far until they experimented with integrating the Undead Race's innate racial skill for creating someone like Ye Youling.

Ye Youling snorted disdainfully while saying coldly to Meng Yue: "You still dare to act tough until now. I really want to see if your strength is really as tough as your mouth!"

Ye Youling raised her palm and made a grasping motion.


A pitch-black spear suddenly appeared and stabbed Meng Yue from behind until it completely pierced Meng Yue's chest!

Meng Yue: "???!!!"

Meng Yue was extremely surprised when her vitality energy and life force were actually drained rapidly by the pitch-black spear!

"Hehehehe... I make that spear by combining my [Life Drain] ability with my sealing-type divine ability! You might be able to cure all of your wounds easily with your [Aurora Creation Domain], but I want to see if you can also recover your vitality energy and life force~!" Ye Youling sneered maliciously at Meng Yue.

The pitch-black spear sucked Meng Yue's vitality energy and life force until her body turned into a dried corpse, and she fell helplessly from the sky.

"No, it can't be?! Meng Yue really lose?!" Tang Li Xue widened her topaz blue eyes and shouted in disbelief.

Even the other foxes such as Lei Qian'er, Bai Huohuo, and so on found it hard to believe that Meng Yue would really lose.

For God's sake, this was their Fox Clan's Heaven's Favored Child, so how could she lose to a dark horse that was the result of an experimental subject?!

Ye Youling already laughed out loud in excitement as if declaring her victory on the hologram projection screen.

When everyone was already sighed and groaned in great disappointment, something out of their expectation has happened on the hologram projection screen!

Just before Meng Yue's dried corpse could touch the ground, the scene seemed to suddenly reverse!

It was like the surrounding time seemed to be turned back!

Meng Yue's body flew upward toward the sky and recovered back to usual while the pitch-black spear that pierced her chest retreated and disappeared as if it never had existed before.

Meng Yue shook her long blue hair while blushing in embarrassment and said: "Kuuuhhh~! It is so embarrassing~! My mistake~! Let's restart it again, okay~?!"

Tang Li Xue: "....."

Everyone who watched on the screen: "....."

Hey, hey, hey, that was clearly not the time for you to be embarrassed, okay?! At least say something cool to fit your image as Heaven's Favored Child of the Fox Clan!

But despite that, everyone including Tang Li Xue was still sighed in relief when they saw Meng Yue was all right.

'I almost forgot that she still have that weird skill to turn back the time...' Tang Li Xue thought while patting her forehead in embarrasment.

She had already suffer so much from Meng Yue's skill to turning back the time before, that was the reason why she felt really embarrassed right now.

Then Tang Li Xue suddenly realized something extremely horrible...

"Wait a minute... Since Meng Yue can use her domain to turn back the time, does it mean she can also recover her stamina, life force, and vitality energy using it? Holy cow, so it means she also has inexhaustible energy?!" Tang Li Xue exclaimed in surprise.

In short, their battle would work like this from now on...

Ye Youling could drain Meng Yue's stamina, life force, and vitality energy to remain never tired.

While Meng Yue could use her domain or skill to turn back the time to completely recover her wounds, stamina, life force, and vitality energy.

"Damn, does it mean this battle would go endlessly, or it might end up in a draw?!" Tang Li Xue murmured in an unsure tone.

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