Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 355: Agatha (53) <2-in-1>

Chapter 355: Agatha (53) <2-in-1>

For some time, the system was speechless at Jiang Li since it could not help but wonder if he only thought of ascending to godhood of this world after the incident with Margarette.

Wouldn't that be too shallow? Even if it was happy because its host finally thought of taking the pinnacle as his goal, in its opinion, the driving force behind this decision was too stupid. It would be an utter insult to the other gods in the world, especially the angels who had spent thousands of years just to ascend.

'Bro, is your brain sound? You only want to gain divinity just because you want to get even with a woman?' Those ascended angels might even ask in exasperation if they came to know about it. 

The conclusion in the system's mind which it was finding as closer to the truth just really sounded like the wrong motivation to become a god.

However, Jiang Li seemed to not mind whatever the system was thinking about the whole matter. Anyway, it was not entirely the truth.

Of course, he wanted to grow strong since he was not sure if he would be given another opportunity to come to a world of magic like this. Since he was already here, he should, of course, grow himself to the best that he could.

Even if it was only easier said than done, so what? Still become a deity!

It would take an extremely long period of time? Alright! For sure Margarette would be fine with it even if it takes a few decades.

Nevertheless, while this was in his mind, Jiang Li was not really heartless that to the girl. After all, he could see how determined she was to meet him. That moved him actually. Therefore, after the operation in the library, he began extending help to her in the shadows, deflecting some dangers for her as she was in a foreign land, using an identity that was officially a citizen of Borley.

Yep. The two male leads, due to some inexplicable force, had discovered the anomalies between Marian and Margarette. They had actually body swapped. their souls not in their rightful bodies! The duke especially hated it so even though he was still in the process of retrieving his wife from the kidnapper, he was already planning how to enable his beloved Marian to return to her real body.

Marian, as she was with Adam, had no idea about Andre Grey's thoughts, so all she currently had as a headache was how to drill into her knight's mind that she was already a woman of Holon and even a Duchess of it. She really wanted to go back to her husband's arms. However, Adam kept saying it was his mission to bring her back to Obson Castle.

To his stubbornness, she could only feel resentment. Her body had thinned greatly due to worrying about the two male leads. She had greatly lost her appetite and was listless all day, if not crying all day.

"Milady, don't worry, once we cross the capital, we will only be three days away from the territory. Your homesickness will be uplifted."

"" Marian only continued to cry. There was no way to explain what she was feeling right now.

As both of them could see, one from near, the other observing from afar, how down her mood was, the two male leads who had pits in their brains wore complicated expressions every day. Later, they assumed it was Margarette's appearance giving their beloved a hard time.

On how they managed to come up with that idea, it was a puzzle. As confusing as to why villains in Eastern Fantasy or Urban Fantasy novels couldn't help but target the main character for the most minute involvement in their lives.

Looking at Andre who kept sending pursuers and assassins to capture Margarette, the system felt headache on behalf of its host.

'It has become so chaotic lately, with no whatsoever resemblance to the plot. This I think is not good? Host, wait, is this really the way to ensure the villainess is free from troubles?'

North of the capital, the two male leads were once again battling. But because the people from Holon were not many, with two of them left near the southwestern to confront Margarette, the duke had to withdraw again, frustrated. Andre had no choice but leave for now because he could feel the presence of the royal knights of Borley heading over.

In the dark street opposite the high-class inn where Margarette and her team were staying, Jiang Li never strayed his eyes away from two people clad in black climbing the five-story building.

He answered to the system, 'With the beloveds of fate gone, of course, she's safer in Holon.'

'I've left some all-cure medicine on the villainess' desk. I'm sure she would stay put because that cure is the greatest heirloom of the Church of the Great Deity."

The system was silent for some time upon remembering the most dangerous infiltration its host did before leaving for Borley. He said back then, 'Hehe, the Great Deity anyway is dead. I'm sure he won't mind if I use one of his heritage for a very good cause.' The good cause in his eyes was to stop the mad consort from contacting bad people just to heal her from her infertility.

Jiang Li ignored the voice in his head that began to grumble incessantly. His cold eyes was focused on the two men who were steadily moving towards Margarette's room. The system reminded him, 'Host, those two are the strongest men under the duke. Their strength is only a bit weaker than Andre Grey without his sword.'

'I know.' The other was basically saying none of Margarette's mercenaries would be able to do anything to them.

'Well. Alright. I should not have asked. You won't be here if not for them.'

A moment, the two men in black could be seen nodding to each other before the door, seemingly having a tacit understanding. However, when one of them was about to kick the door open, several magical arrays appeared in the air, catching them off-guard.

"Not good!" The faces of the two changed, turning pale under their black masks.

Thankfully, they were quick to react. Before anything could get into them, they had already somersaulted away, doing all strange poises midair just to evade the attacks.

Ten seconds later, the two landed six meters from the door. They were wiping their sweat while exchanging glances.

It had really been a close call. Had their reflexed not been good, they would have been struck by countless curses. If their eyes did not betray them, one of the curses could make one's body melt as if bathed in a corrosive fluid.

'What a vicious witch,' they both thought. As expected of the woman their other brothers failed to seize. Their duke called them out for a reason.

No matter what opinion they had in their hearts, since the arrays were triggered, they knew they could no longer linger there. But would they have the face to appear before their liege if they retreated without even seeing the target?

'Let's try another route later,' the stronger of the two signaled. The other nodded.

It was a common belief that once an assassin failed to strike once, they would always retreat. These subordinates of Andre Grey did not follow it though, thinking it would be clever to make their targets assume they had left when they really hadn't.

When they exited the building, they only planned to wait somewhere near, waiting to see when the vigilant mercenaries of the woman would disperse. However, to their woes, before they could even reach the street, people were already pursuing them. Margarette was even with those bunch, directing them.

"Let one of them escape and I'll see to it a year of salary is forfeited for all of you!" As she was in a very bad mood for more than a month already, she yelled loudly with a fierce voice.

The chase had lasted for more than a minute as Margarette really wanted to teach a lesson to whoever was sending malicious people. The problem was that the two people this time were really capable and could easily lose them. Each second that passed, it kept getting harder and harder to keep track of them, making her heart feel more helpless and resentment.

To her surprise though, after another minute of chasing, when her whole team took the left turn to another fairly deserted street, she saw the two people suddenly stopping and screaming loudly. Their petrified selves were gradually being covered by ice, until suddenly, with crisp cracking sounds, they turned into numerous ice powder.

The sight had truly been a shocker to the girl's group. The faces of the pursuers blanched and some careful and cowardly ones began to take some silent and vigilant steps back. 

'Retreat! Retreat! Don't make a noise! There's monster ahead,' thought all the people there. Well, except for one. 

Margarette's eyes widened and her body trembled. A couple of moments later, she found herself running forward with all her might with her hand outstretched. Her sudden action alarmed her subordinates, awakening the rest of them from the stupor caused by what they just witnessed. As some of them were loyal, fear for their employer overtook their fear for lives and they began to call out her name as they gave chase.

"Milady, stop! It's dangerous, please don't head over there!"

Somebody who could entrap two powerful and slippery assassins was surely not to be trifled with. It had not occurred to them why the person targeted those two. They were calling out because they were afraid that Margarette's action would provoke the ire of the ice magician. 

"Quick! Run faster, we have to pull her back!"

"Milady! Please, stop!"

But she couldn't hear them as her mind was flooded with one name. "J-James!"

As if she was back to that painful eve, the word escaped out of her lips, repeatedly. 

'He's back! He's shown himself to me!' The reddening of her eyes quite scary to behold.

She was suspecting long before that he was always nearby, helping her ward off troubles like this, and he was just not exposing himself. But sincere repentance awards forgiveness, right? Had she finally moved him so he appeared before her?

Hope filled her heart. She was truly happy to see him. The average face she used to quite dislike before never became so much something she longed to see. She began to run faster towards him.

But she seemed to have underestimated the guy's pettiness.

Jiang Li didn't look at her for more than a second before turning around. He also did not stay long enough for her to get into a ten-meter distance from him.

When the crystal-like particles fell to the ground, he was suddenly gone from sight, as if he teleported. Margarette was left there dumbfounded.

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