Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 145: A Fragment of a Demon's Soul

Chapter 145: A Fragment of a Demon's Soul

James Branzuela nodded in satisfaction and he didn't interfere with Calvin's talk with the Captain anymore. 

Ron Samuel turned to Calvin and said, "Your class is Writer and your Aspect is a quill pen. It's obvious that a pen has no offensive capabilities, at all but worry not..."

"A Predator's Aspect is indestructible."

"If you are creative enough, then I guess you should be able to find several ways to use your Aspect's indestructibility to your advantage." 

"I said that the Writer class has no offensive capabilities, whatsoever but that didn't mean that they cannot go on the offensive. There are records in the Library regarding the flexibility and niche of the Writer class..."

"I apologize, but I don't have that much knowledge when it comes to the Writer class given that it is so rare. In fact, out of the thousands of books in the Library, only a handful of them has any useful information related to your class!"

Calvin let out a sigh, "Does this mean that my class really is useless after all?"

"Nope, that is not the case... You just have to discover and be creative..."

"That is probably the reason why the Goddess bestowed upon you the blessing of such a class!"

"You might be the creative type of person." Ron Samuel tried so hard to encourage Calvin to the extent that Calvin knew that he couldn't pretend to be downtrodden anymore.

A smile appeared on his lips as he said, "All right, I'll keep Captain's words in my heart."

"Now what should I do next, Captain? I will be accepting this mission order, do I have to do something so that they will recognize my acceptance or just not returning the envelope containing the mission order enough to signify my acceptance for the job?" Calvin asked. 

"Yes... It's considered as an acceptance of the mission order if the envelope containing it isn't returned. But before you go, there is something that must be done. I won't let you go until we've done it." Ron Samuel said with this mysterious smile on his face. 

Calvin pretended to be scared of what was about to happen, even though he already knew what was coming.

Ron Samuel glanced at the others before he stood up and said to Calvin, "Follow me to the second floor."

Calvin didn't say anything much, he stood up and walked to that room again on the second floor. 

"Take out your Aspect." Ron Samuel instructed.

The golden quill pen materialized once again.

"What are we going to do with my Aspect, Captain?" Calvin asked in curiosity.

His interest elicited a smile on Ron Samuel's face, "We will infuse your Aspect with the soul of a demon!"

"The soul of a demon...?" Calvin's pupils constricted. 

"Yes, a demon. Or in proper business terms, the soul of an evil-attributed being."

"We Cavaliers are the spears and shields of the Goddess, to be able to do our job properly we must have the ability to harm those that dare to harm the followers of the Goddess and those who live in the lands of Las Felipinas..." 

"Fight fire with fire... This is the most that we can do for we are only humans." 

"By infusing the soul of a demon into our Aspect, our Aspect would possess the ability to vanquish demons that constantly roam the lands..."

"Even if your Aspect does not possess any offensive abilities at all, this part is very important and must not be skipped. However, only you can infuse the soul of a demon in your Aspect." Ron Samuel emphasized.

"You're not going to help me, Captain?" Albeit excited that Ron Samuel wouldn't interfere, Calvin still had to pretend that he was a newbie, thus he must act as if he was worried and scared.

"As much as I would love to lend you a hand, I cannot do it. Infusing the soul of a demon in your Aspect involves diving into your subconscious..."

"If I was a Spiritual Medium like the Wise One, I would've been able to help you, but alas, I am not. But well, I'm pretty sure that you should be able to succeed. After all, the holder of a Golden Class should be a man of talents." Ron Samuel praised.

Calvin feigned worry in his eyes, but in the inside, he was delighted.

Ron Samuel was correct.

Diving into the unconsciousness of someone else required expertise that the Cavaliers lacked.

Even though they weren't bad when it came to Spiritualistic Rituals, they still lacked the profound understanding necessary to dive safely into the subconscious of someone else and guide them from the inside.

However, Ron Samuel was the Captain of this branch's group of Cavaliers.

He should be able to guide Calvin in his subconscious, but Calvin reckoned that Ron Samuel mustn't be that confident seeing that he was purposely withholding such information to him. 

Or could it be that...

Ron Samuel was testing him?

Calvin revealed a smile, "It's okay, Captain... Just tell me what to do and I will do my best in my own way." 

Ron Samuel stared at Calvin for a while before he smiled and approached one of the cabinets in the room.

Opening one of the drawers, he opened his palm and revealed a vial containing a wisp of something floating and squirming in it. The dark colour of the creature contained in the vial made it look sinister, sending a shiver down the spines to those that dare to stare at it directly.

"This... In here is the soul of a demon..." 

"The soul of a demon...?"

"Yes, I know what you are thinking. You must probably be thinking about why is it so small. The reason is that this is just a fraction of the demon's soul..."

"You've recently just become a member of the Cavaliers and you are still too weak to handle even half of a demon's soul. But since all fresh recruits require the assistance of a demon's soul to strengthen their Aspect and to be able to do their job properly..."

"The church is forced to gather the tainted soul of these sinister beings in such small quantities so that the fresh recruits that have no real experience whatsoever would be able to endure the murmurings of these bastards." Ron Samuel patiently explained.

"Murmurings?" Calvin asked.

"Yeah, murmurings..." Ron Samuel flashed a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry... You will soon understand what I mean and why is it so hard to resist the temptation of demons..."

Ron Samuel hurled the vial towards Calvin's direction.

"Ah!" Calvin scrambled to catch the vial in mid-air, but even though he struggled he still managed to catch it.

"Why did you throw it at me, Captain?!" Calvin couldn't help but scream. 


"I was just testing your reflexes..." 

"You could've tested it with safer methods! Not throwing a fragment of a demon's soul so casually as if it was garbage!" Calvin scolded.

"All right, all right, don't scold me now. I don't want you to become the second Ashlynn or James." 

"Oh? Do they scold you like this every day? It must be because you are doing something bad, Captain. Those two do not strike me as people that scold others without any rhyme or reason."

"Scold you? How so?" Calvin suppressed the urge to laugh as he probed even further.

Ron Samuel clicked his tongue and said, "Those two are just picky, especially Ashlynn... She has no idea what a true gourmet coffee tastes at all! And she actually dared to scold me, saying that I have no sense of taste?" 

Calvin maintained the smile on his face and he didn't dare to ask anymore lest Ron Samuel detected that Calvin was just purposely leading him on. Fortunately, Ron Samuel wasn't really keen on talking about that topic as he walked towards the door and slapped a piece of paper on the four walls of the room.

"What are you doing, Captain?" 

"I'm adding some Sigil of Protections on the wall."

"Sigil of Protections?"

"Yup... And guess who are they protecting?"

"Well, it should be us...?"

"Nope! These Sigil of Protections can only contain."

"I am protecting the outside world so that if some accident happened, say you failed and descended into depravity after listening to the murmurings of the demon soul contained in that vial..."

"I will be able to eliminate you without leaving any traces nor damaging the outside world, thanks to these Sigil of Protections." Ron Samuel smiled.

Calvin didn't know what to say. He gave a dry laugh as he watched Ron Samuel stick those pieces of paper onto the wall. Eventually, he nodded his head in satisfaction and turned to look at Calvin, "You may now open that vial and swallow its contents in one gulp." 

"Wait, I'm supposed to swallow it?" Calvin stared at the squirming contents of the vial in his hands in a daze.

"Yup... That's the second-fastest way of introducing the demon's soul into your body."

"The second fastest way? Then, what's the fastest way?" 

"Do you really want to know? I'll give you a hint, that method is similar to introducing medicine into one's body the fastest way possible." 

"Yes, I would rather do that than drink this vile thing!" Calvin complained. But to be honest, he didn't really mind if he had to swallow this fragment of a demon's soul. He had consumed all sorts of disgusting things in the previous timeline just to survive. A fragment of a demon's soul was nothing compared to them.

However, since Calvin needed to make sure that his acting was on point. He must act like a completely normal newbie. 

Calvin was proud of his acting skills, but no one prepared him for Ron Samuel's answer to his question. 

"Don't hesitate, Captain. No matter what it is, I'd rather do it than drink this vial!" 

Ron Samuel stared at Calvin with a strange expression on his face, "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes! I'm more determined than ever!"

"All right, then pull down your pants."

"Yes, I'll do just tha what?"

Ron Samuel raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing standing there? Hurry up and pull down your pants, then if you're a man. Stick that vial up your ass so you can absorb it faster than swallowing it!"


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