My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 199  Fireworks of corpses

199  Fireworks of corpses

The CEO of Veridia is accused of betraying the homeland and has been observed in tax evasion and other minor infractions. This was the headline in most government-controlled newspapers, which spread this information everywhere with evident enthusiasm. Some of them even fervently distributed newspapers for free, escalating the tension to unbearable levels.

Dozens and hundreds of letters sent to Veridia's company, requesting or even demanding an explanation, received only silence. All these events occurred a day before the presentation of their products, which hinted at paid information. However, even if they were aware of it, dealing with the situation was extremely difficult.

"Madam Amarantha, we're facing a dreadful crisis! More people are returning purchased tickets and asking for refunds, and some investors have expressed their intention to permanently terminate contracts, leading to even more significant problems!" Marina reported with horror and stepped aside.

The current location was Adam's office, and Amarantha, who took charge while the man was being interrogated in the castle, sat behind his desk. She was irritated by the situation but still had to calm down, rationally assess the situation, and give orders.

In the office, besides her and Marina, there was also Sabrina. Ricky and Avalon were busy managing tomorrow's presentation, which they decided not to cancel as there was still some interest in it. Sighing, Amarantha took the reports in her hands and began to read, furrowing her brow.

"So many problems. It seems that Branks Company is indeed determined. Besides, knowing Elizabeth, she is one hundred percent involved in this. Is it her revenge for Adam allegedly being a spy?" she thought, grinding her teeth in anger. Not the most positive memories surfaced about the Queen of Avalonia, who mostly preferred profit.

The same situation was with Adam. Most likely, she wanted to press him as much as possible and not allow him to expand too much. Besides, she had a direct connection with Branks Company and its CEO, causing such issues.

However, an equally significant problem was trying to ensure that this information did not reach Veronica, as if she found out about this situation, all of Avalonia could be in jeopardy. Remembering how many responsibilities fell on her shoulders, Amarantha could only sigh bitterly and get to work.

Meanwhile, a full-scale investigation was underway in the castle. They tried to interrogate Adam, but he answered all questions monosyllabically, without revealing any details. The knights faced a lot of problems because, essentially, they couldn't torture him in any way, as his identity was long known, and there was an order from Queen Elizabeth – to 'investigate his past without relying on torture.'

This was, in itself, a challenging task because Adam was as stubborn as a ram. Moreover, it was not without sarcasm and mockery. The knights felt like the man was simply laughing at them, but they were helpless.


A metallic sound echoed, as if two metals collided. It was the doors that suddenly slammed shut, thereby restricting Adam's entry and exit. After his arrest, they took him to the far part of the castle and then locked him in a room with mechanical doors reinforced with thick armor.

The room was quite luxurious and met Adam's basic requirements. Moreover, there was an opportunity for a three-time meal, but Adam refused, as he didn't need to eat anyway. There was even alcohol, although the quantity was severely limited.

Click. Click. Shh...

Adam lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke, which rose into the air and dissolved with a sharp gust of wind. He sat on the couch, legs crossed, and his posture was relaxed. An hour ago, he was summoned for questioning again, but he only responded with 'no' and 'yes,' sometimes completely ignoring their questions.

"How tired I am of these idiots trying to get answers out of me," mumbled Adam, exhaling smoke.

During this time, he was so bored that it came to the point where he spent whole days just meditating. Unfortunately, none of his wives were allowed to see him, and the only guest for him was Duchess Anastasia, who, on one of the days, came again with the offer she mentioned during their previous meeting.

But the answer remained unchanged – no!

"Well, boredom is deadly. The only thing to do here is to read books. As a social person, I miss female company," he muttered, tiredly looking at the ceiling.

The smell of tobacco filled the room, while the only sound was the ticking of clock mechanisms, irritatingly ticking as if time was flowing much slower than usual. Contact with the outside world was limited, and the only people he had some dialogue with were two knights whom he straightforwardly mocked.

"That young man today was amusing. Was he so provoked by the fact that I read his emotions and concerns about being rejected by his beloved?" he muttered, tilting his head to the side and lighting another cigarette, inhaling the smoke.


After a long exhale, the man extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray and stood up, pacing around the room. Unfortunately, this was the only entertainment. He spun this way for more than ten minutes until three consecutive knocks on the door sounded, followed by the clinking of metals. That's when Adam saw the person at the doorway.

"Look what the cat's dragged in! It's Her Majesty Elizabeth, the Holy of Avalonia!" Adam said mockingly, looking over his shoulder at the door.

"So much sarcasm in your words, Adam," Elizabeth responded to his bright sarcasm with her unchanged cold expression.

The door slammed shut, leaving them alone in the room. Neither of them spoke; they just stared at each other with indifference in their eyes.


Adam wasn't particularly pleased with her presence because her behavior was extremely unusual for him. First, she accused him of betrayal, which he did not commit, and then she orchestrated everything against him. Even if he were the most patient person on Earth, such treatment would infuriate anyone.

"Did you come here just to look at me? Does the great queen not have a pre-prepared horde of handsome men?" Adam said with a mocking tone, switching to an informal tone. It was evident that he was not particularly happy with her presence, and his words were filled with venom.

"What?..." Elizabeth did not expect such words and frowned, feeling offended. Along with the feeling of anger, she felt disappointment, which made her puzzled. However, she left all of that for later and simply asked, "Never mind... I'm more interested in your behavior. Weren't you innocent? So why aren't you even trying to justify yourself? You're not even cooperating with the investigation!" Elizabeth said accusingly, clearly recalling his own words in which he assured her that he would never harm her. She crossed her arms on her chest and snorted, narrowing her eyes, "Your behavior is getting worse and worse, you know? Can't you just..."

"Agree to hand over Veridia and become a lapdog for Branks' CEO?" Adam interrupted, smirking, and rudely cutting off the queen. He lifted his chin, approached her, then leaned in so that their eyes were at the same level. He muttered, "Unfortunately, I don't agree with such an outcome. Though, I admit, it was a bit amusing to watch how you gradually changed your attitude towards me. From love to hatred, as the wise men say..."


Elizabeth snorted and pushed Adam away. This small movement left the man in shock, as he expected a much stronger force to be applied, but it was just a light shove, moreover...

"Did it seem to me, or were her hands shaking?" he thought, perplexed, tilting his head to the side and looking at Elizabeth.

She still had a cold expression on her face and a straight posture, but undoubtedly, her emotions had changed. Adam raised an eyebrow in puzzlement as his ability activated, allowing him to see her emotions.

Embarrassment. Sadness. Disappointment and... a broken heart?

"What the hell?"

Now he was in bewilderment.

After some maneuvering, Amarantha managed to persuade most investors to stay. Of course, not the most legal means were involved, but who cared? The result was what mattered. She took the situation into her own hands and began throwing counter-accusations and responding to letters.

In the end, the company's reputation was preserved, and everyone was convinced that it was all a blatant lie and an attempt at provocation. Although, undoubtedly, most aristocrats decided not to intervene in the situation, fearing to offend the royal family, from which this order was issued.

However, the most important people who were the pillars of the company showed no hesitation and supported the company's honor. Moreover...


Screams echoed in different corners of Avalonia's capital, mysteriously disappearing after. There were many murders and bloodshed—mostly involving the heads of magazines that spread rumors about them. Amaranta's forces intervened, swiftly eliminating those who sought to profit from Adam's difficult situation.

Amaranta was ruthless, and many fell under her control, forcing them to release articles accusing Branks Company of blackmailing them into publishing false publications about Adam. This created another wave of chaos and conflict. Both sides exchanged information, creating sheer disorder.

"Madam, ten people were killed, and twenty are under control. Activate the spells?" asked the woman dressed as a ninja.


Today, the capital had a fireworks display. A fireworks of corpses.

On the next day, the news covered the murders, and the commotion was so intense that the castle's knights got involved. Everything was thoroughly investigated, and attempts to identify the murderers led to the most unexpected individuals. In essence, they were some merchants and aristocrats who harbored a grudge against Adam's company.

The truth was, Amaranta took care to ensure there was no trace left of them, alive or dead.


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