My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 287: When More Suns Appear in the Sky, My Wife Will Arrive

Chapter 287: When More Suns Appear in the Sky, My Wife Will Arrive

Wu Qi walked among the lavishly dressed crowd, her back straight, her high heels clicking confidently, her heart brimming with pride.

Unfortunately, her phone had been confiscated.

Otherwise, attending such a private party with some aristocrats, she could have taken a photo and shown it to her friends, basking in their admiration. Wouldn't that have been satisfying?

The doors to the reception hall opened, and Kuang Huan, with his arm around Er Jian's waist, spoke softly.

"Mr. Qi, to celebrate the completion of our deal, I’ve specially arranged a small party for you."

In front of Qi Yuan, Kuang Huan resumed his courteous demeanor, completely different from how he acted outside.

Wu Qi quickly glanced around the reception hall's furnishings.

When she saw the various guns and weapons on the gold-threaded wooden table, her eyes widened. After all, as an artist, she had little exposure to such real weapons.

Hearing Kuang Huan’s voice, she looked towards the depths of the reception hall.

She saw someone sitting there, seemingly fishing.

Wu Qi's eyes focused intently because that silhouette seemed somewhat familiar.

At that moment, the young man turned around, revealing a bright, handsome face.

Seeing that face, Wu Qi's heart unexpectedly skipped a beat.

Because that person... was her junior from school, Qi Yuan!

She wondered if she was mistaken, or perhaps the two just looked alike, but how could she mistake such a high-profile face?

Then she recalled that this junior, whom she once somewhat "looked down upon," had now become a person of such stature that he could play with her as he pleased.

A wave of inexplicable shame and indignation spread over her, making her cheeks flush.

Then, a strange thrill surged through her, and Wu Qi’s emotions felt like a roller coaster ride.

At this moment, Kuang Huan's face broke into a smile. "I wonder if these... are to your satisfaction?"

Qi Yuan was now also looking seriously at Kuang Huan, his expression somewhat awkward. "You’re throwing a party... and invited me?"

Isn't the usual reaction to say, damn it, you’re throwing a party and didn’t invite me?
But since he was invited, he wasn’t sure how to respond.

Seeing Qi Yuan's reaction, Kuang Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was just worried that Qi Yuan might be indifferent to everything.

Judging from Qi Yuan's reply just now, it was clear he had accepted him.

Kuang Huan then introduced, "These ladies here are well-known celebrities. This one..."

He pointed to Wu Qi.

"She's from Tianyue City, and I believe she was your high school classmate, Mr. Qi."

He had specifically brought Wu Qi here because she might have crossed paths with Qi Yuan in the past—they were old classmates.

Such a connection would appeal more to his senses.

Otherwise, a celebrity of Wu Qi's caliber wouldn't have been eligible to attend their private gathering.

"Oh, what a coincidence?" Qi Yuan looked at Wu Qi, and the memories of his innate seed flooded back, "I remember now. The senior who ate three sweet potatoes at once actually became a star?"

Qi Yuan had a good memory; as long as he recalled, his past memories would resurface.

Wu Qi blushed upon hearing this and looked at Qi Yuan. She boldly said, "Junior, you still remember your senior."

To be remembered by such an influential person as Qi Yuan, even if it was for the time she ate three sweet potatoes, was already gratifying for Wu Qi.

"My memory has always been excellent, unforgettable," Qi Yuan said as he turned to Kuang Huan, speaking softly, "Did you bring the goods?"

The goods naturally referred to some rare cultivation herbs unique to Yue Lang.

Kuang Huan nodded, "Due to the urgency, I sought the help of General Mu to collect this batch before returning."

Hearing this, Wu Qi felt that Qi Yuan was even more mysterious.

She had not expected that her seemingly ordinary but very handsome junior had such a background and connections.

Wu Qi stretched her neck, trying to see what precious items were being brought in with the general’s help.

The black-clad mercenaries opened the boxes, revealing a heap of various strange plants.

All these plants were sealed in airtight bags, and through the transparent bags, Wu Qi's eyes revealed a puzzled look.

Because some of these items, Wu Qi could recognize—they were just... ordinary weeds.

"Not bad. This much will last me a while," Qi Yuan said, looking at the boxes with a satisfied expression.

Kuang Huan smiled humbly. "As long as Mr. Qi is satisfied."

"Why don't we cooperate? You help me gather some materials, and I... will pay you a fair amount. Or... I might give you some finished products, but giving out finished products would depend on my mood." Qi Yuan then looked out at the sea, seemingly always focused on fishing, his back to the crowd.

However, his voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

The female stars did not notice anything unusual, but Kuang Huan did.

His evaluation of Qi Yuan rose to another level in his mind.

"I want the finished products!"

Do you even need to ask?

Kuang Huan had plenty of money.

As for finished products, he guessed they were probably something akin to elixirs.

The women around, seeing Kuang Huan’s somewhat lost expression, looked on curiously.

They didn’t know what this transaction was about or what it represented.

"Alright, move these things to my house. I’ll send you the information on the other materials I need. If you run out of money or encounter any danger, just reach out to me."

The materials Qi Yuan needed were numerous and varied.

Some were rare and uncommon.

Collecting them would require a lot of manpower and resources.

Some items couldn't be bought even in markets.

So, Qi Yuan thought about collaborating with someone like Kuang Huan, who had some strength.

Kuang Huan was delighted and said earnestly, "It is my honor to work for Mr. Qi!"

After all, if the cultivation technique was genuine, then Mr. Qi must indeed be an immortal from the legends.

It was his honor to serve an immortal.

"You ladies, go over and accompany Mr. Qi!" Kuang Huan quickly signaled to a few female stars.

Wu Qi and the others heard him and hurriedly moved towards Qi Yuan, walking with elegant steps. Wu Qi, in particular, made exaggerated movements as if eager to show off her figure.

At the same time...

On the Haixingya, soft whispers could be heard.

"Did you hear? Viscount Kuang Huan is treating a scammer as an immortal and is spending a fortune to buy a cultivation technique. Isn't this a joke?"

"Immortal cultivation? Did Kuang Huan, the mercenary, get his head broken?"

"The funniest part is, he found this seller through a viral video online. They say the seller is actually mentally ill. These days, even the mentally ill can scam people, and some still believe them. It’s really embarrassing for us nobles."

"Now he’s treating that guy like an immortal and throwing a private party with a bunch of celebrities. Should we go in and expose the fraud?"

"Are you out of your mind? If it’s fake, exposing him would only embarrass Kuang Huan. What good would that do besides offending Kuang Huan?"

"It would be fine if it were fake; you'd only offend Kuang Huan. But if it's real, you'd be offending an immortal!"

These men and women laughed as if discussing an amusing dinner topic. Soon, the conversation shifted elsewhere.

As for going to Kuang Huan’s private party to challenge or expose Qi Yuan... that was something only a fool or someone with too much time on their hands would do.

At this moment, in Kuang Huan’s private party, the anticipated debauchery didn’t occur.
Although Wu Qi and others were placed beside Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan stated that he was a man with a fiancée and wanted to keep himself pure.

However, he did not dismiss the female stars but used them for fishing.

At this moment, Wu Qi was fishing, her mind in turmoil.

She regretted only meeting Qi Yuan now.

If she had known Qi Yuan's background in high school, with her methods and her status as a senior, wouldn’t it have been easy to win over a junior?

But now, facing Qi Yuan, she always felt inferior, making her cautious in her actions and words.

This is the disparity in status.

Power, money, and strength can indeed give one confidence.

When faced with a creature stronger than oneself, a being that follows the rules always feels inferior.

"Stop daydreaming and focus more," Qi Yuan glanced sideways at Wu Qi.

Wu Qi hurriedly gave a nervous smile and said, "I'm watching!"

She wasn't very good at fishing and was struggling a bit with the task.

With the help of another female star nearby, she finally managed to reel in a fish and put it into a bucket.

Kuang Huan chuckled, "I didn't expect Mr. Qi to adhere to the principles of a gentleman."

If Qi Yuan were a scammer, he would have been eagerly taking advantage by now.

But even if he wasn't a scammer, an immortal enjoying himself occasionally would be normal.

"I'm different from someone without a wife like you. My wife is stunning," Qi Yuan said proudly.

However, thinking of something, Qi Yuan frowned and asked, "Does Qin Yuan have laws against bigamy?"

"Yes," Kuang Huan answered truthfully. He seemed to understand Qi Yuan's meaning and glanced at Wu Qi, "But you can keep someone on the side. It’s not illegal, nor is it a crime. Even illegitimate children have inheritance rights."

"But how is it considered marriage without a certificate?" Qi Yuan objected.

He genuinely wanted to give each of his wives a home.

"In a while, my wife is probably coming down. At that time, I want to marry two wives at once. Can you help me arrange the paperwork?" Qi Yuan asked.

When he reached the Yuan Dan stage, he would be able to pull the projection of his Stellar Golden Core into this universe.

At that time, Ning Tao could also be summoned by Qi Yuan.

Since Qi Yuan's true self had already entered the Shen Ying realm, he had plenty of spiritual power. By summoning Ning Tao, her projection could stay without worrying about returning to the golden core projection.

The other wife would naturally be Xiao Jia.

When the two of them appeared together, he could marry them at the same time and save some money.

"This... is possible." Kuang Huan hesitated for a moment but immediately agreed.

"Oh, right, my two wives don’t have ID cards... is that an issue?"

"No problem..." Kuang Huan's face was peculiar. He cautiously asked, "Where are they now?"

"In the sky," Qi Yuan replied.

Wu Qi, standing nearby, was utterly baffled by their conversation.

In the sky...? What does that mean? She recognized every word the two men said, but when put together, she couldn't understand the meaning.

Kuang Huan's heart skipped a beat. "When will they arrive?"

"In a few months, I guess?" Qi Yuan said softly.

As long as the resources were sufficient and the requirements for foundational and core-forming spiritual items weren’t strict, Qi Yuan could reach Yuan Dan in just a few months.

As for the Yin God stage, it might take a bit longer.

That would be measured in years.

After all, in this world, Qi Yuan had not yet discovered a way to gain experience by slaying monsters.

In Wangyue Continent, there were game-like monsters to kill for experience points, and in the Mortal Heart World, there were new gods to kill.

In this world, there wasn't a major villain or antagonist yet.

It was a suitable world for him to spend his honeymoon with his wives.

"When you look up at the sky and see several more suns, that’s when my wife will probably arrive," Qi Yuan looked up at the sky.

In the sky above, besides one sun, a few stars dotted the expanse.

The female stars present were momentarily stunned by Qi Yuan's words, then they laughed.

Wu Qi boldly asked, "More suns in the sky?"

Kuang Huan was bewildered. Qi Yuan's words were too shocking.

More suns in the sky, what would that mean? The entire Gongxing might be gone.

Although modern technology was advanced, with powerful weapons of all kinds.

But facing even a single sun, there was nothing even the nations on Canxing could do.

Sensing Kuang Huan's concern, Qi Yuan chuckled, "It’s just a sun projection; it won't affect Gongxing’s ecology. Think of it like there are a few more paintings in the sky."

Kuang Huan felt unsettled.

To be honest, this statement was even more terrifying than Qi Yuan being a cultivator.

If Qi Yuan had a fortunate encounter and obtained a cultivation technique, that was understandable.

But multiple suns in the sky... that wasn’t just cultivation, was it? "Haha..." Kuang Huan laughed awkwardly, treating Qi Yuan’s words as a joke.

If Qi Yuan were such a being, why would he be fishing with him? Why make deals? It wasn’t logical.

"When Madam descends, I’ll personally go to the civil affairs bureau to get your marriage certificates!" Kuang Huan assured, patting his chest.

"Rest assured, it's just a few months. You won’t have to wait long," Qi Yuan said.

He was looking forward to Ning Tao’s arrival.

In Liufeng Realm, Ning Tao wore black silk but never white, which was quite a pity.

Kuang Huan laughed it off, and just a few months later, they would know whether it was a joke or not.

At that moment, Wu Qi's face lit up with excitement. She stood up and said joyfully, "I caught a fish!"

Wu Qi struggled clumsily with the fishing rod, and because of her lack of skill, it took her quite a while to get the fish up.

With the help of another female star, she finally managed to catch the fish and put it into a bucket.

Kuang Huan nodded approvingly, "Not bad, that's a golden carp. This fish is worth two thousand yuan; not bad." Wu Qi felt delighted, glancing at Qi Yuan like a kitten seeking praise.

Unfortunately, Qi Yuan didn’t even look at her. Instead, he was looking at the fish, "Too bad it’s not the little cutie."

"The little cutie?" Wu Qi was puzzled.

The fish she caught was golden and adorable. What wasn’t cute about it?

Kuang Huan was taken aback, then quickly said, "Mr. Qi, do you have a target in mind?"

He guessed that there might be a fish in the sea that Qi Yuan needed for cultivation materials.

"Yes, there is a little cutie, but I don’t know what it’s called.

No worries, keep fishing for a while, and it will eventually show up." Qi Yuan said casually.

Earlier, when he was fishing, he had noticed that little cutie.

His keen eyesight had detected something unique about it.

Unfortunately, Qi Yuan’s current strength was too weak, and he was cursed. Jumping into the sea for a little cutie wasn't worth it.

So, he borrowed a few of these female stars to help him fish.

"A rare and cute sea fish?" Kuang Huan pondered. "I’ll give it a try too. Let's see who can catch it today."

"A fish cuter than a golden carp?" The other female stars were also eager to try.

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