Master Of None

Chapter 2198: 2198. Just Eat Herbs

Chapter 2198: 2198. Just Eat Herbs

Remey, Ignus, and Walker watched as Alma dragged Gil away. Not so mcu dragged as he was doing his feet until the pair took to the trees and headed toward the archery range where Alma wanted Gil to be. She had won this round since Gil had not escaped the archery teaching he had to do.

"You are coming to help me make something cool, right?" Remey knew that Walker could easily be baited in to helping. She wouldn't let him sneak away either. Especially since he had finished sorting the plants here. Each sprout was in a well labeled section that a caretaker would come to handle later.

There would definitely be more interesting papers written about the studies of the plants and herbs that walker had seen today. Especially since some of them would be grown faster just to record the traits and viability of growing them faster.

The reason this wasn't down with everything was simple. It was not sustainable.

There was a large chance that mutations could occur as Walker had seen with the last class of those learning to grow treehouses. Especially if the class creating the sped up growth had a certain mana affinity or skill that even caused higher chances of mutations.

But the lack of sustainability came in multiple forms. The mutations could potentially lead to adverse effects and qualities. Some herbs had already been found to lack the seed that they would normally have. Once sped up, the bush had grown fruit without any nutrients within them. One even became poisonous when the plant had not been poisonous in the first place!

The second reason which was even more important, was that the soil could not handle it. The fertilizer and the water that was provided over time was the very reason that a farmer or an herbalist was able to handle and grow better quality plants and herbs.

If the process was sped up, the nutrients food plants within the soil would be used up too quickly. The water would also be pulled out along with various manas taken from the soil and air too quickly.

If this process was done to an entire field consistently, it would need various natural mana treatments to be able to keep being used as a field at all. And even then, there would be a great deal of weight put on harvesting at that speed along with the water which was still needed.

This was all besides the mana needed to continuously produce these plants and herbs. Hence why the worry was there. Imagine a fire affinity herb grown without the chance to gain the fire affinity mana it needs. It would be a very low if not unusable quality herb!

All that thinking aside, Walker easily stepped through the air and saw that Remey had learned to make proper wings with flames. Her knowledge of fire mana as a whole had radically grown since she had been within the elemental planes. That definitely would be showing within her alchemy too. The idea that she might make potions beyond grand level potions was hard to grasp.

The grand potions were considered the best of the best. What a master would spend their entire lives making. A grand potion could be invaluable to someone if not an entire race. Therefore, Remey had already delved in to what was considered impossible to many people. And she had done it more than once!

Once back at the alchemy guild, Remey moved quickly to a large lab that had been created as an entirely new floor. This one had been made with new alchemy tools and a specific goal.

Remey had designed it with the help of some of the best dwarven blacksmiths to ensure that they could create the tools she needed. She had learned a lot about making a proper potion and how mana played a part in it while she learned from the elemental planes. But more so, she learned the process she had to go through to be able to deal with her problem.

The problem of needing pure fire mana consistently. When she would run out, she would be at risk for perishing or becoming immensely ill. This caused her worry along with everyone else since she and everyone did not want to see her need to go back to the elemental planes for the rest of her life.

Hence why they had focused so much on this alchemy lab. It was made perfectly for her to undergo a specific process to ensure the growth of a flame core.

"So, I have these sprouts. The leaves are valuable since they can contain fire manas which were left from the seed when it was formed. That means it's very pure and very old fire mana from plenty of years ago. More than we might even realize."

Remey grabbed a magnifying glass. "See the slight wrinkles in this leaf? They are her because this is a newer seed than the others. The wrinkles came from the smaller seed pod that came from the plant adapting to lesser fire mana over time. So, we want these sprouts with smoother leaves since they develop within the seed with less pressure. Containing more purer fire mana."

Walker felt like he had just been sat down in class. From the looks of it, Ignus was being put on the spot too. He was just as much a student here as he was. But Ignus was also here because he was curious about the process that would help Remey.

"So as that is the case, I need to eat it and a few more herbs to make sure that I am cleansing my body of impure fire mana. So, with you and Ignus here, you can stop that mana from surging elsewhere causing a fire or harm. And then you can purify and condense it for when my body will rapidly absorb it."

"That origin being showed me a method to do it, but then I started to make potions in my head that would make the eating part smoother. It's basically going to be a fire mana dense potion that would probably kill someone with high fire affinity. For me and others with tolerance and ability to handle that mana... well, it will be perfect."

Remey Was clearly holding something back a little. "And you should tell us what else you are doing." Ignus finally spoke up and gave a hard glare to Remey. He wasn't letting her sneak by.

"I might also be breaking down part of my body and soul to reform it in to a core since that's what this entire process is for. I'm building a more natural flow of mana to the core which will be like a second heart. It has to be done."

"That's risky." Walker shared Ignus's glare. He knew that what Remey was saying was that she would be risking her life while doing this.

"That's why I wanted Ignus and you to be here." Remey smirked before reaching for a potion behind her and chugging it down in a few gulps. She then grabbed a handful of other herbs and the leaves she just got. All of them very rare, high quality, or even from the elemental planes that she had managed to gather while they moved. Some Walker had yet to even see which proved that the origin being they had met might have handed them right to her. Sneaky, very sneaky.

As Remey suddenly flared with various flames, the grand fire spirit appeared to rest far from her. Walker could tell that it had repressed its own fire mana and any control over mana to ensure that Remey had the full ability to survive this. The slightest manipulation of fire mana could cause damage to Remey's soul and body which were fused perfectly together.

The massive burst of fire mana that poured out of Remey made the flames cease and her face to become pale. She almost looked like she was on the edge of death as it was. That was when Ignus and Walker began stopping the overflowing fire mana from melting and burning the room. The entire alchemy lab was engulfed within flames of powerful fire mana. Walker was able to manipulate them as his clothing burned. He felt a little annoyed but was not at all surprised when his body naturally took in some of the mana to resist it. His resistance to mana grew immensely while within the elemental planes. He even felt he could create some form of armor out of purer manas to defend his physical body. But that wasn't for

right now.

Instead, he remained focused and gathered the mana while using natural mana to condense it and purify it even more. This process was the very same that Ignus was doing too. The pair working in tandem to make pure fire mana while Remey appeared fully focused on something else.



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