Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Excuse me. Is this your first visit? Please show your identification.


The guard at the entrance of the Imperial Palace training grounds saluted and halted Ians group. As Ian produced his ID, a few knights passed by them nonchalantly.

Most of them were burly. When Beric unconsciously tried to follow them in, Ian grabbed him by the back of his neck.

You are Baron Ian Hielo. Thank you for the confirmation.

Good work.

Ian, did you see the size of those guys who just passed by?

Lets go. There will be even more extreme ones inside.

It was so luxurious and imposing that it was incomparable to the old training grounds he had been rolling around in at the frontier. The space was spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of people at once, and everything was pleasant and perfect. This lighting, temperature, and humidity!

Wow, its real. They all look really strong. Even in a place like this, there are guards. That guard over there looks the weakest here. Ooh. Crazy. Look at that mans muscles. I want to hit them. Whoa.

Ordinary soldiers mainly trained at the central outer training grounds, and most of those who gathered here were knights guarding nobles. It was the same for the Imperial Palace Central Guards. Since it was a place where extraordinary people gathered to train, naturally the atmosphere itself was different.

Theres a second floor too.

Its a place for nobles to watch the knights train. Sometimes if theres a knight they have their eye on, the nobles give extra money and make a deal, and there are times when the captain of the Imperial Guards sees them and proposes to recruit them.

Everywhere in the Imperial Palace had a structure that allowed the upper floor to clearly overlook the lower floor. Beric glanced at the nobles chattering above, then quickly ran after Ian.

So, were going to the first floor now?

Yeah. Go watch how skilled people hold their swords and naturally blend in.

Ah, Im really shy around strangers.

Your jokes have gotten better. Not very pleasant to hear, though.


As Ian smiled and nodded, the guards opened the door to the training ground entrance. At the same time, the warriors who had gathered in groups of three or five glanced over and focused on the two of them.

Who are they? Ive never seen them before.

Ah. That one is Baron Ian Hielo.

The first noble magician whos joining the Ministry of Magic this time.

Then is the redhead next to him his escort?

Oh my, heavens. He came up from the frontier, and he brought some country bumpkin

Perhaps because they made a living with their bodies, the atmosphere was rough and crude. Beric pricked up his ears and looked in their direction, but they didnt avoid his gaze and only flowed with blatant ridicule.

Those bastards are calling me a bumpkin right now, arent they?

Beric. Those guys are external knights brought by nobles. Theyre vulgar, so theres no need to deal with them. The ones you should take as your teachers and examples are over there.

As Beric rolled his eyes back and glared like crazy, Ian used his hand to turn his head in another direction. Far away, those wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Palace Central Guards were aiming their swords at each other while checking each others form.

They say that a spear thrown towards the sun flies the farthest. They are the ones who serve His Majesty the Emperor in the Imperial Palace, so there will be a lot for you to learn, Beric.

Barsabe was also among them. Even though he was still in the position of receiving instruction as an apprentice, his posture in learning swordsmanship was serious and different.

The Gold Tooth is here too.

I will be up on the second floor, so work hard. You havent forgotten what I told you, right?

At Ians words, Beric just sniffed and laughed. He didnt seem very trustworthy, but the gazes of the other nobles looking down at them from the second floor were sharp. For the sake of appearances, Ian could no longer stay on the first floor.

Watch carefully, Master.

Just dont get beaten up too badly. I wont be able to take you to the Ministry of Magic then.

Today would probably be a meaningful day for Beric in many ways. He was someone who grew every time he met strong people, so he would learn a lot by clashing with those who were known to be the best in Variel.

I especially hope he learns some humility and self-control.

Whether he knew Ians thoughts or not, Beric winked one eyebrow slyly and headed to the training ground. Ian, who went up to the second floor, immediately exchanged greetings with other nobles.

Ooh. Baron Ian Hielo. Hello. I thought the weather was really nice today, but to meet you again like this.

Hello. The Serro familys

I am Mallon Hoff Serro.

It was the noble Ian had first greeted when entering the New Years party. He requested a handshake as if he was happy to meet again like this.

I heard you are joining the Ministry of Magic today.

Yes, thats right. Before that, my escort knight is such a belligerent fellow that I ended up coming here.

Indeed, it seems so.

Indeed it seems so?

At Mallons meaningful words, Ian turned his head and looked down. Beric was striding up to the man who had been badmouthing him earlier and shoving his head forward. A greeting recited at a distance where their noses were almost touching.

Hello? Im Beric, ah, damn. Looking closely, you seem to have f*cking great skills. Im so amazed that my jaw is hanging open and wont close. You seem to have a lot of time too, so would you like to have a match with me? I politely request a round. Yes, if you refuse, Ill just consider it my win.

Ian closed his eyes without realizing it. It was definitely the greeting he had taught, but it had been modified bit by bit to the point of being distorted. Mallon pointed at Beric with his finger as if he found it interesting.

Hahaha. How cute. Where did you pick him up?

I dont remember either. Where I picked him up.

His master is probably Ah. There he is. Thats Baron Tabienna. I dont know if you know him.

I dont remember seeing him at the New Years party.

Yes. You remembered correctly.

Mallon grinned at Ians answer. If it was a noble who couldnt enter the main banquet hall, it meant that not only was his title low, but he had no influence at all. He was probably someone who recently bought a title with money.

He seems to have quite a few knights with him.

There were more than a few people gathering and watching around Beric. However, Beric didnt stop at the momentum and kept rubbing his head against the forehead of the man he had picked a fight with. He rolled his eyes back like before, so he must have really gone crazy.

Thats his main business. They say he was originally a ruffian hoodlum from the back alleys, but hes quite successful at his mercenary referral agency with his skillful way.

He probably got the title just to gain access to the Imperial Palace training grounds. If the word Imperial Palace is included in a knights career, their value jumps more than double.

Ian moistened his mouth with the drink Mallon handed him and watched Beric.

This tiny bastard is fearlessly

Damn. So are you going to fight or not? Scared? Scared?

In the Imperial Palace training grounds, especially in a place like this where everyone gathered to compete in skill, mutual agreement was more important than anything else. The mans face turned red with humiliation as he looked up at his master, Baron Tabienna.

Is it okay if I fight him?

Tabienna glanced at Ian, then twirled his mustache. Originally, the purpose was to showcase ones skills while maintaining dignity as much as possible, but the opponent was none other than Ian Hielo, the center of attention. There would be no greater premium than the rumor spreading that he had defeated a magicians escort.

Will it be alright, Baron Ian Hielo?

Do as you wish.

When Tabienna asked as a formality, Ian made a casual gesture. It was a demeanor that conveyed a difference in status despite being the same rank of viscount. With the masters permission granted, the man took off his upper garment and shoved Berics head.

Fine. Dont regret bringing this upon yourself. Your head is so red, the blood wont even be noticeable.

Fluffy chest hair, bam! Pecs the size of a human head, bam! As the man ground his teeth, Beric spat on his palm and laughed.

Ill learn a thing or two from you. You learn two things from me.

Shut up! Lets see how long you can keep blabbering!

Dont stretch! If you do, Ill pluck out all your chest hair!


The man swung his fist first. With so many belligerent people gathered, bare-handed matches that started with provocation often occurred. However

Isnt the difference in physique too extreme?

Still, that redhead is said to be the magicians escort.

Really? Then it might be worth a try.

Oh my, look at those nimble movements. Hes pretty good.

He must be from the streets, right? His footwork is raw.

Since there were so many notable aspects, everyone nearby stopped what they were doing and watched the fight between the two. Far away, the Imperial Palace Central Guards were the same. They wiped their sweat and laughed, telling each other to take a look at that.

Theyre so vulgar. They call themselves warriors too, tsk tsk.

This is why I hate coming on free training days.

But that guy is pretty good, right? Barsabe, take a look.


Barsabe spat out the water she was drinking. He said he would come to the Imperial Palace training grounds, but to think he would really come this quickly. She wiped her mouth and looked at Beric with a shocked gaze.

Ya hoo! Ahahaha!

Bam! Bam!

Thwack! Thud!

He was throwing punches as if playing a game, shouting with each strike. Attacks that didnt match his lighthearted demeanor. The dull impact sound that rang out every time the man struggled to receive them hinted at their strength.

Whats up, mister? Cat got your tongue after all that blabbering earlier?

Y-You little

Thats why! People should! Be humble! Like My! Master!


Who is he preaching humility to right now?

While Ian shook his head in disbelief, Mallon laughed heartily. Even clapping his hands. Originally, a match was supposed to be for the participants to test their skills and for the spectators to be entertained. It was a perfect match in every way.

Hahaha! Sir Ian, hes truly useful! How much did you buy that fellow for?

Just the price of meat dishes should suffice.

What? Ahaha! Good cost-effectiveness too!

If they knew how much he ate, they would faint.


The air time alone clearly showed the difference in skill between the two. Beric kept flying around as if his feet never touched the ground, striking the man. As blood dripped from his nose onto the floor, the opponent covered his nose and panted heavily.

Y-You crazy bastard, really!


In the end, a sword was drawn. The atmosphere of the spectators, who had been watching it as light entertainment, was instantly reversed. Drawing a sword in the training grounds, and not even a wooden one at that. This was practically a tacit signal flare that he was truly going all the way.

Good. Ill show you too. I just went to the blacksmith recently and had the blade sharpened. If it even grazes, paper gets cut?

Beric also drew his sword, his eyes shining as if he had been waiting for this. And he muttered, dripping with madness.

I wonder if human arms will get cut well too?

A, a psycho

Clang! Clang!

While the two clashed again, Barsabe just kept gulping dry saliva. Then, a mans voice was heard from behind her.


Ah, Captain.

Jeirutt, one of the captains of the Imperial Palace Central Guards, Barsabes superior, and Petreios close friend.

Those are sir Ian and his subordinate.

Uhm, Captain.


He straightened his uniform jacket and approached them. In that short moment, Beric had sliced up the man. The mans painful groans flowed out along with blood. Beric squatted in front of him and tapped his neck with his sword.

Ah, tsk. If I saw this outside, Id chop chop right away.

Ugh, spare, spare me

Nah! Of course. This is the Imperial Palace. Ahaha. Instead, let me cut some of your chest hair? Dont thoughtlessly go topless from now on. Because it looks like shit.


Beric turned his head at the presence he felt from behind. It was a middle-aged man who looked well over fifty, but his imposing manner was firm and solid, with exceptional dignity.

Are you sir Ians subordinate?

Subordinate? Mmm. Thats right! Ian is my master!

Beric glanced upwards and then shouted confidently. Upon hearing the answer, Jeirutt grabbed the hilt of his sword.

I am Jeirutt, captain of the Imperial Palace Guards. From what I see, you seem to have quite outstanding skills, so Id like to have a match with you. What do you say?

What do I say? Beric sought out Ian with his gaze, just as the man had done earlier. As if asking for permission. Ian leaned halfway over the railing and looked down at the two of them. With a smile on his face.

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