Lord Shadow

Chapter 1574 Prologue: Pursuit of Power

Chapter 1574 Prologue: Pursuit of Power

A month had drifted by in the wake of the colossal clash between the Dark Alliance and the World Powers.

Across the globe, nations and factions were still grappling with the seismic repercussions of that titanic battle.

In this post-war landscape, loyalties had shifted like sand underfoot, and alliances transformed with equal swiftness.

It was clear to all observers that a new era had dawned, one marked by the supremacy of the Seven Great World Powers.

A discernible global trend had solidified—the world was on a trajectory towards division….divided into seven world power, seven world bloc

The seven world powers stood as the dominant forces, each carving out their own sphere of influence.

In response, other factions either bent the knee in submission, forged uneasy alliances, or artfully circumvented the reach of these burgeoning world powers, choosing instead to tread their own distinct paths.

The dust of a month had settled since the earth-shattering battle, and the world is irrevocably changed.

In the wake of the conflict, a multitude of high-ranking officers from the world powers had met their demise, leaving a power vacuum in their wake.

There is reorganization of the officers and officials in all of the great powers.

And there is also the change that is happening toward the Crime Alliance

The once-mighty Crime Alliance, which had once cast a long shadow over the world, found its influence at an all-time low.

Its surviving members scattered like rats, hiding in the darkest corners of the globe.

Some, it was rumoured, had even fled Earth altogether, seeking refuge in distant planets or galaxies, only to return to Earth at a time more favourable to their safety

As for Kaiju, the dragon-like beings from another world, he had vanished into the folds of uncertainty.

Since the conclusion of the battle, his whereabouts had become an impenetrable mystery, leaving the world to ponder his fate in uneasy speculation.

As for the great power Jean, with the weight of leadership heavy on his shoulders, returned to the Republic.

His presence is sorely needed as the Senate faced the tumultuous aftermath of the battle and the exposure of Tartarus

Alongside him stood Katarina, her icy authority as High Chancellor unwavering.

The world now knew of the dire condition of Paulette, poisoned by some kind of creature during the battle, her life hanging in the balance as she lay in a coma-like state.

Jean determination to find a cure for his beloved is unwavering, and he would stop at nothing to bring her back from the brink.

Katarina, on the other hand, took swift and decisive action the moment she assumes power, showing a kind of political talent that she had never shown before.

Mobilizing the legions of the Republic, she spearheaded the effort to recapture the horrors unleashed when Tartarus was breached.

Her icy palace, a symbol of her power, was a hive of activity as she coordinated the mission.

Simultaneously, diplomatic discussions were underway with Greece.

Greece and the Republic would soon convene to address the matter of Boris

This would surely spark new discussion about who shall sit in the Right Chancellor seat and whether Boris should be reinstated.

Whatever the end of this discussion is, Greece is probably wanting to take some benefits now that Boris is with the Oracle in the Temple of Delphi

In the corridors of international diplomacy, whispers and speculations were rife. Greece, not content with its discussions with the Republic, seemed to be extending an olive branch towards the? Empire of Japan.

The purpose?

To engage in dialogue with the Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya

Rumours swirled that this could herald the birth of a new alliance, one that would stand apart from the established order of the Seven World Powers crafted by Death Monarch.

A neutral world power, arising from the fusion of Greece and Japan, would undoubtedly reshape the geopolitical landscape in ways that no one could predict with certainty.

As for those who attacked Tartarus, their name is not known to the common people but those of high statue and of great position all knows that there is someone called the Magician

This man known only as the Magician had thrust himself into the annals of history with his audacious assault on Tartarus.

While his true name remained shrouded in mystery to the common populace, those in the highest echelons of society are now well aware of his existence and his ominous agenda.

The question that plagued the minds of many was a simple yet profound one: Why?

Why had the Magician orchestrated such a daring and destructive assault on one of the Republic most secretive and secure institutions?

The answer, it seemed, was equally straightforward: Chaos.

The Magician's intentions were clear, at least in their overarching aim.

He sought to sow the seeds of chaos and disorder, and what better way to achieve this than by eliminating a figure as powerful and influential as Boris?

The death of the Republic leader would undoubtedly unleash a storm of political turmoil, power struggles, and uncertainty that could engulf the entire world power.

The chilling realization dawned on those who delved into the intricate web of this poisonous plan.

If Boris had indeed perished within the confines of Tartarus, the consequences would be nothing short of catastrophic.

First and foremost, Katarina would undoubtedly cast blame upon the Republic for the death of her brother.

Her wrath, they surmised, would manifest in a vengeful spree against the Republic political leaders, potentially leading to their deaths.

However, the ensuing turmoil would not stop there.

Katarina actions, driven by grief and anger, would almost certainly ignite a powder keg of political unrest within the Republic.

As chaos spread like wildfire, the Republic would find itself teetering on the precipice of civil war.

And should civil war erupt, it would inevitably draw the attention of Jean.

The Time Monarch would not stand idly by as the Republic descended into chaos.

His intervention, in turn, would provoke the one figure even mightier than himself: Death Monarch to involve himself in this matter.

The mere thought of a showdown between Death Monarch and Jean sent shivers down the spines of those in the know.

The two men are? titanic forces, and their conflict would be a cataclysmic event.

However, the ripples of their battle would not be contained within their own ranks and it would not be a small event.

The very factions they led, Pandemonium and the Republic, would be dragged into the fray.

This, in turn, would trigger a domino effect, pulling in the remaining five great world powers, each with its own interests and alliances.

The outcome of such a world-shattering war is.... inconceivable.

Whether Pandemonium or the Republic emerged victorious, the world itself would be left scorched, ravaged, and forever changed.

Such a conflict would not only break the world—it would remake it in the image of chaos and devastation.

If this is not considered? a poisonous plan, which plans could be considered poisonous in the world.

The world could only sigh in relief that such plans did not come into fruition.

And there is news of the Great Oracle return

And that news sent ripples throughout the world like a stone dropped in a tranquil lake.

Her temple, perched majestically on Mount Parnassus, seemed to touch the heavens themselves.

The mountain, with its numerous peaks that almost pierced the clouds, now held even greater mystique, as if the very thorns of Olympus extended their embrace to the celestial realms.

Its presence commanded a sense of reverence and awe from visitors, as they knew that within these sacred walls, the Oracle held the reins of fate.

Word of the Oracle resurgence travelled far and wide, drawing dignitaries and seekers of knowledge from the four corners of the Earth.

From humble scholars to mighty rulers, all humbly ascended the slopes of Mount Parnassus to beseech the Oracle for glimpses into the tapestry of time.

Meanwhile, Arturia island underwent a remarkable transformation after the war.

Once known for its roguish past as a pirate haven, it had emerged from the shadows, like a phoenix reborn.

Security around the island is now impeccable, and peace reigned around the Turbulent Sea.

Arturia island is now celebrated as one of the safest sanctuaries within the Ten Seas.

Its streets buzzed with vibrant commerce, its inhabitants flourishing under the newfound prosperity.

In a grand gesture of diplomatic significance, Death Monarch, ruler of Pandemonium, proclaimed a regular summit among the Seven World Great Powers every seven years, with Arturia as the chosen venue.

This decision shows Arturia newfound prominence

Each summit promised to be a place of international discourse, where the powers of the world could seek common ground and navigate the ever-shifting tides of geopolitics.

This has been spoken by Death Monarch and it is clear that this is considered a compensation from Death Monarch to the city lord of Arturia.

Amid the tumultuous events that unfolded after the war between the Dark Alliance and the World Powers, those who inhabited this world were left in a state of bewilderment.

The sheer magnitude of developments and shifting alliances would be enough to send anyone head spinning.

Yet, a prevailing sentiment among the population was gratitude that these events hadn't escalated into another global conflict.

The battle at Tartarus and the close call is enough to make people fear for the future

If Boris had died, if the Oracle was not there, today, they might be a war between the world powers

So, even with all the changes in the world, the common people is already grateful that there is no great war erupting among the world power

There is an underlying understanding, a collective awareness among the people of the world that the world is now teetering on the brink of a precipice, and any wrong step could plunge it into chaos.

However, amidst these complex and ever-changing dynamics, one figure remained an enigma to most - Death Monarch.

Having returned to his dominion of Pandemonium, he had chosen seclusion, a state of introspection, and solitary contemplation.

By now, the plans to create the ten realms has been spread all over the world. And everyone knows what Death Monarch is trying to do.

This undertaking involved the amalgamation of all the world's landmasses, followed by their division into ten distinct territories, each encircled by its own sea.

It is a grand design, and opinions on it were as diverse as the lands themselves.

This is an ambitious undertaking and probably could only be done by Death Monarch who possess great powers control the rules and laws of the world

Among the populace, there were those who raised objections, seeing it as an unsettling alteration to the world order.

They questioned the implications of such a transformation, both for the balance of power and for the lives of ordinary people.

Concerns over the potential upheaval and uncertainty that this plan might bring to their lives were voiced with trepidation.

Conversely, there were those who accepted Death Monarch's vision with open arms, seeing it as an opportunity for a new beginning, a chance to transcend the limitations of the old world and forge a new destiny.

They believed in the promise of a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities across the Ten Realms.

For those who objected their voice could not be heard because after the world power went against the Crime Alliance, there is no other force on earth that could restrain the seven great powers

If they united into one cause, there is no power on earth that could stop it. And it is the same for this plan

Some people however agree and find that Death Monarch plan is to establish order and make sure that the world would not be split into two each time two powerful being squared off against each other.

There is pros and cons to everything. So, right now, the whole world is kept waiting

The world watched with bated breath as these political machinations unfolded, aware that the repercussions would echo far and wide


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