Master Of None

Chapter 2224: 2224. Herbs And Architects?

Chapter 2224: 2224. Herbs And Architects?

"So, you want to be called arcane architect? Nothing special?" Walker had started to talk to the typing man that he had found to be the arcane architect that he had heard about was acting a little odd. But then Walker had a moment of clarity. "You are trying to be like the wandering blacksmith." He laughed a bit.

"You know, when you started asking questions I thought that you might be obsessive like him, but you are just trying to be like him. It's fine though. He is normally extra quiet so you are on the opposite side of this. It's good though, easier to see what you want to learn and accomplish."

The arcane architect was sitting there captured by what Walker was saying. The reason the young man had become focused on the wandering blacksmith was the sheer might of his accomplishments.

The wandering blacksmith had spent years honing his techniques. Disappearing for some of those years in to the most dangerous terrains just to try forging something completely unique. Who wouldn't see the dedication to forging as an amazing feat.

Now, with a unique class like arcane architect which hasn't been found in another yet, this young man knew he could be the very same. If he worked properly, he could leave a legacy just like the wandering blacksmith. Be dubbed not by his name, but by the job he did. It meant he would embody everything that was the arcane architect in every action.

How amazing.

"It's not just that, I need to make this mine. Every single building has magical potential. When I got this class I received a quest to bring back the glory of the arcane architects. There used to be many and now there are none. I am the only one I have heard of right now. So I will lead it all." The young man's desire wasn't hidden at all. But that was who he was. Clear and cut, right to the point, and ready to run head on in to his tasks.

"Then you should do that. But first, we need to decide how we will make these smaller towers. There are new metal alloys and a new form of dwarven and earth magic stone created to cover metal. It's experimental but with the right ingredients and magic it can be made in to stone that mana flows through better. I need towers made of that."

Walker's knowledge when it came to the new inventions of Genesis was massive. This wasn't all simply from gossip, but from the genesis council meetings. He had learned the basics from the representatives reporting. Not that they were all ground breaking information, but they were new and important to learn.

With him knowing about this, he could change the ideas of the arcane architect he was meeting. Allow him the knowledge that he needed to create a smaller mage tower which could spread the influence of the mage tower further. Not only would that help the people, but it would condense more mana around and within genesis so that other races from the elemental planes would be more comfortable when they came to visit.

"You're saying that you have better mana conductive stone and metals than what are in that tower?!" it was clear that Walker's words had won now.

"It's being developed and only needs to be purified for better quality. But the idea was made since so many rune formations break down after being used only a few times. Especially the rune formations for any form of teleportation. They degrade very quickly because of the amounts of manas brought through them. Lessening that would be the goal."

With expanding the mage tower's innate effects on the surroundings, it would also improve the usage of runes. Increasing their lifespans since the manas would flow more smoothly through an entire area while also being more readily available.

"Then why don't you plant any of those special herbs I heard about? They would help them absorb mana better. I can't do anything with materials until I have the records of how mana flows through the tower floors. So, why not start picking spots to build the towers and making unique elemental herb gardens?"

This stopped Walker's thought process. He wasn't sure what this special herb would be. Or where the arcane architect had learned of them. But if there really were herbs that were special, wouldn't he know about it?

"You know, the herbs that gather mana around them? I heard there are herbs that can make an area better for manas to gather then I figured it would be perfect. When I go to build something there, the herbs will have made the perfect environment for it. And, people could harvest them. Plus, when the tower is built, those herbs will grow better so that they can be harvested even more. They also will be like a charged mana gem for the tower. Free mana to pull from."

Now this was an idea. Walker knew that architects and anyone that built anything had to consider the plants and terrain around them. However, this was a step above that. It was considering the potential that there were herbs which naturally absorbed mana and radiated that mana. That would make them perfect for creating with a rune formation or a rune carved building.

"Alright then, before we start getting information on building materials for you, we are hunting down an alchemist I know that might have a few ideas for these herb gardens you think we should build." Walker was ready and used wind mana to pick up the arcane architect.

Since he had a very powerful mana sense, Walker always had the ability to search people out. He knew Remey's unique mana easily. He just needed to focus on it and follow the feeling. That was how he managed to make it to the fire dragon territory in just a few minutes.

He was very thankful that the little dragon hatchling Erica had fallen asleep for a little growth. She could be asleep for a week if not a whole entire month since that was just how dragons grew. They were known for sleeping a lot. Midnight had also fallen asleep and had a decent growth spurt too. If she was around, they would have needed to fly about the sky for a while longer.

The arcane architect and freaked out at first. He had never been picked up by wind mana and flown through their air. Let alone at that speed. But he had some trust in Walker. "So, you really want to go by arcane architect? Or will you use a name until someone out there starts up a good nickname?" Walker casually made some buff skills out of his mana to defend the arcane architect from the what around him. Not everyone could easily move through this


It was why some of the priests had started a small business buffing people as they moved to work here and there through the dragon territories. That and there were also dragonkin being born that could pursue unique classes that weren't battle related. Not that there would be many, it was in their blood to be warriors.

"Mikeal, that's the name I was born with. It will be easier then?" the arcane architect realized that he wasn't ready yet to be the pinnacle of one aspect or class. He had to prove it first. Mostly because he was shocked by the sight of Remey using flames to make potions in the air. Something he thought to be impossible.

"Remey, I brought an arcane architect to learn about herbs. We need to make some herb gardens where we will build new small mage towers. You can choose the herbs of every

elemental affinity if you want."

Midnight leaped up from where she was sitting and watching Remey work. Their experiments with unique herbs had been going on for some time now. But it was funnier seeing that Gil had fallen asleep on a chair nearby. He has clearly been working hard too. A full analysis of an herb written out for him to bring back to Alma later.

"Good, then he can also start helping rebuild alchemy labs with better flow of mana. This place could be improved. Just tell him I will... wait, you need herbs for a building?" Now Remey had caught on to what Walker had said. Her eyes glinted with curiosity before finishing the fire dragon affinity potion she was attempting to make.

"Go on, explain to her. That's Remey, this is my little sister Midnight, and the sleeping archer is Gil." Mikeal was stunned to see the casual environment around three more of the Genesis heroes. It was completely against the shocking stories that he had been told about them.



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