Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a soft glow on Wesleigh as she stood motionless, her forehead resting on her hand. The carefully laid plans for the New Years party had been completely derailed. She should have suppressed Ians magic to the fullest extent to break his momentum, but

Lady Wesleigh.


Wesleigh turned at her assistants approach. After dismissing the light of the oracle, she confirmed the presence of bloodstains on the magic circle. It seemed the error had occurred because of that, but a thorough investigation was impossible amidst the ongoing banquet. She had no choice but to wait patiently until the nobles had their fill of revelry and departed.

The banquet hall has been cleaned, and the remaining nobles have moved on to other party venues.

I see. And Gale?

His Highness Gale has also joined the festivities.

Following the conclusion of the Imperial familys gathering, Gale had swiftly immersed himself in the social scene. Unlike 1st Prince Mariv, who was tasked with directly keeping the nobles in check, Gale could approach them more organically. This would once again become his strength and foundation.

Any other messages?

There were none.

Even after mentioning the bloodstain?

Yes, precisely.

Wesleigh frowned, nervously chewing on her nails. She had expected some form of reprimand or instructions, but there was no reaction. With each click of her shoes, her black hair fluttered roughly.

Kwang! Boom!

The servants cleaning the banquet hall were startled by the sudden opening of the back door, but upon seeing Wesleighs fierce expression, they quickly lowered their heads.

Zing. Ziiing.

Wesleigh placed her palm on the magic circle where she had positioned the light of the oracle and unleashed her magic power. Sparks flew from the purple aura surrounding her with each blink. A servant, witnessing magic for the first time, stood transfixed until Bareto intervened, nodding.

Continue with your tasks.

Ah, yes, of course. My apologies.


Wesleighs gaze meticulously traced each formula of the magic circle.

No matter how I look at it, the placement of the bloodstain is too precise.

It expertly covered the key part of the control without any need for further manipulation. Bareto, observing from the side, casually offered his opinion.

But this Ian is no rookie fresh from the frontier, is he? He ate and slept outside the palace, seeing the magic circle for the first time upon entering. Its impossible for him to modify your and the Support Departments creation instantly.

So you believe this to be mere coincidence?

Bareto shook his head. The modification was flawless, and the outcome equally perfect. Coincidence was out of the question.

Upon investigation, it was mentioned that Nakina had contact with Ian.


Wesleighs eyes narrowed further. If memory served, Nakina was a magician under Commander Hail of the Magic Operations Department. Unlike the Magic Support Department, which primarily operated indoors, the Operations Department ventured far afield.

There should be no point of contact between them.

Was this the cause due to the subtle, never-ending rivalry between the two departments? As head of the Ministry of Magic, Wesleigh was superior to all, but her reliance on the Support Department inevitably tilted the balance of power.

Assign someone to monitor that side.


Could it be that Nakina had assisted Ian to keep the Support Department, and moreover, Wesleigh herself, in check? The meaningless favor brought about tangled misunderstandings in Wesleighs mind.


Ill go to Gale.

Head, that may not be wise.

We must send Ian an application to join the ministry at sunrise. Dont we need to discuss countermeasures?

Wesleigh moved through the cleaning servants without hesitation. The southern annex housing the detached palace was brightly lit, the laughter of nobles partying as if there was no tomorrow amidst music, dancing, and alcohol filling the air.

Oh my, Your Highness Gale. What do you mean by that?

Does it sound like a jest?

Of course! Everyone here would consider it nonsense!

Your Highness truly adores Lady Melania. Haha.

Gale chattered at the center of the nobles, a constant smile on his face. As Bareto carefully approached and whispered in his ear, Gales slightly unfocused eyes sought out Wesleigh.

Please excuse me for a moment.

Ah. Where are you going? You have to come back soon.

Ill bring the wine I saved when I come later.


The two individuals who stepped out onto the terrace simultaneously reached for their cigarettes without a word. Gales hearty expression from mingling with the nobles vanished, replaced by a bored look as he lit one for her, rubbing his chin.

The magic circle?

I just rechecked it on my way here. The bloodstain did indeed distort it, and someone intentionally modified it. It seems Ian has an accomplice.

Gale frowned, the cool night air chilling his head.

That seems unlikely.


Because of Mariv.

Doesnt it diminish the significance of Mariv loudly pushing Ian?

If someone from the Ministry assisted Ian, it would be a personal favor or an order from Mariv. In the former case, we can attribute it to unfavorable circumstances and move on without much issue. But in the latter case

Wesleigh, exhaling smoke, brushed her hair back. She understood Gales implication.

Indeed. If a magician shares Marivs intentions, instructing them not to involve themselves with Ian would be prudent.

Exposing the hidden card would be unwise. Deceiving Ian with official words while maneuvering other magicians behind the scenes would be the most stable approach.

If an alternative existed, what did it matter if Ians magical power display humiliated him or not? The best course of action was to avoid arousing suspicion in Gale and Wesleigh, as was currently the case.

I believe its the former, or Ian actually fixed it himself.

Gale laughed lightly, chewing on his cigarette, recalling Ians appearance on the banquet halls 2nd floor. The more he observed him, the more innocent and bold he seemed, no ordinary fellow.

Thats impossible. How could someone fresh from the frontier

So even you would find it difficult?

Honestly, even Wesleigh would struggle to instantly penetrate and fix a magic circle with so many magicians techniques interwoven, like the light of the oracle. However, she quickly corrected her gaze and shook her head.

Your Highness. This is Wesleigh you speak of.

Haha. Indeed. I misspoke.

She refused to have her value diminished in Gales eyes. Gently stroking Wesleighs neck, Gale inquired.

The light of the oracle Ian displayed. What degree of magical power would you estimate it to be?

Quite impressive for his young age. Better than expected.

Wesleigh answered, avoiding Gales gaze. Like all Imperial Palace departments, especially ability-focused ones like the Ministry of Magic and the Guard, there was a strong emphasis on new talent.

Is that so?

Gale responded without elaborating, lowering his hand. Silence followed, the faint music from the inner party hall barely audible.

If Ian did indeed fix the magic circle and his magical power is outstanding, hes all the more a card that mustnt be given to Mariv.

A woman then appeared through the windowMelania, a noblewoman who had been laughing and chatting with Gale earlier. The youngest daughter of the Hayman family, renowned for their banking business, with royal blood from a neighboring country mixed in.

We need to send Ian an application to join the ministry at sunrise.

Gale had told Wesleigh he would follow the will of the Ministry of Magics head. Even so, who knew what Mariv would say behind the scenes once the application was confirmed and delivered to Ian. Including a few departments to gauge the reaction, such as the Magic Support Department, would be wise.

Gale said this while extinguishing his cigarette on the railing. Leaving a light kiss on Wesleighs cheek, he tilted his head, signaling his return to the party.


Wesleigh tried calling his name, but he only frowned as he glanced back, as if demanding the proper title.

Your Highness Gale. I will see you later.

Good work.


As the terrace door closed, the shadows of the two completely vanished. Wesleigh leaned her elbow on the railing, clutching her head. The dizziness was unbearable.


Shall I give you another? the assistant who had been observing from the side offered a new cigarette.

Wesleigh simply turned her head without answering, placing it between her lips. The moment it was lit, sparks seemed to dance in her black eyes.


Greetings, Baron Ian Hielo.

The public affairs officer from the Ministry of Magic politely addressed him. Ian noticed the parchment in his hand was quite thick.

The magic confirmation ceremony you displayed at yesterdays New Years party was truly impressive. Thank you for allowing us to witness such a beautiful sight. Furthermore, with the intention of requesting Baron Ian Hielo to utilize your magical power for the Great Empire of Bariel and His Majesty the Emperor, I have brought an application for your grace to join the Ministry of Magic.


He confidently unfolded the parchment, reading the preface in an elegant tone. It primarily introduced the Ministry of Magics history, and by the time Beric, who had been listening with interest, let out a big yawn, it finally concluded.

As such, the Ministry of Magic is currently the most honorable department in the Imperial Palace. These are the treatment conditions offered to Baron Ian Hielo, and below are the departments Head Wesleigh has selected and recommended. Please consider deeply and provide a response promptly.

I see. Youve worked hard since morning.

Dont mention it. Ah, if its not rude, may I request a handshake?

Its the last chance before joining the Ministry of Magic. At the officers request, Ian happily obliged, and the officer once again paid his respects and bid farewell.

I look forward to a favorable response. Thank you.


With disciplined footsteps, he boarded the Imperial Palace carriage and departed. Ian, unfolding the parchment, smiled slightly at the unexpected contents.

Theyre kinder than I thought.

No matter how much they keep you in check, arent you the first new recruit to join the Ministry of Magic in a long time? They should at least do this much out of courtesy. And Im sure this kind of work isnt handled by the Magic Support Department, right?

The salary and benefits allocated to Ian were detailed first. A whopping 10 gold coins per month. Enormous compared to commoners, but relative to other Ministry of Magic members, it was nearly starting from the bottom.

Anyway, the departments recommended by Wesleigh are as follows: Magic Support Department, Magic Operations Department, Magic Research Department

It wasnt very different from the departmental structure Ian was familiar with.

I clearly told Head Wesleigh at the 2nd floor banquet hall yesterday that I would review the options. Since Prince Gale heard it, Wesleigh would naturally know too, but shes defining the list and handing it back like this?

Isnt it a bit strange? The right to choose was given, but its being returned? It was the opposite of trying to seize the initiative at the magic confirmation ceremony.

Then, it seems to mean that she wants to see what I choose What could she be speculating?

Ian? What are you thinking so deeply about?

Im pondering what this signifies.

Ah, right. You probably dont know well. The Magic Support Department is

While Romandro enthusiastically explained, Ian tapped the edge of the parchment, deep in thought. Soon, by the time Romandros words were coming to an end, a smile graced his lips.

A smile that roughly meant he understood.

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