I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 92.2

Chapter 92.2

Two days later, at the Great Xia imperial palace.

Lin Beifan watched the Emperor of the An Kingdom with a smile on his face, I have fulfilled my promise and rescued you and your family. Now its your turn to keep your word! Where is the treasure and how much is it worth in silver? Tell me everything!

The Emperor of the An Kingdom bowed in gratitude and said, Thank you, Your Majesty, for your rescue. I will now fulfill my promise! The treasure of our An Kingdom is buried at XX, and its worth approximately 2 million taels of silver!

The smile on Lin Beifans face stiffened, Only 2 million taels?

2 million taels is already quite a lot. Thats about the annual national treasury income of a small kingdom! the Emperor of the An Kingdom said somewhat sheepishly.

Lin Beifan raised his voice, But I rescued the Emperors of the Mo Kingdom and the Shang Kingdom, and one gave me 5 million taels, while the other gave 6 million taels! What can I do with your 2 million taels?

But thats all there is to my An Kingdom, theres no more! the Emperor of An Kingdom said with a sense of grievance.

Fine, fine, consider it a bad deal Ive made. Now go on, leave! Lin Beifan waved his hand dismissively.

Thats it? Youre not going to give me anything? the Emperor of An Kingdom asked eagerly.

Lin Beifan was baffled: What more do you want?

Your Majesty, just like the other fallen monarchs, youve made the emperors of both Mo Kingdom and Shang Kingdom dukes and they still enjoy corresponding privileges! Now its my turn, arent you going to the Emperor of An Kingdom hinted wildly, winking his eyes.

Lin Beifan became angry: Just 2 million taels of silver, Ive already done you a favor by saving you, and you still want more? Get lost and fend for yourself!

The Emperor of An Kingdom panicked: Your Majesty, please no! Well starve to death like this!

Now, he had nothing left, no country and no money.

Having been an Emperor for half his life, his family had also lived in luxury, accustomed to the finest silks and the richest foods!

You ask them to earn money, but they dont know how!

Just the sheer drop from their previous status was unbearable!

This is not a problem I should concern myself with! Lin Beifan said.

The anxious An Kingdom Emperor pleaded, You really cant ignore me Wait, I also know of a treasure!

Lin Beifan was furious, How dare you keep this a secret?

The An Kingdom Emperor became even more anxious, Its not that I wish to hide it, but I truly do not know what this treasure is or how much there is. I cant access it, so whether I speak of it or not makes no difference!

Then, the An Kingdom Emperor revealed the story.

The treasure was discovered by one of his ancestors.

About 50 years ago, that ancestor went on an expedition across the mountain range to train in martial arts. By chance, in the midst of the Hengduan Mountains Range, he found a man-made cave and scattered on the ground outside were gold and silver jewels.

Driven by curiosity, he bravely ventured forward.

The deeper he went, the more gold and silver treasures were scattered on the ground.

Just when he thought he had found a treasure, he was attacked by a giant serpent.

That serpent was too ferocious and terrifying, with a massive body, tough skin, and thick flesh, and it could even spew poison gas. His ancestor, who had already half-stepped into the Innate Realm, was severely injured by the opponent in just two or three moves and had no choice but to beat a hasty retreat.

After returning, our ancestor informed us of this matter before he passed away from this world!

Sighed the An Kingdom Emperor. This is a top secret even within the An Kingdom royal family, known only to successive Emperors! Although that treasure is very tempting, the giant serpent that dwells in the cave according to our ancestor, is feared to have reached the Astral Qi level! Therefore, although we are tempted, we have not acted rashly!

After hearing this, Lin Beifan waved his hand to dismiss the An Kingdom Emperor.

He ordered Eunuch Liu to take back the two million taels of silver.

At the same time, the Empty Hand Master was summoned to check out the treasure site in the Hengduan Mountains.

Five days later, Liu Eunuch returned with two million taels of silver.

The Empty Hand Master also returned, but he appeared to be in a very sorry state.

How was it, were there any treasures? Lin Beifan asked.

The Empty Hand Master nodded: Indeed, there were treasures, but not many, worth about one million taels of silver. It seems to have been left by a powerful individual who passed away there, leaving only his skeletal remains! However, I found a rare treasure in there!

At this point, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the Empty Hand Master.

Lin Beifan asked, What kind of treasure?

The Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Pod! Empty Hand Masters eyes lit up.

He noticed Lin Beifans confusion and immediately explained, This is a legendary treasure of heaven and earth, I had no idea that such a thing actually existed in the world! Its a lotus pod that looks like white jade, but the seeds inside are shaped like eyeballs, and there are nine of them in total hence its called the Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Pod!

The conditions for its formation are extremely harsh, and even I dont know what they are. All I know is that its seeds have extraordinary effects, just like panaceas. After consuming one, any injury will heal, no matter how severe, and return to its original state! If one is not injured, it can even enhance ones power!

Lin Beifan was amazed, Thats a great treasure. Why didnt you bring it back?

I wanted to, but there was a giant snake guarding the Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Pod, a beast unlike any other! As you said, it was huge and as impenetrable as a wall of copper and iron, and it could also spray poison gas, extremely vigilant! I had barely shown my face when it discovered me! It was too powerful, definitely at the peak level of Astral Qi!

Empty Hand Master spoke with lingering fear, If it werent for my excellent movement skills and various methods, I might have fallen into its clutches!

After listening to the words of the Empty Hand Master, Lin Beifan fell into deep thought.

The gold, silver, and jewels in that cave were only worth a million taels, and it wasnt worth the risk to send people for just a million taels.

However, the Nine-Eyed White Jade Lotus Seed was a must-have.

This was an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth, capable of healing injuries and enhancing abilities even without injuries.

With this treasure, he could cultivate many experts.

He wasnt lacking people now, what he needed were experts.

The Hengduan Mountain Range, in fact, wasnt far away, located just to the south of Great Xia.

That was a massive and towering mountain range, stretching for thousands of miles. It was teeming with wild beasts, and even martial artists found it difficult to cross. It almost severed the world in two, hence it was named accordingly.

However, the location of the hidden treasure was closer to the other side of the Hengduan Mountain Range, which was the territory of the Great Yan Kingdom.

It looks like I have to go through the ordeal once again! Lin Beifan exclaimed.

He launched the Empire Sandbox and employed the Hand of God, reaching towards the Hengduan Mountain Range.

Two days later, a general hurried back to the court to report.

Report to Your Majesty, on the evening of the day before yesterday, the Hengduan Mountain Range underwent a tremendous upheaval as if a dragon beneath the earth had turned over. The mountain split open, revealing a passable fissure. I sent people to investigate, and it turns out this fissure actually leads to the Great Yan Kingdom on the opposite side!

The officials were greatly alarmed: What? The Hengduan Mountain Range has been breached?

Everyone knew what it meant for the Hengduan Mountain Range to be breached.

For a long time, the Great Xia Kingdom and the Great Yan Kingdom had been neighbors, but due to the barrier of the Hengduan Mountain Range, the two countries, despite their proximity, had always coexisted peacefully.

But now, the Hengduan Mountain Range had been breached!

This meant that the two countries might start to clash!

The Great Yan Kingdom was an established great kingdom, far stronger than Great Xia!

If the two countries were to engage in conflict, it was certain that Great Xia would be at a disadvantage!

Everyone became anxious.

Lin Beifan burst into hearty laughter: My fellow Ministers, what are you worried about? This is a great opportunity!

An opportunity? Everyone was puzzled.

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