Master Of None

Chapter 2226: 2226. Endless Alchemy

Chapter 2226: 2226. Endless Alchemy

"You really said that this can help awaken a bloodline? You mean actually help awaken innate skills and the fact that every single person has blood connected to their ancestors, right?" Remey was ready to jump at Walker and make him repeat the appraisal.

"That's what it sounds like. You managed to find a potion that not only helps a fire dragon absorb mana, but also potentially allows them to awaken innate aspects of their very bloodline as a fire dragon. But I wonder if it's the herbs. Maybe you accidentally melded two potions that should be separated?"

It was like lightning struck Remey. She was bouncing around looking at the herbs she had gathered on the table and trying to rack her brain from more. She had to find herbs that might be useful.

"The quality was too low to ensure that it was a proper portion. It was defective because of the water mana left inside and also useless to us since it comes with drawbacks and a short time. But what if I was able to reduce it more..."

Her mumbling made it clear that Walker would be stuck here for some time if he didn't start to help a little. since his all around appraisal often told him useful little bits of information that a general appraisal didn't give them was sure that he could find something out.

"This herb is called the dragon stalk, it's like a small reed or a height growing grass. But it grows in layers like a dragon's scale over the next. It says that this herb is useful for dragons to eat but the center often holds a small red layer that makes it bitter and causes damage to a dragon's stomach if eaten too much. We should remove it before using it."

This small piece of information from Walker was enough to help Remey develop a better way of using the herb itself. Especially since it had been called lizard scale stalk before it had been influenced by dragon fire.

He looked at another herb which stood out as larger than the others. It was a small thin vine which grew a head sized bulb on it. This large bulb didn't make any sense until Remey had Midnight breathe a wisp of dragon flame over it. In the next moment, Walker witnessed the bulb spread out and various little seeds fall out. Easily a hundred seeds fell out proving that the vine put all of its growth in to malign more seeds.

"The seeds can be used to help a newly born dragon hatchling acclimate to the ambient fire mana in the air! It's incredibly useful if they eat ten of them within the first ten days of their birth. It means that they will be slightly better than others at absorbing fire mana. For a dragon, it would mean years off of their slow growth."

"And what about potions?" There was a hard elbow from Remey as she waited to see if the seeds were useful.

"Oh right, don't put them in a potion since they will lose their benefits the moment that the shell of the seed is broken because all of the mana inside rushes outside of them. It can't be used to benefit a dragon's body since the mana won't be trapped within the body of the dragon and absorbed. If you try to put it in to a potion you will just lower its effectiveness."

This was one herb she had dropped in to the potion. It was called dragon seed, odd but useful. Now, they understood that it had been just a useless addition. Basically, it had offered more chances for a failure in the potion.

The process of going through every herb that Remey could get her hands on lasted hours. But by the time that the updated lists of herbs were out, there was already a knocking on the door of the fire dragon alchemy lab.

"I came the moment that Gil left with that arcane architect. He was taking forever to leave since he knew that he would be stuck in the Genesis building for hours. I just needed to finish some paperwork. Nwo show me the herbs that change because they are around the proper manas of a certain race!"

"We just finished working on some. Alma, you know that you should be able to grow some seeds better and if Gil is around, some of the herbs influenced by high elf mana might grow properly for the first time in generations."

"Do you know what this means?! There are plants that literally change based on what race lives near them. Even what race eats them. It's unprecedented. It's proof that when the flow of mana ceased and every race changed because of that, that nature itself managed to hide away parts of itself to wait for the right time to appear again."

This was incredibly exciting for Alma since she had dreamed of things like this. Returning species of plants back to the forest was only a small part of what her grand ambition had become. She had stepped well beyond that now. Not only had she become the next queen of the forest elves, she was the next queen of all elves.

She had gone on adventures to fight literal armies. Battled monsters that threatened the world. Seen races that she would have never seen if she had remained within the forest. She had managed to bring species of herbs thought to be gone from the world from another continent. And now, she was finding that nature remembered the ancient times when mana flowed smoother. When their races' ancestors were around.

"You know. I like that. Nature remembered and waited for us to figure this out." since Remey seemed to be enjoying this. Walker understood one thing, that this would be the tag line for the education of all within genesis. That the rush to discover herbs in unique ways along with various other aspects of the world would begin.

"What if it isn't only herbs? What of certain trees, bushes, and even crops are just dormant aspects of what they should be" what if more are waiting to feel the right mana that they needed to grow?"

When Alma heard what Walker said, he mind raced. "You're Right, it might be more than just that. I need to push the elves to begin going through trials and reach the same level as Gil. only the most loyal and dedicated to the people would be able to. I should be able to with this. I can take a bigger step forward."

From what the three of them could see, Allma had just grasped something within her that she had been missing. Not just her ambitions for the leven race, but for the world itself in a partner with the elven race. "Go do what you need to do. We will wait for the good news." Walker watched Alma rush away toward where he assumed the best place for her to take a big step would be.

"She's going to do what Gil did, isn't she?"

"You caught on quick. I think she is going through her own sort of trial now that she has brought all of her goals together. Not just as an elf, but as a future leader of the world itself. She's going to face the same things as Gil and potentially regain some high elf bloodline within her." thinking a little more, "if she manages it well enough, she could start a greater step for the elves. Just the same as what the echidna did when they learned about nature on their island."

This made a lot of sense in Walker's mind. The echidna had not always been so close to nature that they could sense natural mana. They had to learn the balance and flow on their island. Once that happened, they adjusted and learned becoming who they were as a race today. The elves were going through this as they united.

"Hmm, so if the elves get more high elf lineage to return, we might be able to use that. No, if Gil helps me, I can make an awakening potion for that bloodline too." There was a mad scientist glint within Remey's eyes now she was ready to see all of this through.

"Don't go crazy. Make sure you have people to work on all this. Make sure that it isn't just you. The dragons, elves, and every other race need it too."

"I'm fine, I'm fine. But I will need a whole lot of people. We need to test every herb again to see what might react to them. It can take years." The grin that Remey had proved yet again that she would never live to see all of alchemy discovered. What a wonderful thing to know that there was endless mystery to discover.



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