Master Of None

Chapter 2196: 2196. New Oak

Chapter 2196: 2196. New Oak

"And now you get to see our newest student, he is a gray haired spider race with a class called the mutant forest druid." The elf teacher had a slight spark in his eyes proving that he had seen a few interesting skills from the newest student.

Ast first, Walker had been surprised that one of the gray haired spiders was able to awaken a class related to growing plants. But to be fair, he had not really considered the immense potential the gray haired spiders had when it came to things beyond their bonds with the goblin race since they had lived together for so long.

Now, there were a few of the youngest that had seen the potential they could possess within Genesis and allowed their imaginations to guide them. This caused them to awaken various other classes that were not related to being partners in battle or otherwise with goblins.

The same could be said for the goblins which had begun to find skills that they had not expected to have. Some of them even finding that they had incredible ability to learn written languages and translate books in just a short while compared to others who studied for years. Besides that, this gray haired spider had discovered that the closeness that their race had with the forest and nature as a whole was a core value of their own. As such, they focused on plants eventually awakening the mutant forest druid class.

The mutant forest druid was not a mutant themselves, it was actually a druid related to the changing of a forest. How it adapted to become stronger over time. An idea that really fit with how Genesis existed overall.

Since a druid would care for and defend a forest, the class was somewhat closer to what the elves represented. Hence why this gray haired spider had managed to get in to a class like this so quickly. But as they had, the teacher had seen them use their skills to push the potential of small seeds a little higher than what any others would imagine.

The mutations that could come with growing something faster were higher. Most farmers would try to avoid these events since they could ruin a crop or cause issues in producing the amount of food that they need. Therefore, they would not pour as much mana to push the plant to grow faster.

As a mutant forest druid, this gray haired spider had the innate skill to alter the flow of mana causing potential mutations. While they could not control what exactly the mutations would do, there was some form of control over the speed of the growth and the direction it might grow.

Since the idea about making a treehouse bearing oak with a spiderweb pattern was seen as a failure, the gray haired spider had focused on making it viable. Call it instinct and wanting the spider web pattern it naturally wanted to make as a gray haired spider a reality.

The oak tree growing right in front of them had different bark. It was a sprout, but it was arcing out in a larger pattern than what was expected. Instead of growing upwards, it was growing outwards. Becoming wider. The small sapling was spread out three times the width of what any normal sapling would grow.

Falling from it, were weaker small branches that leaned on the ground. They were flexible and prevented any rocking from the slight breeze that came through the plowed fields. But it was still growing and more small branches were arching out to the ground. The branch patterns were very much like spider webs built over one another.

The leaves were wide open too. Larger than what many saplings would have. But by the time the mana ran out and the sapling stopped, an area the size of a medium toolshed had been taken over. While it was a larger space, the density of the roots was also clear. They had followed the same growth patterns and spread out over the time of the soil.

"This would be great to plant over the tunnels. It will help the soil from collapsing but will also make sure that nothing grows through the ground in to the tunnels." Walker saw value in this. The dwarves had mentioned that over time, the underground tunnels that they had created would be under siege by nature itself. The plants and trees would grow in to them and it would both harm the tunnels and the plants.

'Spider oak

This is a mutated oak tree guided by a mutant forest druid. It is impossible to grow this tree without the influence of mana from this specific class. making it incredibly rare.

While it lacks rare uses for the wood it produces, it is a new species that could do with a lot of research to discover what else might be valuable about it. Time will tell.

The way that its roots and branches spread out and lean on the soil allows it to remain stable even in heavier winds and storms. It also spreads out the weight of the tee and anything else on top of it so that the weight will not break the tree. Because of this, it can be a unique home to those that live in windier areas.

This is...'

Sharing the all around appraisal with everyone present proved to be very useful. All the students looked at their classmates very happy to learn that they might be able to see new trees and plants like this. It also affirmed their own unique classes that they had gained through the time that they had begun learning or that they had started their own paths.

Not everyone had such unique classes, but they had their own niches. If they kept learning new things and that would change their future uses of skills and how they planned things. They would also be able to connect one another for help when it came to situations that the other exceeded at.

"I thought something like this would happen. Not that it might not if you weren't here, but you kind of bring this sort of event with you. Want to come look at the extinct plant nurseries?" Gil was sure that by bringing Walker, he could push some of this very same potential in to the reclamation of extinct herbs and plants for the forests.

"I don't see why not, I think things here will be a little more focused on what they are creating for now." Walker could tell that the teacher here would be a little busier with what they were handling compared to what the two heroes might be doing. It was a good thing though, they were living their own lives and learning plenty.

Besides this, Walker also was curious what the area within this forested and farming section of the city had become. How the elves were bringing the extinct plants found on the Sigil continent back so that they could be plants in and around Genesis.

With a smirk, Gil began to dash in to the forested area and even on to branches. Walker knew that this was still a very young part of the forest since it had been designed by the elves and many of those with the ability to grow them faster. But the speed and current state was still


It was much more like the forest elve's home city with towering trees and many different plants growing to their fullest. But the young ages showed in the size of the trees. To them, it was still larger but to the oldest of the forest elves, this was just barely a seedling forest.

The movement was amazing though. Gil Was actively weaving through the forest following paths that Walker could barely make out. When he suddenly stopped, Walker found that they were in a cradled area. The branches intertwined to make a large platforms that allowed light and shade between the branches.

"The elves said that this area would be better because they could control how things grew and what kinds of light, water, and air they got. There are twenty different little nurseries like this. This one is smaller since it was made a week ago, but you can see how it's doing." Walker could see. He saw a lot of things. The small seedling just sprouting had purple leaves which was surprising since even the youngest of multicolored plants would often start with basic green leaves.

"Its main focus is the poison oil bell, a small plant that grows several leaves and then a purple flower which drips small poisonous oils. They are toxic to everything that eats them and touches them. But if you mix it with salt, it becomes the perfect cure for rashes. Especially for babies. The more you know." Gil was proud to say the least.


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