Lord Shadow

Chapter 1553 Chaos All Over the World I

Chapter 1553  Chaos All Over the World I

This extra dimension occupies a barren place.

This place itself is barren and have no people inside it or any living creatures other than some monster nest and dungeons.

It is a valley.

Specifically, the Valley of Geysers. It is a geyser field on Kamchatka Peninsula. Before the Fall, it has the second largest concentration of geysers in the world.

It is six-kilometer-long basin with around ninety geysers and a lot of hot springs.

Situated on the Russian Far East, predominantly on the left bank of the ever-deepening Geysernaya River, into which geothermal waters flow from a relatively young stratovolcano, Kikhpinych.

Before the Fall, it is part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve and incorporated into the World Heritage Site "Volcanoes of Kamchatka"

The valley even before the Fall is difficult to reach, with helicopters providing the only feasible means of transport.

It is a pulsating geyser. In 2007 there was a mudflow damage. There is not many people that visit there though there is tourist that come there

Foreign tourists were allowed into the valley in 1991. About 3,000 tourists visited the site annually

However, with the arrival of the Fall, the once serene valley transformed into a nesting ground for a myriad of monstrous creatures.

The eruption of chaos unleashed an influx of deadly beasts, making the Valley of Geysers a treacherous and perilous place to tread.

The serene beauty was replaced by an eerie and forbidding landscape, shrouded in the mysteries of the unseen extra dimension.

No living beings dared to enter the valley now, except for those drawn by perilous quests or those who sought to confront the malevolent forces lurking within.

As the forces of Boris reclaimed the land under the banner of the Revolutionary Army, the Valley of Geysers became a place of significant interest.

Its unique natural features and remote location made it an ideal spot to study and potentially harness for the new Republic's advancements in technology and magic.

After the revolution succeeded, and the Revolutionary Army became the Republic with access to newfound technologies and powerful magic abilities, the military faction saw an opportunity to establish a clandestine prison—a black site unlike any other.

The black site of all black site.

This hidden prison would serve as the ultimate detention facility, capable of containing the most dangerous and formidable adversaries to the Republic's stability and security.

The decision to build the prison in the Valley of Geysers was not arbitrary.

Its remoteness and natural defense provided a level of security that few other places could match.

Not to mention that after the Fall, there is hardly any settlements around this area and it is barren and since it become even harder to tread, it is the ideal place.

The volatile geysers become even more volatile and the treacherous terrain filled with nest of monsters surrounding the valley acted as a natural deterrent to potential intruders, making access to the prison nearly impossible without the Republic knowledge.

The construction of the prison was a remarkable feat, combining advanced technology, magical expertise, and scientific knowledge that pushed the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

Using the principles of the unseen extra dimension, they built an invisible, intangible prison—one that existed within the very fabric of Earth's own reality, yet hidden from the perception of ordinary beings.

The laws of time and space were carefully overlaid onto the prison, creating a complex and intricate web of dimensions that defied mortal comprehension.

Powerful invisibility formations were woven into the very fabric of Tartarus, making it undetectable to the naked eye and shielding it from the prying senses of both mortal and supernatural beings.

These formations were designed to distort light, sound, and energy signatures, rendering the entire prison hidden from any form of conventional detection.

In addition to the invisible barriers, various magic research and techniques were integrated into Tartarus's construction.

The fusion of magical spells, rituals, and enchantments allowed the prison to manipulate reality itself, bending and warping its own existence to remain hidden and inaccessible.

Within Tartarus, the laws of nature seemed to twist and turn, creating a surreal environment where time flowed differently, and spatial dimensions overlapped and intertwined.

It was as if the prison existed on the fringes of reality, occupying a place beyond mortal comprehension—a place that lay hidden even from the most perceptive beings in the world.

The convergence of science and magic in Tartarus's creation led to a prison that transcended the limitations of the physical world.

It became a place where the boundaries of reality were blurred, and the laws of the universe seemed to be mere suggestions rather than unyielding rules.

The Republic's most brilliant minds, both scientists and magicians alike, contributed their expertise to ensure that Tartarus remained an impregnable fortress, capable of containing the most powerful and dangerous individuals.

Of course, most of these scientists did not know what they were building at the time. And those who knows about it is sworn to secrecy, put under surveillance and in some cases have their memories wiped away.

Shockingly enough, even Pandemonium did not know the existence of this prison. Not Katarina, not the Senators.

The only one who knew of the existence of this prison, is the high-ranking military members during the decision of the construction of this prison, the nine guardians of the prison, Boris who was one of the designers of this prison and a few influential senators of the Senate.

Beyond the Republic's borders, whispers and rumours circulated about the existence of Tartarus.

However, the secrecy surrounding the prison proved effective in shrouding its true nature in mystery.

Those who heard the rumours could only speculate about the prison's purpose and capabilities, with no concrete evidence to validate their claims.

Even Sasha, renowned for her intelligence network that spans the globe, faced difficulties in confirming the validity of the rumours surrounding Tartarus.

The elusive nature of the prison and the Republic's ability to keep it hidden made it challenging to obtain concrete evidence or first-hand accounts about its existence.

While she might have come across whispers and speculations, Sasha knew better than to take unverifiable sources at face value, especially when dealing with a place as secretive and enigmatic as Tartarus.

Similarly, the other world powers also treated the rumours about Tartarus with scepticism.

Despite their vast resources and intelligence capabilities, they encountered the same barriers in attempting to uncover the truth behind the supposed hidden prison.

But right now, is anyone paying attention to this prison?

 No one. All over the world, the forces of the world is trying to find ways to survive the aftermath of Death Monarch victory.

Jean is now scrambling all over the world trying to find an antidote for his woman. Hikigaya went back in Japan and knowing him, unless no one provokes him, he would stay there.

Death Monarch wanted to implement the creation of the Ten Realms, converging the continents of the world and separating it into ten super mega continents so that that it would be easier to manage

In Lotus Order, there is a lot of new problems. It began in Indonesia. And like a bushfire it spreads rapidly.

The Lotus Order faces not only rebellion in Indonesia but also several other uprisings spreading across Asia.

The Order's hold on their territory is becoming increasingly tenuous as dissidents take advantage of the chaos to challenge their authority.

When the pirates and the Crime Alliance was attacking the territory of the Lotus Order, the warlords all over Asia see the current weakness of the Lotus Order.

Lotus Order itself was never an overlord of these countries in Asia and they were once beat down by the local warlords many times

it is not until Pandemonium interference that led to a peaceful coexistence between Lotus order occupied territory and the warlords all over Asia.

But with Death Monarch plans and the change of the world, with thousands of continents all over the world, many people does not think that they have to stay in Asia.

However, when Death Monarch speak about creating another ten continents, merging the continent into ten mega super continents, even the warlords began to have some ideas.

A Lotus Order the size of Asia is already tempting enough but a Lotus Order the size of which could rival the size of Earth in the past before the Multiversal Convergence could make anyone eyes bulged with excitement.

After all, Lotus Order is given the mandate by Pandemonium and the mandate is simple.

If you have the strength, the ability to convince people to let you rule over them, then your position is worthy and virtuous.

If not, then it is a change of dynasty, a change of power. In other words, the world powers need to have enough force of power to make people submit.

When Death Monarch created the Seven world power, changing the geopolitical faction in the world, his vison was simple.

He was appointing steward for the world. He did it not because he is an altruistic person. He did it because he can and because it is not hard for him to do it.

Lotus Order took up the order and regardless how they do it, they managed to come on top. But, everything under the Heavens has its own rule and law.

And time passes and things changes.

And these rebellions, all of this probably because they wanted to change the head of the Lotus Order.

In Indonesia, a group of warlords has grown unruly and defiant, rallying their forces against the Lotus Order's rule.

Fuelled by grievances and a desire for independence from the so called Lotus Lords, they wage guerrilla warfare, attempting to destabilize the Order's control over the region.

In India, a sect of powerful ascetics has risen

These mystics seek to overthrow the Lotus Order's dominance over them and also to wipes out the warlords in India that have been killing and pillaging all the cities.


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