Mythical Era: I Evolved Into A Stellar-Level Beast

Chapter 130 - 118: The Domination of the Dragon-

Chapter 130: Chapter 118: The Domination of the Dragon-

Turtle, Eight Desolate Purification Hell (Big Chapter)

Translator: 549690339

Because his home was on the edge of the city, Jack Clark was the first to arrive home.

Mr. Willard, Freya, Class Leader, and everyone else, 111 be getting off the bus now. See you at school the day after tomorrow.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Jack carried the box with the gifts and got off the bus. He waited for the bus to leave before he prepared to cross the street.

It was already past ten oclock in the morning, and the train station was still some distance away from his home.

However, before Jack could get close, a neighbor who was working in the courtyard of the house next door saw him and couldnt help but shout: Doris, your son Jack is back!

It couldnt be helped, after two months, Jack had grown taller, reaching 185 centimeters. His military uniform with a black base and red edges made him look very handsome and eye-catching as he walked down the street.

The first to rush out was Glenn Clark, who had grown even taller over the past two months. He was now about 178 centimeters tall and looked even more stalwart and imposing.

If Jack didnt know Glenn was only thirteen years old, he would have mistaken him for a muscle trainer.

Glenn hugged his brother excitedly and took the luggage from his hand: Brother, youre finally back.

Jim, arent you going to school?

Its winter break, brother.

Its winter break already. Jack paused for a moment, then recalled that it was already January 2nd.

With a tiger-like face, Glenn said, Yeah, its only half a month before the New

Year. Its a good thing you made it back, or our home would have been very lonely this year.

Just then, Doris also came out.

Looking at the slightly excited Doris, Jack said gently, Mom, Im back.

Its good to be back, its good to be back. Doris carefully examined Jack and found that he wasnt injured and looked energetic before she finally relaxed a little.

Two months had passed, and Jacks face was much more mature, showing a firm and resolute look, full of vigor and vitality.

Despite feeling proud of the change, Doris also felt a little heartache.

Upon returning home, Jack was pestered by Glenn to tell him about the Koroya Trial. Jack chose to tell him some things he was allowed to share and omitted any details about the fighting.

At the same time, he presented the gifts he had brought back to them.

By the way, Jack, your birthday is in ten days.

At lunchtime, Doris suddenly said: I heard from Glenn that youve made a few good friends at school. Theres a girl named Freya who is very pretty. Do you want to invite them over for dinner on your birthday?

After saying this, Doriss eyes were full of expectation.

Cough! No, no need. Its just an ordinary birthday; theres no need to go through all that trouble. I- Ill just have a cake. Jack almost choked and quickly shook his head.

It was just an ordinary birthday, after all. Inviting guests to dinner would be too much trouble.

Doris looked a bit disappointed: Well, 1 was thinking we could have a lively celebration with your friends over for your birthday. Just last month, I got a promotion at work, and my income has increased a lot.

Jack shook his head decisively: Lets wait for my twentieth birthday then. That would be more meaningful.


After dinner, Jack spent the afternoon being bombarded with questions by Glenn. In the end, he managed to get rid of him by saying that he needed to cultivate.

However, Jack was not lying to him.

In the afternoon, Jack sat cross-legged on the corridor in the backyard and his majestic Dragon Elephant True Strength began to circulate within his body. Immediately, the surrounding rich Heavenly Energy gathered around him.

While drawing in the Heavenly Energy, Jack used half of his spirit to check in on the Sword Armor Beast.

Golden sunlight filtered through the seawater, rendering the 100-meter-deep underwater world colorful. The 10-meter-long Unique Beast lazily lay on a coral reef.

At this moment, the Sword Armor Beast had just finished eating and was resting. It was also enjoying the scenery with a relaxed spirit, after all, it was not made of iron.

This time, the Sword Armor Beasts ferocious aura was hidden, making it seem harmless to fish.

However, even so, no fish dared to approach it.

It couldnt be helped that its 10-meter-long body had an innate deterrence, not to mention its ferocious head and blood-red feathered horn on both sides making it look terrifying.

But just then, a school of fish scattered in front, and countless fish of various sizes swam past the Sword Armor Beast.

Seeing this, the Sword Armor Beast opened its eyes, and a cold light appeared in its golden vertical pupils because this situation indicated the appearance of a powerful Mutated Beast.

Sure enough, a giant shadow appeared in the distance shortly after.

The thick, pillar-like limbs were covered in scales, the heavy, reef-like brown turtle shell was covered in sharp spikes, and a ferocious head that looked like a Flood Dragon.

Most importantly, this 26-meter-long and 10-meter-tall Mutant Giant Turtle exuded a heavy aura.

This Mutant Giant Turtle was powerful, and even the Sword Armor Beast felt a potent sense of danger facing it, making its eyes sharpen instantly.


The Sword Armor Beast slowly stood up and let out a warning growl from its mouth. The vibrating sound waves rippled far away in the water, causing many fish to turn their stomachs.

Although there was a significant difference in size between the two, the Sword Armor Beast was not afraid, as it could escape with its speed if it could not win.

In response to its warning, the ferocious Mutant Giant Turtle glanced coldly at the Sword Armor Beast and ignored it, walking straight past it with its colossal body.

It was actually ignored. The battle-ready Sword Armor Beast paused.

As it watched the dust stirring up behind the giant turtle crawling on the sea floor, the Sword Armor Beasts eyes moved. It noticed that the giant turtle seemed to be heading towards the Mutated Crystal Angelfishs Territory.

Since returning from the open sea, the Sword Armor Beast had been hunting near the Mutated Crystal Angelfishs Territory..

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