Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 356: Agatha (54)

Chapter 356: Agatha (54)

If thought from someone else's perspective, while his actions showed that he still cares, Jiang Li still seemed to be quite cruel on Margarette as he constantly did stuff similar to that incident without letting her see him. It was like he kept giving hope that he was near, yet in actuality, he was so distant. 

On one hand, the system was really correct for calling him very vengeful. 

But on another, it was also because he found her previous actions unacceptable.

One should not take a person for a substitute for another. It does not matter if that person was still him or not, or if the other party was aware of it or not. No one with the least bit of self-respect should tolerate their partner seeing another's face or soul in them. Jiang Li was especially sensitive about this since he was a world-hopper. No matter what identity he wore in every world, he was clear that all that belonged to him was his soul... 

What about her?

The fact remained how he reached out to her several times before his points were emptied out, yet she ignored all of it. 

He didn't want to not forgive, but forgetting, that one thing which he considered the key to forgiveness, was proving to be a fight more difficult than imagined. Even now he was sure the girl only wanted him back for that damnable previous incarnation of his! He knew because he never truly stopped observing her.

To be honest, the thought really made Jiang Li unhappy.

His unhappiness was channeled into his pursuit to become a deity.

Thankfully, there was more to learn about the continent, magic, and divinity so there were things to distract him. Thankfully too, he had long become familiar with how to enter the Church of Wisdom without being spotted. Where else could he access a very wide array of knowledge? What else but reading from the church's archive could give him an idea where to start?

He had stayed there until the Gallaghers' schemes were exposed and the royal family's plan to rouse their Nephilim blood was foiled by the leads.

Speaking of the Gallaghers, a few funny memories surfaced in his mind.

When that particular event happened, Jiang Li was only watching from afar since he had no reason to involve himself there. His face had a hint of gloating. Those people tried so hard to come this far but they did not know that no matter what they do, they just had no way of succeeding.

How badly he wanted to say to everyone that the moment the two pairs of leads were lured into the capital, all schemes that could indirectly or directly harm them had been automatically negated in a 'reasonable' way.

One instance which Jiang Li couldn't stop laughing for an hour at was the farce staged by the royal family. And it all started from the Papal Dynasty which wanted to replace the Borley.

The Gallagher clan had enjoyed a special status in the kingdom for almost a thousand years because of their close ties with the church. But from three generations ago, they started using their secretly exiled members to dig pits for the royals. These exiled people used their last name's guarantee as servants of the Goddess of Wisdom to disillusionize the royals into thinking they were descendants of very powerful beings.

'Hey, if you don't know, you actually have a very awesome bloodline. Come and get the cure from the witch clan.'

'I assure you, uniting the continent under your rule will be as easy as pie as long as you wake up your sleeping powers.'

'Getting the witch clan to break lineage limitation will be hard? Oh. No problem, our whole Church will cooperate with you. We happen to know someone who will be desperate for something only we possess'

That was how the Borley family were swayed into this plot. Since the Pope himself was backing them, they felt they had nothing to fear.

However, in reality, the royals had no such thing. No awesome bloodline or sleeping power. It was all a sham, a poisonous trap.

The ascended angels from the stone age period had long vanquished that nefarious clan. So how could there be any descendants left to pass off that accursed bloodline?

Unfortunately, the Borley family didn't know, and even though some intelligent royal members had felt that something was wrong, the King himself was very stubborn due to his old age and ailing body. With the latter insisting, the plans were carried out. Marian's brother had been one of the casualties. Yet even though the ceremony was done perfectly, despite the sacrifice of so many people from the royals' side, everything was for naught as no Nephil was successfully born. The King almost died even. If anything, all they earned from the ordeal was an embarrassment and their regime becoming weaker than ever before.

What happened to the Gallagher family?

He had not checked yet. But assuming they had escaped the Goddess' wrath, since the people who carried out their schemes long volunteered to cut ties with the family for the sake of the family, they must not have suffered much damage. Only some minor retaliation from the weakened royal family.

Today, the Church of Wisdom was still operating just fine. In fact, before he entered the gigantic library, he had actually bumped into the Pope in his invisible state. As long as this dude was alive, he guessed no real harm would come to the foundation of that clan.

He was not one to care though. As long as Margarette and Agatha were left alone, he wouldn't come to trouble the Gallagher family.

And oh, before he forgot, the leads were involved as well in this matter. Their trip got delayed by their discovery of the royal's secret.

When they tried their best to stop the so-called ceremony only to find out later that their meddling was not needed at all, it had been quite epic. Their moods must be very complicated, especially Adam and Marian.

He wondered, were they feeling pain from letting the chance to be heroes slipped through their fingers? Or just awkward because the royal family they feared turned out to be such a joke?

A slight smile appeared on his face while strolling past the rows of bookshelves.

'Host, your mood seems to be very good this day.' The system commented after observing him for a while.

'Well, I think it's the same as yesterday?' he replied. 'It's you who are idle, how about you do something useful once in a while?'

The childish voice wanted to say that he didn't have even a single point, but held back its imaginary tongue in case the host was offended.

'As expected' Hearing him purposely left hanging his sentence, it felt down. No one in this universe was more aware of Jiang Li's impression of the system more than the system itself.

After successfully getting into the deepest part of the library, Jiang Li expertly unlocked boxes after boxes of materials. He transferred the hidden records from those containers into his own bag. The whole process took quite a while.

An hour after, he could be seen joining the busy street in front of the church. The sun was so bright and the place was full of vitality. He couldn't help but let out a sigh and look around more. 

Another hour later, he was no longer in the capital. He was not worried that Margarette would be bullied since he knew she would also leave once she heard about his appearance in the neighboring city.

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