No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 248  Last day of selections-1

Chapter 248  Last day of selections-1

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, glancing around the room. Blaze sat on the desk, lost in thought as he peered out the window. Getting out of bed, I readied myself and headed downstairs. Mrs. Penny was preparing breakfast, and the other students were seated at the table in our dorm.

I exchanged a few silent words with Mrs. Penny before settling on the nearby sofa. She brought me breakfast, which I consumed in quietude. After recent events, no one had spoken much to me, creating an eerie silence in the dormitory.

"Seems like you're inadvertently intimidating them," Blaze commented, nibbling on a piece of meat.

I finished breakfast and made my way out, heading toward the Arena. Today marked the final day of selections, and unlike others, I hadn't needed to fight more than twice. For the rest, it had been two or three bouts.

Arriving at the bustling Arena, I noticed the crowd noise making it difficult to discern individual conversations. Scanning for the first-year section, I was surprised to see Erik there.

"You made it to the semi-finals?" I inquired, surprised by his presence.

"Yeah... even I can't believe it," he replied, shrugging in disbelief.

As I looked around, my gaze met Helga's, but she quickly averted her eyes. Everyone besides Erik and me hailed from Class A, emphasizing their strength.

I joined Erik's side, waiting for the second and third-year students to assemble. Today, we stood closer while in line, and I sensed a gaze from a distance—Aron was staring at me from the back of the third-year line, with the second-year group in between.

Mary and Adam stood at the head of their respective lines, keeping some distance.

"Where's your Pet?" I asked Erik, who stood in front of me.

"He was injured in the last fight. The healer advised me to keep him out of any fights for the next six months," he replied, looking down at his feet.

I didn't press for more information.

"Students, esteemed colleagues, and esteemed guests," Headmaster Stormborne began, his voice carrying a wise and authoritative tone that resonated across the packed arena. As he stood in the center of the stage, a gentle flick of his hand mended every crack on the surface, signifying the start of a new day of challenges.

"We gather once again in this hallowed ground, where courage, skill, and determination converge. Today marks the culmination of our trials, a day where champions will rise and aspirations will find their voice. The journey thus far has been one of dedication, resilience, and camaraderie."

He paused, surveying the eager faces before him, his eyes sparkling with wisdom and warmth. "In the pursuit of excellence, we have witnessed remarkable displays of talent and resolve. But today, my dear students, we embark upon the final chapter of this illustrious contest."

Stormborne's voice resonated with a commanding yet encouraging timbre. "The rules for today are simple yet decisive. The weapons you choose today will be your allies till the curtain falls. An embodiment of your choices, they will echo your skill, your strategy, and your conviction."

He continued, each word carrying a weight of significance. "But remember, dear students, the weapons you wield are but an extension of yourselves. They mirror not just your strength but your adaptability, your determination, and your fortitude. It is not merely the weapon in your hand, but the heart behind it that defines the champion."

"In the arena today, you will confront your peers, your equals in prowess and your friends in ambition. But let it be known that every duel, every clash, is an opportunity not only to showcase your abilities but to honor the spirit of fair play, respect, and sportsmanship."

He swept his gaze across the assembled competitors, his eyes full of pride and encouragement. "Embrace the challenge before you, for it is within these trials that character is forged, friendships are tested, and greatness is achieved. May the valor of the brave guide your path and the wisdom of the learned steer your choices."

"In this arena, let courage be your shield, and integrity your sword. Go forth, champions, and let the echoes of your resolve resound across these hallowed halls. Let today be a testament to your spirit, your dedication, and your unwavering pursuit of excellence."

With a slight bow, Headmaster Stormborne concluded, "Let the final day of selections commence!"

Why did he mention the weapons more than once? Because today the weapons that would be given to the students are going to be top teir,like from Rank A-B which is quite a big thing if I say so myself.

'Says the guy who only uses a mithril sword that breaks if put much pressure or mana into it.' Blaze added.

I sighed, feeling today would be different. I could witness the third-years' battles before my turn, following a sequence where the third years fought first, then the second years, and lastly, us, the first years.

As Stormborne descended, a professor took his place on the stage. Stormborne's gaze lingered on us, particularly on Isolde, whom he waved at, receiving a friendly wave in return. Despite her dragon lineage, unlike phoenixes or basilisks, dragon abilities didn't awaken merely with a drop of dragon blood. Isolde had potential, yet she lacked the innate draconic powers of her grandfather, an unknown dragon.

"First match! Aron Adiel Velcrow! Cent Clurk!" the professor announced, drawing attention to the stage. Aron glanced at Cecelia and me before stepping up.

Cecelia stood just behind Mary—she had made it here, unlike Raven. Where was Raven? I scanned the audience.

"Third row, left side," Blaze pointed out, leading my eyes to Raven, looking better than the previous night.

I didn't offer her a potion directly; instead, I carried gel, wanting to show care through actions rather than just giving her a drink.

Raven seemed nervous, and when I waved, she hesitated before finally responding, possibly lost in thoughts.

"Do you know Senior Larkspur?" Erik inquired, and my frown spoke volumes.

Raven's response was hesitant, waving fervently after a brief pause, lost in contemplation. I simply smiled back, returning my focus to the upcoming matches.

I refocused my attention on the stage, anticipating Cecelia's forthcoming loss against Mary. It would serve as a reminder for the supporting heroines to intensify their training and enhance their strengths.

My gaze returned to the ongoing match where Aron displayed dominance, wielding a lengthy spear. His wind spells had become impressively robust, leaving me puzzled. It seemed like a loophole in the storyline, lacking proper explanation for his sudden surge in power within a few days.

Aron firmly gripped his spear, twirling it skillfully while crouching near the stage. His opponent hurled a massive boulder, ten times their size, towards Aron. He positioned his spearhead to meet the incoming threat, resulting in a thunderous explosion that obliterated the boulder. Employing pressurized wind, Aron had cracked the boulder and exploited its weak spot with the force of his A-rank spear, sending his adversary flying out of the ring.

"Aron Adiel Velcrow! Won!" The outcome was evident as the defeated competitor lay unconscious, his face bloodied, drawing immediate attention from the professors while the spectators, including myself, remained fixated on Aron.

The aftermath of Aron's intense battle left the stage bearing scars—the marks of his spear scraping against the floor had left cracks, despite Stormborne's recent repairs.

A wave of silence enveloped the arena as Aron released his hold on the spear, its metallic clang resonating within the hushed atmosphere. His eyes, tinged red, held a formidable intensity, creating an impactful moment amidst the prevailing silence.

He spat on his opponent's face, assuming a crouching position. Although I couldn't discern his words, having played the game extensively, I knew precisely the phrase he uttered.

"I'll get what I want."

The meaning behind his statement remained an enigma, puzzling the gaming community. Many speculated that he referred to the Oceanic Pulses, yet the true significance lingered shrouded in mystery.

.....Well for Oceanic Pulses, that things is- haaa if I wanted to make it clear then that's the only reason I want to participate in the mages Gambit like this.

The Oceanic Pulse, sourced from the heart of the mythical Eurabdis, possesses the extraordinary ability to grant its possessor the "Hydrokinetic Resonance." This unique power allows the wielder to manipulate water in its purest form. Unlike typical water manipulation abilities, the Hydrokinetic Resonance isn't limited to controlling existing water sources. It enables the user to create water from the moisture in the air, even in the driest of environments.

Furthermore, this ability allows the user to resonate with the fundamental essence of water, granting them an acute sense of fluid movement and an unparalleled understanding of hydrodynamics.

Ultimately, possessing the Oceanic Pulse bestows upon the bearer a mastery over water that transcends conventional manipulation, offering a multifaceted and adaptable skill set that taps into the pure essence and boundless potential of this fundamental element.

And that's for only those who already have water element but for us.... it's like unlimited breathing pass under the water.

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