Master Of None

Chapter 2225: 2225. Rambling

Chapter 2225: 2225. Rambling

"It sounds like you are just trying to make a rune formation with herbs instead of using runes." Gil's off handed comment came when no one has realized that he had woken up from

his nap.

"That's exactly it! Nature is the best rune master!" Mikeal was sure that Gil had understood the vision that he had in his head.

"Nature might be the best at making runes, but you know that we don't have half the amount of mana to cause natural runes to appear here. That could take another fifty years potentially." Walker's knowledge on this fact was much clearer.

The natural runes that they were trying to form would be impossible right now. Simply put, the world lacked the density of mana needed. No one had seen natural runes and Walker had only been able to view them and cause them to appear within certain circumstances.

"That could just be because we haven't given them the right chance to exist naturally. How are elemental spirits born? That's one of the first things I learned before I realized that the spirit race could be the key to the mage tower's creation in the first place. Well, before they were the spirit race."

Now Walker was interested. Mikeal had clearly come to genesis with the goal of copying the mage tower. And from the other thing she had said, his father had been an architect before passing away and leaving all his knowledge to him, his son. This left Mikeal with the incredible desire to do more. And as an arcane architect he could.

"They are made of mana. The elemental spirits have control of mana too. They can even become dual or triple elemental spirits. I heard a story that you even met a lightning spirit which might come to Genesis in the future. That's insane!"

The excitement was making it even harder to follow the speed of Mikeals' words. "So, if they can form from various elemental manas and are somewhat the will of those manas because they are connected to them, wouldn't herbs that grew and drew in manas cause more spirits to be born? So wouldn't they have some sort of instinctual understanding of how an herb or plant that creates that environment should exist?"

"You want to have the spirit race help control and guide the growth of the herb gardens I select?" Since Remey could catch on to what Mikeal was saying, she knew that he was trying to make it a partnership between him, her, and the spirit race. Not the echidna or the elves. "Not just that, we should focus on how the spirit race is born and see if they can possibly use that herb garden to form natural runes. Even if they become whatever natural mana runes they are, they would make the perfect base for a tower later. We can even leave the materials within the herb garden until we have a proper plan to build. That will let the manas meld with the materials."

The plan was getting more in depth and Walker could tell that if Mikeal kept speaking he would never stop. "I get what you plan on. This will take a lot more than what you have said. We need more information. But while you gather the knowledge to build a smaller form of the mage towers, we will handle the herb gardens." Walker gave a nod toward Gil.

"That means I will take you with me. We are also stopping by my wife's office so we can show her the herb's reaction to my mana as part high elf. You can also start reading what Remey and Midnight have been working on. You should understand why she might pick certain herbs for what reasons." Gil was in full, drag someone along before they got too deep in conversation mode.

Mikeal on the other hand, was seemingly bursting with ideas as they left. His mind was turning so fast that Walker wondered if the young man would explode before he even got somewhere he could begin learning about the mage tower and the new building materials being tested or used. It would be a lot for him to catch up on.

"I think you have found another wandering blacksmith. But this guy seems like he might be on the opposite end of the spectrum." Remey saw that there was a little weariness in Walker's eyes. Not because he was truly tired, but because he had never seen someone speak so quickly.

"You're telling me. He has a lot of energy and was having a pretty good time. I think that he came here with the hope that he could work on the mage tower before he realized that he might be able to do more. Then he told everyone he could since he wanted to find a way to do it but had no idea. Then I showed up after hearing some gossip." There was an interesting method that Walker was sure he could trace from person to person.

"That's one way to do it. I didn't think that Midnight and I researching herbs would be useful so quickly though." she sighed slightly before motioning for Walker to come over to where she and Midnight had been working. The table was full of herbs.

However, midnight suddenly released a light dragon fire breath over all of them. "Do you see how many of these herbs change when influenced by dragon fire? It's the unique form of their mana. But since they stopped eating them, there was less mana for them to grow, or the world changed these herbs were fewer and fewer."

She pointed at one, "This dragon wing flower is rare. It's also very delicate and only blooms when in contact with a dragon's breath. We called them dragon spikes because their buds stay tight like the bristles on a young fire dragon's back. But when it is hit with dragon flames it absorbs the mana to blossom. We always thought this was the state it was in until now."

"You mean that when you appraised it the herb changed because it became what it should have been and not some dormant form?" Now this was a stunning piece of news. It could lead to endless research that Walker could push ahead because of the mage tower expansion potential. Plus the herb gardens with the spirit race was a bonus at that point.

"You are going to make me start to send documents about every herb I find. Aren't you?' Remey knew the look that Walker had. She also understood that Genesis would love to know about this. There was a dedicated newspaper now. It created basic stories for everyone. It was one of the newest businesses to take off within the City.

"If you insist, then you should. It might be better to set up a team of alchemists dedicated to this though. Each race will need representative alchemists that can test this. Gil will have more work since he is the only elf with high elf blood. Well, until another goes through trial. Then we will have the dragons that will need to help someone test things. But that little hatchling might make it her life's work. She is an alchemist dragon, right?"

From what it sounded like, Walker had already panned it out partially in his head. "Alright, fine, but Midnight has to help me. No one can say no to her. I bet there are underground herbs that only react to a dwarves sweat and blood when working in the mines for a long time. They literally changed the nature of caves. Plus the demi-humans have so many species based bloodlines that it could change every herb. Then we have-"

Remey suddenly stopped herself. She had realized that she was raving on and on. It wasn't normal for her and she worried that Mikeal had infected her. "I will help!" Midnight's statement was perfectly placed to Make Remey move on and point out the herbs she had used to test a new potion.

"While you're here appraise this too." She tossed a small vial of red potion to Walker. It was an attempt at a fire dragon affinity potion.

'Defective dragon fire affinity potion

This potion was made in an attempt to make a potion specifically for enhancing a fire dragon's fire affinity temporarily. However, this was damaged due to the lack of balancing herbs. The fire mana drawn in will be too chaotic due to the ambient water mana trapped within the dragon scale leaf used.

It will only be usable for the older fire dragons which have greater control over fire mana within their bodies. However, it may awaken more of their innate bloodline if they do manage to consume this potion along with a larger amount of fire mana.

The chances are exceptionally slim and this potion will only last for an hour due to the poor quality of herb used.'

None of the said a single word.



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