I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 105.1

Chapter 105.1

Following this, An Lushan began to recruit soldiers and purchase horses, training new recruits.

At the same time, he also ordered Shi Siming to intensify the training of the veteran soldiers, prepare provisions and supplies, and get ready for the great undertaking ahead.

Both individuals were filled with enthusiasm, for if their uprising were to succeed, they would don the imperial yellow robes, becoming the founding Emperors, wielding the power over all under heaven, and possessing endless glory and riches.

Meanwhile, another corrupt official, Heshen, was also very active, diligently reporting the current state of affairs to Lin Beifan.

At this time, Heshen was primarily responsible for several major tasks.

These included clearing wilderness for farming, mining and smelting iron, constructing cement houses, building a new imperial palace, and organizing the national womens textile work

All were very important tasks, and so far, they had been well executed.

After listening, Lin Beifan was very pleased: Minister He, you have done well. It was right to entrust these matters to you! Your merits will be noted for now, and you will be rewarded for your contributions later!

Heshen was overjoyed: Thank you, Your Majesty!

The reason he had rushed over to report was precisely to let His Majesty see his efforts, wasnt it?

By seeing his efforts, he could continue to be promoted and advance in rank!

Actually, the greatest credit goes to Your Majesty! Under your wise leadership, we have achieved such great accomplishments! Compared to your contributions, your humble servant has done nothing more than run errands, which is really nothing at all!

Heshen said modestly, while simultaneously flattering Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan was greatly pleased: Minister, among all the civil and military officials of the court, you are the best at speaking and also the best at getting things done! Now, with all the work progressing smoothly and on the right track, we can start new projects!

Heshen was stunned: Your Majesty, what do you want to do now?

Lin Beifan said with a beaming smile, Minister, as you know, our countrys waterways are now well-developed, which is not only beneficial for irrigation but also promotes exchanges between cities, as well as commerce! However, we are short of ships, which greatly affects the development of trade! Therefore, I plan to build ships! Minister, what do you think of this?

Heshen was completely dumbfounded!

Goodness, he hadnt even finished his current workload, and now there was another big project!

His Majesty really knew how to keep people busy!

Your Majesty, your proposal is certainly good, but to be honest, it presents certain difficulties!

What difficulties? Lin Beifan asked.

Because we dont have the talent for shipbuilding here! Heshen said with a wry smile, Our country is landlocked, with no access to the sea, and there are only one or two rivers, so the number of ships is limited! Most of the ships are simple boats, only used for fishing, with limited carrying capacity! So if we want to build ships, we must invite experts from other countries!

Lin Beifan spoke loudly, Then lets invite them, no matter the cost, we must bring them over, Great Xia cannot be without ships!

Your humble servant obeys the decree! Your Majesty, how many people do you plan to recruit?

Lin Beifan said nonchalantly, We should recruit at least eight hundred to a thousand people! Then, well draw a few thousand workers from our own population to form a shipyard of a scale of ten thousand, dedicated to shipbuilding!

Heshen was shocked once again, So many people! Your Majesty, how many ships are you planning to build?

Of course, the more the better, because if we want to develop, we cannot do it without waterways, and likewise, we cannot do it without ships! When we have a fleet of a thousand large ships, then I will be satisfied!

Heshen was dumbfounded once again.

Thousands of large ships?

Youre thinking too big!

Such a fleet would be on the scale of an empire!

Do we, an inland great kingdom, need that many?

With just those few rivers, two to three hundred large ships should be more than enough!

Moreover, if you want to be wealthy, build roads first! In our Great Xia, although all the cities are connected by roads, the roads are muddy and uneven, making travel very inconvenient, so I plan to build roads!

Lin Beifan leaned forward with a smile, Minister, what do you think about using cement for road construction?

Cement for road construction? Heshen was baffled once again!

Yes, using cement for roads!

Lin Beifan said with a smile: You should be very familiar with the properties of cement, Minister! It sets quickly, and once hardened, its both tough and smooth, simply an excellent material for road construction!

Heshen replied, trying to keep his composure, Your Majesty, its possible, but the scale of the project would be enormous

The scale is indeed large, but it must be done!

Lin Beifan declared: With cement roads, not only will transportation be easier, but it will also benefit the military! In the future, moving troops and transporting provisions will be much more convenient!

Your Majesty speaks the utmost truth! However, at present, your humble servant has too many tasks at hand and might not be able to arrange everything, failing to meet your expectations

Lin Beifan said with concern, The Minister indeed has many responsibilities. Let me find someone to share your worries! From now on, you will focus solely on the affairs of the Ministry of Revenue. As for the Ministry of Works, I will

Heshen jolted with alarm and hastily said, Your Majesty, theres absolutely no need, your servant can take on all responsibilities!

Lin Beifan expressed his concern, Wont that be too exhausting?

Not at all exhausting, your servant relishes the challenge! Heshen declared loudly, yet silently shed tears in his heart.

Among the civil and military officials of the entire court, he alone wielded the power of two departments, holding a high position and significant authority, ranking first among the officials.

Anyone who met him had to respectfully address him as Minister He.

Such power was addictive, such status was mesmerizing.

He didnt want to give up the power in his hands, nor did he want to lose his position. He could only grit his teeth and swallow his pride, enduring the hardship and fatigue to continue on.

Lin Beifan said sympathetically, Minister, you really have worked hard! However, as its the New Year, this matter is not urgent. We can deal with it after the beginning of next year. I only wanted you to be prepared in advance!

Thank you, Your Majesty! Heshen secretly breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew.

Then, Lin Beifan summoned Li Linfu and asked, Minister, how are the preparations for the Banquet of Ultimate Bliss coming along?

Li Linfu bowed and reported, Your Majesty, everything is being prepared in an orderly fashion! To prepare for this Banquet of Ultimate Bliss, your humble servant has invited renowned chefs from all over to prepare exquisite dishes and has gathered fine wines from across the land. Additionally, there will be various performances to ensure that Your Majesty and the esteemed guests will be so delighted that they forget to return home, lost in enjoyment. However, the expenses have been quite high, amounting to 300,000 taels

Lin Beifan waved his hand dismissively, Its okay if it costs a little more, the most important thing is to be happy!

Yes, Your Majesty! Your humble servant will spare no effort to present Your Majesty with an unforgettable Banquet of Ultimate Bliss!

Additionally, I have another important matter for you to handle!

Your Majesty, please command!

Lin Beifan said with a smile, Now, our Great Xia is thriving, with a population nearing ten million! With a larger population, there are more affairs to deal with, but the number of officials has not increased much, which affects the operation of the court! Therefore, I have decreed that next spring, we shall hold an imperial examination to recruit talented individuals from across the land for my use!

Li Linfu was overjoyed; this was a tremendously good piece of news. Their Ministry of Rites was in charge of this!

After working for so long, he finally encountered a serious matter!

Only by doing well could he hope for a promotion and advancement in rank!

Your humble servant obeys the order! Li Linfu left with a smile on his face.

Next, Lin Beifan called in the important officials from various departments, instructing them on important matters and asking everyone to prepare for the next years work.

At that moment, Ouyezi ran over, elated: Your Majesty, this is the divine weapon I have forged. Please take a look!

Lin Beifan was surprised: Wasnt it supposed to take three months? How did you manage to finish so soon?

The meteoric iron from the heavens hasnt melted yet. To forge it, we must wait two more months, and shaping it will take another month! Its too long a wait, and I was getting bored, so I practiced with those materials of yours and forged some divine weapons!

As Ouyezi spoke, he couldnt hide his pride.

Under the heavens, he was the only one who could afford to practice with such precious materials!


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