My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 284: A Buyer for the Cultivation Technique

Chapter 284: A Buyer for the Cultivation Technique

A punch was thrown, and a loud bang echoed.
This scene was shocking, yet somewhat ordinary.

After all, did a punch like that have more destructive power than a gun?
On a construction site, could it compete with a truck?

Hmm... it couldn't.
It wasn't even as effective as taking a genetic enhancement drug.

The Second Senior Brother was both surprised and unimpressed.

He’s a genius... hmm.

“You’ve now officially begun your training. It seems you don’t need me to teach you. If you have any questions later, feel free to ask me,” said the Second Senior Brother. “Xiao Li, take Qi Yuan to get a martial arts uniform.”

“Got it.”

What had just happened was nothing remarkable. In terms of shock value, it wasn’t even as surprising as a celebrity’s dog falling ill.

Qi Yuan followed the staff member to get his training clothes.

At this moment, his mood was anything but calm.

Because, in that punch he just threw, he sensed something different.

The punch was quite ordinary, even less powerful than martial arts from the Canglan Realm.

But with Qi Yuan’s exceptional observational skills, he noticed that the punch seemed to hide something.

“When I threw that punch... something felt different.”

As he executed that punch, Qi Yuan felt a completely different sensation compared to martial arts from the Canglan Realm or martial arts from the Moon-Watching Continent.

Of course, it was just a feeling.

If you asked him to pinpoint exactly what it was, he couldn’t say.

The main reason was that he was currently too weak to have "the eye to see."

If he had the cultivation level of a Nascent Soul, he could observe his own body and instantly discover the internal issues.

Even the curse might be completely resolved, rather than merely suppressed.

After changing into his training clothes, Qi Yuan entered the training room.

Inside the spacious training room, there were men and women, totaling over twenty people.

Most of them were men; there were fewer women, only about a quarter.

“Hey there, handsome!”

As soon as Qi Yuan walked in, he attracted a lot of attention.

After all, with Qi Yuan’s good looks, even back in school, he had attracted many admirers.

If it weren’t for his mental illness, girls like Li Yan wouldn’t have chased him so fervently.

Sometimes, when a man is handsome, he will understand just how forward some girls can be.

And those who have spare money to train in martial arts are usually from well-off families.

These young men and women are generally quite outgoing, and some girls even boldly flirted with Qi Yuan.

“Newcomer, Qi Yuan, nice to meet you all.”

Qi Yuan casually introduced himself, found a corner, and began studying and practicing the "Mingwu Resonance Fist."

“Hey handsome, I’ve been here a month longer than you. Want me to teach you?” A woman with a high ponytail approached Qi Yuan, her demeanor quite bold.

“Oh?” Qi Yuan looked at the woman with the high ponytail. “Are you good at it?”

“Wang Shiqiao is a genius with nine lines. Her technique is superb,” a friend of Wang Shiqiao shouted from afar.

Wang Shiqiao looked at Qi Yuan and then opened a window. “Look... this is the fourth floor.”

Qi Yuan looked down.

From this height, an ordinary person might die if they jumped.

Could she be thinking...?

He looked at Wang Shiqiao with anticipation in his eyes.

“Watch my punch!”

At that moment, Wang Shiqiao shouted and threw a fierce punch at the sandbag next to Qi Yuan.

The sandbag, subjected to tremendous force, swung violently, appearing quite powerful.

If Qi Yuan, who had come to this game world cursed and weakened, had taken such a punch, he might have died.

“Good, not bad!”

“This punch has a year's worth of power!”

Others around clapped, amused.

Wang Shiqiao looked at Qi Yuan, smugly saying, “How’s that punch?”

Qi Yuan looked at Wang Shiqiao with anticipation. “Great! So, are you going to jump out the window now?”

“Huh?” Wang Shiqiao's lips curled into a smile. “I was kidding! I never said I would jump from the fourth floor. Even the senior master would end up in the hospital if he jumped from here. You didn’t really think practicing ‘Mingwu Resonance Fist’ would make you a superman who could defeat genetically enhanced warriors, did you?”

Hearing this, Qi Yuan muttered, “Is martial arts really that weak?”

On his way here, Qi Yuan had already heard that the senior master of Mingwu Martial Arts School was the number one after the master himself.

This person had already practiced “Mingwu Resonance Fist” to the eighth level, second only to the master.

Yet, he would still get hurt jumping from the fourth floor.

No wonder martial arts were just a hobby, somewhat like fishing or fitness back on Blue Star.

“Martial arts aren’t weak. Our bodies are much stronger than ordinary people’s... and we’re all-natural!” Wang Shiqiao said, deliberately puffing out her chest.

Due to the development of technology and the influence of thoughts from Canxing, the societal atmosphere in all countries on Gongxing had become much more open than before, especially among the wealthy.

“What’s natural about it?” Qi Yuan glanced at Wang Shiqiao's nose. “Your nose has been worked on.”

Wang Shiqiao’s expression changed slightly. She covered her nose with her hand, her face switching between cloudy and clear expressions. “You could tell?”

“It’s obvious,” Qi Yuan replied honestly.

“Damn it, it’s been less than a year, and someone can already tell? What kind of crap did that hospital give me when they promised it’d look natural? I have to go find them!” Wang Shiqiao muttered angrily as she left, seemingly going to cause trouble for the beauty clinic.

Qi Yuan turned away, ignoring her, and continued to study “Mingwu Resonance Fist.”

This set of techniques included a cultivation method and boxing moves.

If it were martial arts from the Canglan Realm, Qi Yuan could master it completely after seeing it once and replicate the moves perfectly.

But martial arts techniques in this world were different.

Qi Yuan could certainly perform a set of “Mingwu Resonance Fist,” but he needed to practice regularly.

He discovered that practicing this technique was also a form of progress.

For others, the progress might be in terms of familiarity with the moves.

But for Qi Yuan, it wasn’t.

He realized there was something deeper here.

He just couldn’t pinpoint it with his current abilities.

“Strike like the soul, vibrate in all directions... push upward, rotate right...”

Qi Yuan recited as he continued to practice the “Mingwu Resonance Fist.”

As Qi Yuan practiced the boxing moves with full concentration, time passed quickly.

Sweat rolled down his forehead, but Qi Yuan paid no mind and continued practicing the set of moves.

In the training room, the other trainees were chatting, sparring, or joking around. Occasionally, someone glanced at Qi Yuan, but their gaze didn’t linger.

Not far away, Qiao Wu was watching the entire training room through the glass door.

Eventually, his gaze landed on Qi Yuan, and a hint of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

“In this day and age, someone still obsessed with martial arts is quite rare,” Qiao Wu couldn’t help but marvel.

He was the master of Mingwu Martial Arts School, over fifty years old, but after taking genetic enhancement drugs, he stood there like a wall, exuding a great sense of presence.

The Second Senior Brother stood beside Qiao Wu, looking at Qi Yuan and sighing, “It’s a pity he was born in the wrong era. If he had been born in ancient times, with his diligence and talent, he might have become a renowned general.”

Qiao Wu nodded in agreement.

Indeed, today’s society was vastly different from ancient times.

Martial arts had become a mere decoration and a small circle.

Qiao Wu came from a martial arts family.

His ancestors even produced martial champions and generals.

But what does it matter now?
Decades of hard practice in “Mingwu Resonance Fist” gave him less improvement than a single dose of genetic enhancement drugs.

“He wants to participate in the martial arts tournament? He’s a good prospect.

Our Mingwu Martial Arts School hasn’t had a student participate in many years. If he participates, he might attract more people to join our school,” Qiao Wu said with a smile.

The martial arts circle is a closed one.

Someone like Qiao Wu, who has taken genetic enhancement drugs, cannot participate in the martial arts tournament.

Otherwise, it would be unfair to other contestants.

“Hmm, with his looks, if he participates in the martial arts tournament and makes it to the top hundred, getting live national coverage, he could attract a lot of fans,” the Second Senior Brother calculated.

After all, it was rare to find someone like Qi Yuan, who was both handsome and dedicated to martial arts.

“The top hundred?” Qiao Wu shook his head. “His physical fitness is too poor. I doubt he could even make it out of the city-level competition, let alone... national level.”

The Second Senior Brother laughed, realizing he might have been too optimistic.

Martial arts’ enhancement to the human body is limited; eating more food and gaining more strength would be more effective.


“Regardless of using any magical techniques, my current strength... has indeed improved a bit.”

Back home, Qi Yuan took a hot shower.

In the training room, he had sweated a lot and felt hot all over.

“This kind of cultivation... seems to be related to the blood.”

Qi Yuan’s eyes seemed to see through his body.

While practicing martial arts, his eyes obtained some hidden information, and it seemed that his blood had undergone some changes.

But he couldn’t see much, and he wasn’t sure what changes had occurred.

“I need to hurry up and improve my cultivation power...”

Qi Yuan sighed.

He was too weak now and couldn’t accomplish many things.

But to accelerate his cultivation, he needed money to buy materials.

“Should I go out and set up a stall to work as a doctor?” Qi Yuan thought to himself.

With his eyesight and knowledge, he could definitely work as a doctor.

Although he didn’t understand the diseases of this world, he could just diagnose everything as kidney deficiency and use his techniques to cure them—no problem at all.

“Let’s first check if I’ve sold any of my techniques?”

With that in mind, Qi Yuan logged into his account.

“Hmm... Someone has tipped?”

Qi Yuan’s eyes lit up.

He had set it up so that anyone who wanted to message him had to tip at least ten thousand yuan.

To his surprise, someone actually tipped.

“There really are foolish... rich people in this world!”

Qi Yuan was delighted.

Isn’t this just a business transaction?
Looking at his account balance, which now had an additional five thousand yuan, Qi Yuan felt a bit frustrated.

“They still take half of the tips. This platform is too greedy.”

After complaining, Qi Yuan opened the chat interface and saw a message.

“Will you sell the technique for ten thousand yuan?”

“Ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand. No bargaining. If you want to haggle, I’m not doing business.” Qi Yuan replied casually.

He didn’t feel it was a loss at that price.

In the Canglan Realm, if completed, the “Super Invincible Explosive Technique” could easily be a sect's treasured technique.

Even an ordinary top-tier Heavenly level technique wouldn't compare.

“Can we have a video call?”

Soon, the other party sent another message.

“To video call, you’ll need to add me as a contact, and that requires a tip of a hundred thousand yuan.” Qi Yuan replied.

He didn’t want to video chat with someone for no reason.

Meanwhile, in Yue Lang Nation, in a border town, a man in a black jacket squinted his eyes, pondering something.

Beside him, a young man in short sleeves had an angry expression on his face. “This guy must be a scammer. He wants a hundred thousand yuan just like that? Does he take us for fools? I bet there’s no continuation of the technique. And cultivating immortality... that’s nonsense.”

The young man in short sleeves sneaked a glance at the boss and, seeing him deep in thought, dared not say more.

The man in the black jacket tapped his fingers on the table, lost in thought.

“I have all his personal information. If he dares cheat me... we’ll just go to Qin Yuan and bring him in,” the man in the black jacket said confidently.

His identity was no ordinary one; he was an arms dealer.

Doing things with his life on the line, he wasn’t afraid of being scammed.

Besides... it was just a hundred thousand yuan.

“Transfer it.”

Without hesitation, he tipped another hundred thousand yuan.

After tipping, he glanced at the young man in short sleeves, who immediately understood the boss's intention and placed a large sniper rifle on the table.

It was clear the man in the black jacket wanted to use these to intimidate the seller.

After a few moments, the video call connected.

The man in the black jacket looked at Qi Yuan, wearing a shirt, and was about to speak when he heard Qi Yuan's lazy voice.

“Five minutes. If you don’t decide to buy within five minutes, I’m not doing business.”

Qi Yuan’s words caught the man in the black jacket off guard, blocking what he was about to say.

The man in the black jacket wasn’t angry. Instead, he gently stroked the sniper rifle on the table. “Five minutes for a hundred thousand yuan. Mr. Qi’s time is really precious.”

Qi Yuan wasn’t surprised that his personal information had been leaked.

After all, online information was like a sieve. Not to mention the super-rich and powerful, even a small official could dig up your information.

A few months ago, a minor official in Qin Yuan made headlines for threatening someone online to give up their identity, all because he was a fanboy.

“You’re getting a good deal,” Qi Yuan replied honestly.

In the Canglan Realm, any cultivator receiving five minutes of guidance from Qi Yuan would benefit greatly, possibly advancing to a higher realm.

The man in the black jacket looked at Qi Yuan’s youthful face, showing a complex expression.

He had never met someone so difficult to deal with before.

Although the information he had found suggested the other party might have a mental illness, Qi Yuan’s confident, laid-back demeanor didn’t match that of a mentally ill person.

“The continuation of the ‘Super Invincible Explosive Technique’... could you show me more?

After all, we’re talking about a hundred million yuan deal. Such a big deal deserves serious consideration.” The man in the black jacket put the sniper rifle down.

He realized the rifle seemed nonexistent in Qi Yuan’s eyes.

Facing Qi Yuan, an ordinary person, he felt more uneasy than when facing heads of small nations.

“Is a hundred million a big deal? I heard some people set small goals of a hundred million.

If you don’t want to buy this technique, then forget it.

I might not feel like selling it later.

This kind of opportunity only comes once, so you should seize it,” Qi Yuan said casually.

He needed money but wanted to do things his way.

If it was too much trouble, he wouldn’t sell.

For cultivators, making money was easy.

Besides, he still had memories of a year.

At worst, why not just buy some lottery tickets?

The man in the black jacket looked at Qi Yuan, his mind filled with various thoughts.

A hundred million wasn’t a small amount; even he would feel a pinch.

What if... this was a setup?

He hesitated, conflicted about whether to capture him.

The young man in short sleeves beside him looked anxious.

He felt that Qi Yuan was just a scammer.

But since the boss hadn’t said anything, he didn’t dare speak up.

At this moment, Qi Yuan suddenly said, “You’re in Yue Lang Nation, right? I happen to need this plant unique to Yue Lang Nation, Kunqing Grass. If you buy my technique, we could even have a second wave of cooperation.

There are some special plants in Yue Lang Nation that I need, which aren’t available in Qin Yuan Nation. You could help me transport them. As payment, I could give you money or some potions and pills... Hmm, they might help with cultivation.”

Kunqing Grass?

The man in the black jacket was stunned and looked at the potted plant on the table.

How did Qi Yuan know about it?

According to the information he gathered, Qi Yuan was just an ordinary citizen of Qin Yuan Nation.

Kunqing Grass is only known to a select few in Yue Lang Nation. How could he know about such an obscure thing?

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