On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Four Hundred And Nineteen *Contains Status – Haru 2*

Four Hundred And Nineteen *Contains Status – Haru 2*

As Haru stepped into the flames, Kana was looking rather worried beside me. My Eye couldn’t see too much due to the glare, though the amber letters scrolling across my vision matched the physical phenomena I was seeing, the source of the flame bobbing uneasily, while the dark flecks of Lost Flame were moving towards the shadow of Haru I could just make out within.

“Will Haru-chan be all right?” Kana asked.

“I hope so. But we just have to trust her. Haru is a smart woman, unlike me, she had a proper job before all this started.” I said self-deprecatingly, trying to lighten the tense mood. “She was a career woman, and people like Haru don’t risk everything on a gamble they aren’t sure of. Especially not after…” I trailed off, glancing at Motoko and Natsumi. I know they know Haru was murdered, but not all the gruesome details, unlike Hinata, who is more worldly-wise, and also could have been a potential victim, if circumstances were different. And I don’t want to pollute their ears with tales of such inhuman cruelty. Let them enjoy their innocence as long as they can.

“I get it.” Kana said softly. “Yes, you’re right. Haru-chan’s got it in hand, I’m sure.” she said, more to convince herself of it than believing it.

“The battle seems to be over then.” Motoko said, and Arangbō snorted, his voice still coloured by pain and anger.

“You wish to fight more, hearty eater?”

Motoko realised her attitude was a little inappropriate, and she bowed politely in apology. “I have been thoughtless. When there have been deaths, the battlefield is a solemn place, and I forgot that.”

On seeing her downcast look, Arangbō shrugged. “Forgive me, my mood is grim. After a victory, there should be joy. No, we will raise sake and meat for our fallen brother.” He glared at the imprisoned Fungbō, who was beating on the inside of the barrier bubble uselessly. “And Great Tarōbō will pass judgement.” He then turned back to Motoko. “Do not seek the battlefield. Peace is more rewarding than war. But keep your weapons sharp, for when war comes, peace can be lost forever if you are weak and unprepared.”

Motoko nodded, her brown eyes showing her understanding. “I thank you for the lesson. I shall take it to heart.”

“She is a polite one.” Arangbō said to me. “Though spirited. I fear my dear sister will have a difficult time ahead.”

“I am sure I do not know what you mean.” Haanōbō pouted. “We should be focusing on what matters, cleansing the flame. We have come too far and lost too much to fail now.” She eyed the roaring pillar of fire Haru had entered.

“That’s right.” I agreed, relaxing, the after-battle banter lowering my tension. “I don’t want to leave the job half-done. But Haru’s confident she can handle this, so we should believe in her.”

“It’s lines like that which get you into trouble, Akio.” Kana giggled, her own worry fading a little. “Is it me, or does it seem like there’s fewer dark spots in the fire?”

I looked closely, and it did seem the flame was brighter, if a little smaller. While I was watching the flame, Natsumi and Daiyu were searching around the cavern, and had found a number more fragments of burned shimenawa rope, enough to identify that the original rope would have been huge, easily as thick as a metre across or more.

“I think it was here…” Bell pointed out, her elvish eyes keen. “The ground has been ruined by our battles, but… these indentations do not seem natural.”

The Tengu didn’t seem to be interested, but there were a number of things I had experienced since arriving at mount Atago that didn’t quite add up, or if it did, it painted an unusual picture. The Sacred Flame. The kami giving mount Atago into the care of Tarōbō, and his distaste and isolation from Kyoto. The Staff Of Muted Desires, the Ainu architecture, the shimenawa rope burned away… Atago-un-kamuy. There’s definitely a secret here. Perhaps Prince Shōtoku knows. And if not… looks like Yasaka-san is having another workout… There were some long indentations in the ground, holes deep enough to fit a sword, and the bottom of these round holes were full of puddles of melted metal. They were spaced regularly as far as we could tell, though some holes had certainly been destroyed by the conflict here.

“It’s a ring around the hearth. With some sort of pins, I’d guess. You certainly do pay attention.” I praised Bell, who straightened, preening.

“To be a Way-Warden, you need observation and hunting skills. The Unseelie are more of a direct threat, but those wily and treacherous Wild Hunt bastards are tricky. If you do not pay attention to the details and have keen eyes and ears, you might find their jaws at your throat, or worse, see one of your comrades die.”

After a little more talking, the changes in the flame were becoming more pronounced. It was smaller, brighter and the number of spots of Lost Flame had diminished significantly. The shadow of Haru within the flames still looked intact, and my Foresight wasn’t giving off any particular warnings, the needles of discomfort having died down after Fungbō was defeated, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be a problem or Haru would be safe. I’ve never going to rely on Foresight. It’s another tool in the box, and when it triggers we have to pay attention and take precautions, but it’s the very definition of unreliable.

My Eye glowed, and as the last fragments of Lost Flame vanished, seemingly drawn into Haru, the flame shuddered once more, and the three columns of fire that soared into the spatial rifts above were clean and shining a brilliant golden yellow.

Sacred Flame Of Mount Atago – The source of the flame which burns brilliantly, freeing ghosts and other tormented spirits of their impurities, negative Karma and griefs. Ghosts, wraiths and other spiritual beings who are not warped and twisted by evil will be strengthened and purified, their natures enhanced, tempered, and by absorbing the now pristine flame, their existence will be distilled and reforged, and damage to the spirit can be repaired, lost energy replenished. This flame contains a powerful, ancient Adherence, though it has been shackled by another Adherence, bound to burn here eternally while the Adherence remains.

I see. More information this time. Adherence shackled by another. Isn’t this rather similar to the Tower of London, just on a far smaller scale? It’s too soon to be certain, but I think I’m starting to put these puzzle pieces together… Moments later, Haru floated out of the flames, and she looked a little different, her hair and eyes now tinged with a faint golden glow, like her brown hair had pretty blonde highlights. On seeing she was safe, everyone called out in relief, and she smiled, the flames that were clinging to her gone.

“Were you worried? How sweet.” She smiled warmly, her misty, formless lower body transforming into legs again as she stepped out of the hearth and onto the shattered ground. Seeing Kana was greatly relieved, her smile intensified. “Don’t fret, I’m perfectly fine. In fact, I feel better than ever. It’s almost like I’m filled with life. Which is odd, considering.” She winked. “Akio-kun, I know you are just dying to take a look at how I’ve grown stronger, so feel free. But be careful how you’re peeking. A lady always has some secrets, and I’d hate to have to tell your lovely girlfriends here you were being a pervert.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that.” I said softly. “Not to you, Haru.”

“Oh, so you’ve done it to others. Oh yes… Matsumuro-san.” She eyed the spirit light, which now the Lost Flame was all gone, was back to bobbing around me in a gentle orbit, though it was larger and more luminous than previously. “Best be careful, Haanōbō.” Haru joked. “He has a roving eye. I would say you should be safe, as he took you for a sister, but then with Akio-kun, you just never know…”

Haanōbō snorted sourly, ignoring her to inspect the flame, along with Arangbō, seeming relieved it was pure once more.

“Oh, I’ve taken out everything within the flames I can reach.” Haru reassured them. “There are probably some dregs remaining in the flame above, and scattered about the dungeon, but without the source of Lost Flame, they should wither up and die soon enough.” She paused, glimmering eyes going distant for a moment. “The Lost Flame was dangerous, definitely. But there was a sadness within it. It existed to purify, to take in hatred, suffering, wrath… but just like paper is stained by the ink that writes on it, so too this flame changed. How it got here… I couldn’t tell. But it’s not from this world, or at least it didn’t originate here. I think… like draws like, the two flames are similar.”

Daiyu nodded at that when I translated the harder expressions. “Like draws like. Yes, that is a principle of Cultivation. It does not seem so far-fetched. Not with all we have seen these last weeks.”

“We’ll get to the bottom of everything.” I promised. “But for now… you’re right, Haru. I am curious. It’s been quite a while since I’ve checked your abilities. You definitely feel stronger.”

“You can hardly wait to lay me bare. It’s like I said.” She giggled softly to Kana and the others. Spreading her arms wide, she waited, and my Eye flashed.

Suzuki Haru Chosen Of She Who Shows Compassion And Mercy, Kannon Onryo
[Material Statistics]   [Intangible Statistics]  
Might 69 449+15 Fortune 2 +0
Fortitude 59 439 +15 Majesty 1 +0
Intellect 120 511 +15 Charm 3 7 +0
Resilience 19 424 +15 League 10 +0
Alacrity 180 563 +15 Determination 10 +0
Precision 120 401 +15 Foresight 1 +0
Aether 603 2003 +15 Fate 7 +0
[Material Skills] Rank Class Type
[Aetheric Skills]      
Silver Cord Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Chakra Network Rank 5 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Aether Manipulation Rank 1 Rank 3 Sufficient (3) Foundation (4)
Light Manipulation Rank 5 Rank 7 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Third Eye Chakra Of Light Rank 5 Rank 6 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Darkness Manipulation Rank 4 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Flame Manipulation Rank 4 Powerful (4) Foundation (4)
Solar Plexus Chakra Of Purifying Spirit Flame Rank 3 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Telepathy Rank 2 Rank 6 Noble (5) Rule (5)
Split Thoughts Rank 2 Noble (5) Foundation (4)
Enhanced Spiritual Form Rank 1 Noble (5) Principle (7)
[Intangible Skills]      
[Unique Skills]      
Blessing Of Sharing Light Rank 5 Rank 6 Noble (5) Rule (5)
Mind Healing Light Light Of Muted Emotions Rank 3 Rank 6 Imperious (6) Principle (7)
[Level] 0 38 [Class]

Empath 2/10 Ghost Of Light 4/10 8/10

Conqueror 1/50 Purified One 3/10

Wielder Of A Mutated Element 1/10

Spirit Guider 1/20

Pledged Vassal 4/10

[Mastered Class] Empath 10/10
Territory Rank 3 - Vassal Territory To Oshiro Moonstone Akio Rank 3

“What’s up with all those classes?” I said, surprised. “Are you trying to give me a run for my money?” I couldn’t help but be impressed. On hearing the numbers, Motoko and Natsumi looked extremely envious, and Haru, just like an older sister, offered them words of comfort, while Daiyu merely stood there impassive, but I knew enough of her emotions to see her slight discontent, so I surprised her by stroking her head, and as she looked at me with her black eyes in surprise, I smiled reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, your stats aren’t that much lower after the boost you got when your Chakra network properly stabilised and your Dantian was fixed. A lot of it comes down to the Rank of the Silver Cord as well, and yours is several Ranks lower. Besides, I think Haru finds it easier to strengthen herself, as she’s a being of spirit.”

“I was merely surprised.” Daiyu said, though I noticed she didn’t brush off my hand, and I enjoyed the soft feeling of her silken hair for a short while. “My Dao cannot be shaken by such, my heart is true. It simply motivates me to try harder.” She then turned to Haru. “Most impressive. I doubt anyone can bully you anymore.”

“That’s true. Except for Akio-kun. Who could stop him?” her lips quirked in a wry smile. “But it is a relief to me. Were… were I to meet Kondou Kazuo again, thankfully as impossible as that is, this time it would be him who falls. Besides, my mind feels clearer, my mood better. I still remember, and it saddens me, but… it feels more detached from me, the memories, the fear.”

“Wouldn’t that have something to do with your classes or skills?” Kana pointed out. She was quite used to how things worked, having been in my camp from nearly the start, even if she only started exploring the Boundary side of things once I had mastered Chirurgery.

“I think so.” I glanced at Haanōbō and Arangbō, but Haru shook her head, denying my unspoken question.

“I believe it’s fine, Akio-kun. We are going to be in an alliance soon enough. Though a woman does like to keep some mystery, so maybe just the pertinent points?”

“All right then.” I had to laugh at her attitude. “I see you’ve managed to get some Split Thoughts.”

“Yes, keeping everyone straight in my head, passing on information, especially when linked to the twins, it does take a toll. I needed to partition the thoughts, and eventually I found I was able to keep them separate.” she explained, and I nodded.

“That makes sense. Also, you have darkness manipulation, but no chakra producing any. It’s the first time I’ve seen that. I suppose it could be because you’ve converted your light element to darkness via your Ghost Of Light class?”

“I would think so. I need to use it sometimes, dealing with dark emotions, and I certainly had to experiment here, holding the corruption of the Lost Flame at bay.” She agreed. “And speaking of flame…”

Purifying Spirit Flame – This ultra-pure double-mutated Flame Element is a spiritual fire that can damage existences that do not have a tangible form. It also serves to purify, destroying corruption, curses and negative Karma. When used on a spiritual being, it can either cause harm or aid in restoration of a damaged spirit. It is also highly effective against Darkness Element, consuming the negative aspects of such.

“That sounds a mix of both flames.” I pointed out, and she agreed. “Enhanced Spiritual Form I’ve seen before, it’s basically my Spiritually Pure Physique for spiritual beings, so it’s a good catch.” We then moved on to her classes. “Empath is maxed out, I’m not surprised as you have raised a lot of skills relating to Telepathy and dealing with emotions. You got Conqueror… well, you know when.” Even though Haru seemed more relaxed about her terrible ordeal, even if the experience here had helped her, it didn’t change the fact that it was still something that had scarred her, and I wasn’t going to touch it lightly. “Wielder Of A Mutated Element is self-explanatory. So that leaves…”

“Spirit Guider, Purified One… and Pledged Vassal.” Natsumi said happily, and Haru flushed.

“Is it fun embarrassing an older woman?” she joked, red-faced. “We might as well get that one out of the way. Though a gentleman might have omitted that one in public, Akio-kun.”

“My bad.” I smiled. “I’ll be diplomatic. So, Pledged Vassal…”

Pledged Vassal is a class gained when someone willingly accepts Vassalisation, and feels a great deal of gratitude and loyalty to the object of their service. Going above and beyond the duties and work of a mere Vassal, the Vassal Territory can benefit from a portion of strength from the main Territory if both parties permit, and likewise with agreement, special Buildings and features in both Territories can share their effects between the two Territories, the effect growing stronger and closer to a hundred percent as the level of this class increases.

Yeah, I won’t embarrass Haru by telling all the details. I have to say, I’m rather touched though, to think she trusts me so much, after what happened to her… “It’s powerful. We should have looked into this earlier, it’s my mistake. We haven’t really lost anything by delaying, but we might as well gain all the benefits we can. The Glorious Idol Of Kannon, and my White Snake Earth Altar… they should both be shared.”

Haru was puzzled for a moment, but after I explained the details and a little fumbling we worked out how, and I could feel an additional connection between our Territories. “Next is… “

Purified One is a class gained when a spiritual being infected with significant curses, regrets, despair, negative Karma and other such attributes is cleansed, and it manages through force of will to set aside such misfortune. League increases, as does Fate and Resilience. Abilities that manipulate Darkness, Light, Yin and Yang Elements are strengthened, and abilities and effects that act on such curses and dark emotions are magnified.

Yeah, I’ll edit that one down to the positives. “Basically, it’s a League and Fate booster, and buffs your elements. I’ll tell you the details later, but… it says you can only get it by having the strong will to fight your misfortune, so… good job Haru, you earned it through your own efforts.” I imagine dealing with the Lost Flame blazing on her triggered it, but she might have eventually got it on her own anyway…

“Me? Strong willed?” she shook her head, surprised. “I was so pathetic and fragile, I felt like I was going mad, unable to cope, even before I experienced anything like you did, Akio-kun, Daiyu-chan. But… I suppose I turned my life around. Or I would have, if…”

“Yeah, we get it.” I smiled soothingly at her joke. “Moving on, we have…”

Spirit Guider is a class that allows a spiritual being to guide and succour other such beings. Spirit and mind-affecting abilities are strengthened when applied to spiritual beings, with the effect especially pronounced when using blessings, cleansing and other beneficial powers. Charm increases and Majesty increase slightly, and the affects of Charm and Majesty on spiritual beings and their ilk is magnified.

“I did wonder why you seemed a little prettier, Haru.” Bell laughed. “I think cleansing the Flame like you did has had an effect.”

“Yes, looks like Haru-chan got all the rewards this time. Don’t feel bad though Akio, I’m sure you can make do with the alliance.” Kana teased me, and I smiled wryly.

“Yeah, Haru was the MVP here, no question. But I wouldn’t say I gained nothing. My level increased to one hundred and thirty-seven. And my Foehn, while it didn’t rank up, now apparently after feasting on the Lost Flame, it’s better able to affect intangible and incorporeal targets, and it should be easier to break the wall to Rank nine in the future.” Yeah, it was hardly a great change in my combat abilities, but levels are always good, especially since my gain lately has slowed, and breaking the bottlenecks to Rank six and nine is always an effort, so anything that helps my main abilities like Foehn do that is well worth it. Though as it isn’t even at Rank 8 yet that might be premature…

“I suddenly feel less special.” Haru sighed, though I could tell she was teasing me. “Nearly a hundred levels ahead of me. And I’ve been working so hard too. It’s just you work me to the bone day and night, never getting any rest…”

“That sounds like something my sister would say to deliberately rile me up.” I sighed.

“Which sister? Haanōbō?” Haru continued in good humour, and I shook my head.

“All right, enough teasing. The rest of you, at least you all gained a few levels. And nobody died or was injured, except for Shungbō. Sorry, that was a bit insensitive of me.” I apologised to the Tengu, but Arangbō shook his head.

“The losses were not caused by our enemies. I can hardly fault you for celebrating a safe return from battle, even if not all of the Directions will return together.” He hammered his fist on the bubble holding Fungbō, his eyes blazing. “Great Tarōbō will deal with his foolish son. Foolish sons and daughter. For we allowed this to happen by our carelessness. We should return and put this ordeal behind us. My hand craves a gourd of sweet sake and some fatty, juicy boar, the meat crisp and tender, brown and fragrant…”

“Not so fast.” Haru said, surprising us once again.

“Is there a problem, Haru-chan?” Kana asked, and Haru denied it.

“A problem? No. But an opportunity, yes.” She looked at me, then up at the spirit lights. “See how they grow? The Sacred Flame can fuel a spirit, if properly applied. And I believe I can do it. Now the contamination of the sad Lost Flame is burning away, there should be little danger. Don’t you want to hasten the return of Matsumuro-san, even see her again? Just… take the advice of a woman your own age, Akio-kun. When you do, don’t apologise. That’ll only hurt her. Trust me, I know.”

“I see. I’ll… try.” I said lamely, and she sighed.

“Yes, it does go against your nature not to. I’ve given my advice, it’s up to you whether you take it. But…” she glanced at the Spirit Flame roaring in the hearth. “I think it’s worth a try. With my Spirit Guider, I can reduce the risk significantly.” She looked at the two Tengu. “You wouldn’t refuse us this little boon, would you? The flame will grow again in time, taking a little now won’t hurt it over the long term.”

“What do you think, brother? You are the Spring East, and the strongest of us…” Haanōbō said. “…as for me, I can turn a blind eye to it.”

“Seiryū knows gratitude and replays evil to evil, and aid for aid.” He rumbled. “But do not be greedy. We fought here too, and this is our home, our flame.”

“Thank you for your consideration. It’s only one… no, two I guess.” She amended, and that troubled me.

“The Sacred Flame won’t work on the evil. Kinneka… he wasn’t exactly friendly.” I said, and she nodded.

“Like that silver cat who poor Hyacinth is taking charge of. But Bakaneko don’t seem to be evil, just selfish, cruel and whimsical. Hardly good or nice, but… evil is something worse. But if the flames burn his evil deeds and cause him agony, then doesn’t he deserve it? Rebirth always comes with pain. I know.” She whispered, and Kana-chan took her hand reassuringly, getting a wan smile in return.

I have to admit I don’t want his spirit light bobbing around there now it’s grown stronger. If I find out he’s peeking at the girls, I’ll put out his damn eyes and he can be a mie no mienai neko instead. With that tasteless pun in mind, I stepped closer to the hearth, the flames giving off tremendous heat. Mind made up, I swallowed, nervous. Tsukiko-san, if it hastens your return, or better yet… “What should I do?”

“Just let me guide them. You shouldn’t have to do anything…” she paused for a moment. “… I think? I’m hardly an expert, despite apparently being a ghost whisperer.” She laughed a touch nervously. “But the spirit lights drew in the flame before, so I’m certain it will nourish and repair them. Here we go…” A golden-yellow flame blazed around her, forming a conduit between Haru, the Sacred Flame and the two lights. As the burning tendrils closed in, the lights darted closer, and the flame began to flow, the radiance growing them, the brightness, size and density of the spirit lights increasing at an accelerating rate. I watched, my Eye shining amber, marvelling at the spectacle, only to hiss in pain as searing fire cascaded down through Kin Bonding, disarraying the elements in my body.

“Damn it, that hurts…” An involuntary cry escaped my lips, and at that Haru, her expression intense as she concentrated, fire flowing through her and out into the spirit lights, spared me a withering glance.

“Don’t be a baby, Akio-kun. I’m sure it hurts the cat there more…” Indeed, Tsukiko-san’s light was steady, which made sense as she had dedicated her life to others and had barely indulged in any of the joys that life had to offer, while Kinneka was a selfish, hedonistic and cruel Yōkai. His spirit light was dancing madly, throwing off a number of blue and black sparks which flared into yellow ashes before dissipating, and I imagined I could hear mental yelping. No, I don’t think that’s actually an illusion…

“Careful, it seems that I’m losing more of the Scared Flame than I should. Tighten up, Akio-kun!” she cried, and I used Aether Manipulation to try and clamp the Kin Bonding conduits, not allowing the flame to flow. It wasn’t enough, as it spilled through, and I could feel Shaeula crying out as well, surprised. Not enough. I have a little spare, not much, but… I added Adherence to the mix, encircling the flame, almost like it was a shimenawa rope in my mental image, and soon the flow settled, pooling back into the spirit lights, which were massive and full, and growing with each moment, as the Sacred Flame dimmed a little. A second wave of pain struck me, the residue of the Sacred Flame within me, and it then scattered, greedily soaking into the bonds between me and the others, and my Eye pulsed in time with it, amber letters flashing.

Your Skill, Kin Bonding And Restoration, has absorbed the essence of a spiritual flame dealing with strengthening, purification and rebirth. Curses, poisons, misfortune and other negative influences slowing the return of Bonded Kin you have taken as spirit lights will be gradually burned away, and the nourishment of said spirit lights will be increased, allowing a faster rebirth, and the chance of a spirit light being too damaged to take into Kin Bonding by such attacks will also be reduced, as the flame now absorbed and propagating within will repair the spirit over time. Your resistance to all such effects also increases.

With that the pains stabilised, the Bonds settling, and with a backlash of energy from me, the spirit lights swelled, bursting into a brilliant glow, and they separated from me, drifting overhead, before descending in a bright flash of light, resolving under the amazed eyes of everyone, especially the Tengu, who knew nothing of Kin Restoration, into a pair of stunned figures, one a naked male cat with golden fur covering his dangerous areas, and the other…

An inhumanly beautiful woman, her long dark hair wrapped around her like a veil, her ruby red eyes blinking softly, looked around with shocked surprise. “Where… where am I?” She caught sight of me, her eyes widening, as she recognised me, and her lips parted again to speak…

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