Margrave’s Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Hehe, hehehe.

It seemed like Beric was having a pleasant dream. Lying sprawled on the living room sofa, he kept chuckling. Minnie, who was moving the teacups, shook her head in disbelief.

If anyone saw this, they would think Lord Beric was the main character of the New Years banquet. How could he come back so drunk?

It was the time when the moon was at its brightest. Ian and Romandro had returned to the mansion with the intoxicated Beric. Vivian and Minnie, who couldnt fall asleep, along with the coachman, had tried to carry Beric up, but they couldnt even get him to the top of the stairs.

And hes not even that fat, so how could he be so heavy!

Minnie grumbled, recalling the hardships of the previous night, glancing at Beric repeatedly. Romandro just muttered while sipping his tea.

Hes a knight, you see. Hes muscular, so hes heavy. But yeah, I think its a bit too much. Dont you think so, Ian?

Ian, who was sitting across from him, also smiled and nodded. Did he know that all the household members gathered in the kitchen were gossiping about him? Beric unconsciously scratched his ear while smacking his lips.

I think Ill impose a drinking ban on Beric.

That sounds like a good idea. That that guy, he hasnt even had his coming-of-age ceremony yet, but I heard he has a terrible drinking habit.

Romandro put down the newspaper and looked out the window. It was a gloomy morning, as the sunrise was delayed due to winter. When the day broke, the official request for admission would come from the Ministry of Magic, but before that, there was something he had to confirm with Ian.

By the way, Ian, I have a question.

Yes, please go ahead.

Romandros voice was slightly more serious than usual. Ian, who noticed the change, stopped stirring his teacup, and Minnie also naturally went into the kitchen to leave them alone.

Its about when you had an audience with His Highness Mariv. Didnt His Highness ask about the compensation money?

Yes, he did.

Ian nodded. He had wondered why he hadnt asked, but it seemed he was just waiting for the right time.

But why didnt you tell him that the money was ready? And the same with the Luron magic stone. I know youre its owner, so its not my place to meddle. But Im curious, so Im asking your intentions. Are you by any chance .

Ahem. Romandro coughed again and continued. Unlike himself, a civil servant, Ian was going to have to face the turmoil of the imperial palace alone as a magician. He was prepared to respect whatever choice he made.

If you are looking for your identity as a magician, tell me. I will help you in my own way.

He was saying that he would help him personally, even if it meant siding with Gale.

Ian sipped his tea and listened to Romandros words. Through his slightly trembling larynx, there was no doubt that he was speaking from the heart.

If he knew that Gale was preparing for a rebellion, he wouldnt be able to say that.

As a smile formed on Ians lips, the tense Romandro opened his eyes wide. As if to ask why he was smiling.

Arent you His Highness Marivs man, Sir Romandro?

Well, you could say that. Im a salaried man. His Highness Mariv is my superior, but .

He was the kind of person who wouldnt look at a resignation letter. But Ian wasnt going to stay like this forever. It would be a pity if his superior changed, but if that was the fate of a magician, there was nothing he could do.

First of all, let me make it clear. I have no intention of working for His Highness Gale.

R, really? Hahaha! Oh my, I was so nervous!

He had misunderstood because he had met Gale on the first day he entered the palace and seen them talking alone at the New Years banquet. Romandro kept bursting into awkward laughter and waving his hands.

However, I will not tell His Highness Mariv about my circumstances, including the Luron magic stone.

W, why .

Because there is no reason to. Isnt there nothing more dangerous in the imperial palace than showing all your cards too early? You said so yourself, Sir Romandro.

I did? Did I say that?

Of course it was a lie. But at Ians nonchalant attitude, Romandro just tilted his head and soon nodded.

I guess my past self gave some pretty good advice. Yes, thats right.

There will hardly be such a thing, but if His Highness Mariv asks, you can answer according to your beliefs, Sir Romandro. You dont need to protect me. Dont you have a family, Sir Romandro?

Romandros expression became strange at Ians words. It was true. What was most important to Romandro now was Vivian and the child who was about to be born.

Live for the two of them. I will live for myself. Even so, you dont have to worry too much. Dont you know that?

If were talking about resourcefulness, hes unrivaled. Not only did he cross the desert with nothing, but he also managed to establish a new family. Romandro muttered, sipping his tea.

I see what you mean. I worry about you, but I dont underestimate you. If you ever have something to discuss, let me know. I have an idea for the Luron magic stone, so Ill start looking for a place to store it long-term.

Thank you very much for saying that.

Weve spent quite a few days together.

Ian just smiled at Romandros words. Perhaps it was true that Romandro being sent to the borderlands was a real stroke of luck. Just as the two of them were about to resume their breakfast,

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

The doorbell at the front door rang. Minnie, who was in the kitchen, poked her head out curiously.

Is the Ministry of Magic already here?

I wonder. Its still early.

Wait a moment. Ill go check.

Minnie ran to the hallway and opened the door slightly. Ian and Romandro also half-heartedly stood up and listened for the sound outside.

My lord, theres a guest looking for you?

A guest? At this hour?

Its a woman named Barseba Petreio.

Ah. The Imperial Guard?

Ian finally let out a small gasp of understanding. Then he put on his coat and followed Minnie to the hallway. Only Romandro, who didnt know who it was, hurriedly woke Beric up and urged him.

You, get up now.

Ugh. A pig, a pig is talking .

Are you crazy! You idiot! Who are you calling a pig!


Even though Romandro gave him a good smack, Beric only reacted dully, perhaps because he was still asleep. He just rubbed his forehead with his eyes closed and yawned loudly.

The Imperial Guard came looking for Ian. I dont know what it is, so hurry up and get ready and come out. Ians escort, of all people!

Ugh. The Guard?

Hurry up!

Leaving behind the commotion coming from inside, Ian approached the front door. Barseba, dressed neatly in his uniform, pursed his lips and saluted.


Greetings, Baron Ian Hielo. I am Barseba Petreio of the Imperial Guard.

Yeah, its been a while.

Everything from her beret and gloves to the decorations on her scabbard was perfect. Ian folded his arms and looked at Barseba with interest.

Its not much different from the Guard uniform of 100 years ago.

I came to find my fathers artifact.

She had come here believing Ians words and hoping that he would give her her fathers artifact. It was also her only choice, as she had no other way to find it.

Its early for a formal visit.

I apologize.

Well, its better than coming at night.

Thump! Thump!

Ian! Iaaan!

Just then, Beric, who was still half asleep, came running out with his scabbard in hand. Romandro, who had been pushing him from behind, stopped short when he saw Barseba.

A, alone?


Then its a personal matter?

Huh? Her? The one I knocked out in the alley? Her teeth were all broken. Her nose was bleeding too. Nice to see you again!

Beric greeted Barseba, but she only glared at him. It seemed that her teeth were still missing, judging from the sound of her lisping.

How insulting.

You told me to take a bath? Sir Romandro, did I throw up yesterday?

He was still half asleep and half drunk. He was a mess. Ian pushed Beric back and invited Barseba inside.

Ignore him and come into the living room. Sir Romandro, are you okay?

Ah, of course. Of course I am.

Beric, go upstairs and bring down the small wooden box with my belongings.

At Ians nod, Minnie led Barseba inside. Romandro followed her, and Beric grumbled but obediently went up the stairs.

This lady is Petreios daughter.

Petreio? Thats right, huh? What?!

Romandro, who had been listening with one ear, jumped up in surprise. She was the daughter of Morlins henchman, the man who had tried to kill them! While Ian explained the situation, Beric brought down the box.

Ian, is this it?

Put it down.


Barseba, who had been standing stiffly and looking only straight ahead, involuntarily lowered her head. Ian rummaged through the box and took out a small ring wrapped in plastic.

This should be Petreios ring.

Ah. This .

Do you know? Its poisoned, so be careful. It causes necrosis and death if it touches your skin. You will die in agony.

You mean my father used this?

I think it was a very appropriate response to hide his identity after the assassination attempt failed.

Barseba put the ring on her palm and looked at it slowly. As if she was trying to find her fathers last moments there. Her lips were tightly pursed and her eyebrows were furrowed.

It is my fathers ring. But I didnt know it had a suicide function.

When asked why he wore it when it wasnt even a wedding ring, and if he had met someone new, the bitter smile her father had made came to mind.

That was what it meant. When she learned the meaning of the ring, her father would no longer be in this world.

When did your father start wearing it?

After he retired from the position of Captain of the Imperial Guard and found a new job.

It must have been given to him by Morlin, since he started wearing the ring after he started serving him.

Since it was a poison often used in human trafficking, he thought that if he investigated this, he would be able to prove the connection between Morlin and the incident. If so, then it would be directly connected to Gale.

Yes. Take it carefully. The poison has hardened, so it wont be easy to touch.

Minnie, who had been listening from the corner, took out a small wooden box the size of her palm. It was a case she had received when she bought jewelry, and it was perfect for holding a single ring.

This will be safer than wrapping it in cloth.

Thank you.

And it seems that your father trusted you very much.

When asked if he wasnt worried about his remaining family, he was unwavering and firm. As if he trusted his daughter.

This is all I can tell you.

At Ians words, Barseba clasped the box with both hands. Then she stood up, saluted in gratitude, and bowed down to her waist. It felt more sincere than a thousand words.

Then, goodbye.

Oh, if you see us in the palace, please take good care of us.

To be exact, he was talking about that Beric guy who was yawning loudly on the opposite side.

When Barseba frowned without understanding, Ian smiled and added.

Im thinking of sending Beric to the Imperial Training Center soon. If theres anything he lacks, please help him.

Me? Me? To the training center? I dont know what youre talking about all of a sudden, but okay! The palace is amazing!

Beric didnt understand either. It was a place where he could fight stronger people and grow, wasnt it? Barseba left the mansion without answering, and Beric chased after her and shouted.

Hey! Lets meet again at the training center! Ill knock out your other molars!

Shut up!

Your front teeth are fine~!


Barsebas visit, which swept through like a storm, left Romandro feeling exhausted even though he had done nothing. While he was lying on the sofa like Beric just now, gasping for breath.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

The doorbell rang again. Romandro, who had no other thoughts because he thought it was Barseba again. This time, he really jumped up after hearing Minnies words.

Gasp! The Ministry of Magic is here! The admission request form is here!

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