Master Of None

Chapter 2221: 2221. They Don't Know

Chapter 2221: 2221. They Don't Know

The mage tower was busy as always. Walker had taken the chance to make a long walk around to see it. Mostly because he just wanted to feel how the city was doing. That and he had the fine tuned hearing to pick up on some gossip.

When he saw a space set up by a group of mages wherein multicolored robes matching the basic elemental manas, Walker knew these must be the magic archivists.

The group had seemingly popped up out of nowhere. Not a bad thing though. Having those that were searching for records of magical advancement meant that there were more minds searching the path of magic.

Compared to what Walker knew, others that could use magic were far behind. That wasn't because of any groundbreaking knowledge or lessons. It was simply the ability to manipulate and understand manas as a whole. Walker had been put in situations where he had to learn more whether he truly comprehended it or not.

His walk to the tower for gossip did prove fruitful though.

He had heard of a few people mentioning the potential for magic related guilds to appear. One being the magic archivists that had set up a place to work right next to the mage tower.

The development of magic guilds was something struggling in comparison to the crafting guild, alchemy guild, and the adventurers guild. Mostly because magic was such a massive concept to fit in to the concept of one guild.

This had led to multiple single or dual elemental magic guilds appearing. However, they couldn't make any progress due to the changes in the world.

Too many different multiple affinity people were being found to fit in to a single elemental magic guild. Especially with the fact that people now understood the relationships between manas better. Not many would want to risk losing that aspect of learning by focusing on a single elemental magic.

This left an awkward space where a magic based guild would work but it would need to be massive. Rivaling the size of the adventurers guild which spread out through multiple kingdoms. The funding of which would completely ruin any chance at another project starting or finishing for the time being.

"So, you are all the magic archivists I heard about came to check out new magical advances." Walker smiled as he saw a few heads look up from their table.

"That would be the case! We are mostly a wandering group but we left our small library to bait this city and decide what our next goals are."

The older man speaking seemed to play the role of, old hermit learning and growing magic knowledge. Walker wanted to laugh thinking about how this fit so many novels and stories he had heard.

"So you have an even larger place that holds lore knowledge? It's the first I have heard of it." Clearly the older man and the others didn't recognize Walker. He was beginning to believe that they were all shut ins who studied documents constantly.

"That would make sense. We have very few members who wander and collect Information. We store it away while documenting the changes in the magic of generations. Our oldest member is constantly referencing the changes in water magic in reference to tidal flow between oceans, the moon, and the rivers."

A few of them laughed since they had all heard the same story over and over. "Hmm, wouldn't it be more valuable to make a larger library somewhere like Genesis? Then You can expand along with the city and the changing ideas of new magic."

They all paid attention to Walker now. "That is an idea. We could do so. We would need building permission and more knowledge. We mainly settled here for the time being since we believe there to be a chance we can ally with a future grand mage that will control the tower. Rumors of one appearing one day reached us."

Now Walker understood. These magic archivists didn't believe they would be able to create a place for themselves here. They were outsiders that didn't even mix with individual kingdoms, let alone a gathering of all of them.

"If that's all, you can do it. I can assure you that a group like yourselves would be welcome. You should try to create a guild too. Magical archiving is something stretching the Genesis library thin. Archiving multiple races' knowledge is stretching them thing as it is."

"We are also looking for a few different magic guilds to appear. One focused on documenting, storing, and sharing magic information would allow for other guilds to partner with you. Then they can focus on overarching ideals in their pursuits of magic."

With every single archivist's attention, Walker had them somewhat stunned. A boy walked up to them and just told them they could do something like this? How did that make any sense? This wasn't a normal kid at all!

"Oh, sorry, My name is Walker. I am one of the founders of Genesis and one fo the forces that drives the alliance to remain and grow. Please enjoy the city. It's nice having new visitors. By the way, we also have a library within the demon lands with ancient magical knowledge, multiple ruins with magic knowledge, and the angel's knowledge on the Sigil continent being brought here."

As Walker stepped away, the stunned archivists were trying to make sense of what they had just heard. They had literally met a hero that so many people raved about. On top of that, he was much younger than they thought. On top of even that, there was the fact that he had welcomed them here while pushing them to create a guild.

They basically got the thumbs up to do more and grow in Genesis. All because the city was in need of people like them. To be fair, they had heard and seen the needs for many different professions to keep up with the ever changing city. The people were so diverse that just gathering the racial information based on history could take years!

A nearby guard saw them panicking and walked over to help them calm down. He also understood that walker would not have met them if he hadn't said something important/. It would be his job as a guard in the area to offer a few helpful bits of information. Plus, he would be able to share the gossip later.

"That would mean you are the arcane architect that I heard about too." Walker had spotted the young man studying the brick and the rune carvings outside the tower. It wasn't that he stood out very much from the mages studying them, however, what stood out was his actions in comparison.

The mages studying the tower were more focused on the mana and runes. However, this young man was focused on the stone itself. He even had a magnifying glass to examine the stone at a closer level. Enough to see if any cracks or evidence of where or how the stone might have been cut. Regardless, the young man gave Walker hsi full attention.

"And you are the hero that managed to bring this tower here. I have questions you might be able to answer. Did the tower gain any damage from being moved/ was it damaged to a greater deal due to time and environmental aspects? Do you know what kind of stones were used? What about to meld the stones like this without many seams?? Do you know how the mana flows inside the stone and managed to also flow through runes carved on it? Is the stone absorbing mana naturally? Can you-"

"Alright alright alright, I get it, you have a lot to learn about the mage tower. I don't have all your answers since I have to research it all too. But I came looking for you since I heard that you have a few ideas about making smaller mage towers. Some of which might expand the mage tower effects that we have here. Condensing mana, helping in healing, and general effects similar to those."

The young man was insanely focused. Walker could tell he had a matching mind to that of the wandering blacksmith. Talented and a genius in his own right, but a little odd. "I do have plans to do that. If I can connect them then you might be able to use other forms of rune formations to communicate through the mage tower connections. But you could also expand that to the guards so that they can help those in trouble better. If I have-"

"If you have the information, you can make these things happen?" Walker saw him nod his head. "Then we should head to the genesis building and you can explain your class to me better." Walker had his hands full now. But he had managed to find the arcane architect he wanted to speak with.



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