Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 122: EP18: Face one's own fist

Chapter 122: EP18: Face one's own fist

'Huh?' The raging giant found his sword stopped in its track. Elder Bai felt that the space itself was blocking the way of his sword.

Feng had willed for the sword to stop in its track by using the reality-bending prowess of the Domination emblem. The domination emblem, his companion, appeared in his arm. Feng saw, the domination emblem containing only the 'Domi' part. He moved his eyes away in guilt.

Feng knew that the domination emblem didn't hate him. It was the domination emblem, like its name, it loved to dominate. He had dominated the Heavenly Emperor 'Tian Wu' and the entire heavenly realm by himself. This, the domination emblem was proud of its creator. Its death wasn't in vain, for his creator had destroyed a heavenly realm and dominated more than 99 billion lifeforms.

Hence, the half-broken Domination emblem complied with its master will. In the surrounding nothing else could be more better than space to defend elder Bai berserk sword slash. So, the domination emblem used space itself to stop the gigantic mountain-like sword in its path.

"This... the power to control space. Deicide can't do that, as he had only learned [Blood Magic]. Little wind had lost all his power; he shouldn't be able to perform this feat either. Unless he has formed a connection with the emblem of Domination!" Elder Bai muttered. He was feeling a mixture of emotions. He was happy for Feng, as he had established a connection with the Domination emblem. From now on, little wind is invincible in the world inhabitants by mortals.

Though, they were battling against each other, right now. Feng establishing a connection with the domination realm meant a massive increase in power. Right now, elder Bai and Feng both were on an equal standing. An equal standing when compared in powers.

Though, the domination emblem was half-broken. Due to which, its prowess was limited. Elder Bai knew that, hence he put more pressure in his hand and pushed the sword against the space.

The sword didn't budge, not even one bit.

"Elder Bai, don't force it. You are too old, who will provide help if you get muscle cramp or break your back?" Feng, who had become omnipotent in a mere second, calmly advised elder Bai on matter related to old people healthcare. He didn't forget to put his signature wink at the end of his message. He also showed his peace-spreading happy smile to the giant.

Elder Bai eyes twitched. He thought, 'Fine... We are old but, why wink at this old man?' Besides, in his eyes, Feng's smile seemed more like taunting.

Everything that happened before and everything that is happening now. All of it led to an increase in his anger. His anger doubled. Like a volcano, it exploded, blinding his ability to reason or think straight. He just wanted to battle with the bastards that attacked him then kept on taunting him for reason unknown.

The power inputted into the sword slash tripled. The muscles of the old man, hidden from sight by the divine robe, jutted out.

His size increased, at a speed visible in Feng's eye. The bulging muscles were decorated with thick veins. His blood vessels were thicker than anacondas and darker than cobra.

Only one thought accompanied his rage. Nothing was gonna stop him, not even space!

He put more force, doing his best to crush the force that dared to stand in the way of his sword slash.

"Haaaaah, nothing can halt my sword in its path, not even space!" Elder Bai shouted, to boost his own morale, with a out of breath face. His face was beet-red due to giving it his all. The white-beard trembled due to the thumping of his heart, that sped up the blood circulation in his body.

The mountain-like sword and space clashed, a jarring sound echoed out due to the friction.

Even after all that, the sword still didn't move an inch!

The half-broken Domination emblem didn't give a inch to the sword, Ender. Its job was to dominate, not be dominated by a mountain-like sword.

Feng, who was chilling after willing, saw elder Bai beet-red face. He remembered the hardship he faced three years ago. Three years ago, he had ate thirteen crisper for breakfast. During lunch, he ate ten pieces of spicy buffalo wings and drank 2 liters of coke. That was just appetizer. The true dinner ended after he finished stuffing his stomach with ten hot and ful-filling slices of Supreme cheese pizza. A pizza that has six types of cheese, and comes with a stuffed cheese crust. Yea, what's a pizza dinner without pasta? For Feng it's Nada. Hence he also ate three pastas. Yet, at night he still felt hungry again, hence he ate half a gallon of ice cream.

The next day, he went out to the shopping mall with a bloated stomach. He farted to ease his bloated stomach, a horrible smell diffused in the surrounding, making him realize that he had used a little bit too much pressure.

Feng shook his head to diffuse his wild thought. He though, 'Anyways, that day was hell for me. It ended with me sitting in the toilet for the entire night. It took of pressure and hours of hard work to handle the situation. While sitting on the toilet, my face was as red as elder Bai. I must warm him about pressure before elder Bai shart his own pants!'

Kowtowing to Feng's eccentric thoughts, the last intelligence cell in the brain sucided.

"Elder Bai, be careful and don't put in so much pressure; in case, it backfires and cause you to shit your pants," Feng warned him, pressuring too much could lead to shitting pants. He had experienced it firsthand.

Elder Bai finally lost his fucking mind. With a fart... A roaring warcry, he flared up in a golden-divine glow. His physical power increased by 10 times. From continent destroying to a world-ender.

Seething wind emerged from the point of impact, bringing along with it a violent gust of hot wind.

One of them found there way to Feng Mei, his long hair wafted. The hot wind rushed through his hair-strands, giving him a hot hair-blow, free of cost.

The sword clashing into the space, marched ahead by 1 millimeter. Basically, not even a single inch. Though, its march didn't stop here. 

0.3 Inch by 0.3 inch, Ender made its way downwards. Though, the further it went ahead the slower its speed got. After a second, it was slashing dosn at a pace slower than the movement of the laziest slug. No matter how pathetic this may seem, in the end, the mountain-like sword had succeeding in breaking the absolute nature of the reality-bending prowess of wisdom-emblem.

The space compacted and contracted around the sword, trying to constrain it. Ender rather as if telling the world that it was choking without a neck.

Deicide, who was chanting, didn't give a fuck about this situation. A black magical symbol, arranged with multitudes of black runes at its edges, had formed beneath his feet. Each black-rune was a vicious curse written in Hell's language. The black magical symbol is generally called a Hex.

Facing Bai's fury, space didn't manage to stop the sword slash. Though, Deicide didn't give a fuck. The sword was moving at the pace of a snail, and he only needed ten seconds.

Ten more second, his [Blood Hex Magic] will be completed. The hex beneath his feet, spread upon Dun-Dun's, had been expanding.

Elder Bai, had forgotten that Deicide even existed. Taking over by rage, he only wanted to crush space, and complete the sword slash.

Feng was distubed and distressed. He wasn't disturbed by the mountain-like sword, which clouded over him like a death sentence, moving towards him. Nor was he distressed due to the Domination emblem not doing its intended job. The domination emblem was half-broken containing only 'Domi'. It wasn't the same as before, and contained only half or less than half of its true power. This, it wasn't a big deal for the sword-slash to finally move ahead 0.3 inch by 0.3 inch.

Feng was disturbed and distressed due to elder Bai copying Maiya-Man Maiyajin mode-1. In the entire universe, only Maiya race can increase their physical strength like that, so how dare he perform such a feat?

'Does elder Bai not fear copyright infringement?' Feng though with brows furrowed in distresses.'

"I guess not," he said while looking at the angey face of elder Bai.

Feng yawned beholding the sword slash that will someday reach its end goal.

"Finally, the spell is complete, " Deicide, who had been forgotten by even Feng Mei, shouted in glee. Deicide dropped elder Bai's blood in the Hex. The hex absorbed the crystallized hallow blood and drowned in a dark flicker.

The hex evaporated into thin-air. But Deicide clearly saw dark threads diffusing into his heart and Bai's body. Those threads were unseenable to Bai's and Feng eyes.

Bai pushing his all into the sword-slash suddenly lost control of his body. From his hand to his every part. The parts included the dragon and dragon-balls.

The clash between the space and the sword ended!

The sword slash ceased!

The clinking sound ended!

[Blood Magic] Body HexingOvertake

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