I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 104.1

Chapter 104.1

Ouyezi took two steps forward, then turned around again: Im really leaving this time!

Lin Beifan waved his hand dismissively, Go on, I absolutely wont utter a word to keep you here, I wouldnt want to make it difficult for a master like you!


He took another step forward, then turned his head back again, Im really leaving, and once I leave, I wont come back!

Lin Beifan: Get going, stop dawdling!


Seeing that the other party had no intention of asking him to stay, Ouyezi finally gave up hope.

Nevertheless, he still walked away very slowly.

Normally, he moves with such speed and vigor that a single step can carry him half a zhang, and within a few strides, he would have run out of sight.

But now, after taking several steps, he hadnt even covered half a zhang, moving slower than a woman.

As he walked, he also pricked up his ears, eavesdropping on the conversation between Lin Beifan and the generals.

General: Your Majesty, how should we deal with this volcanic crater?

Lin Beifan: Havent you heard what Master Ouyezi said? This place is an excellent location for refining weapons. Even meteoric iron could be melted down here to forge divine weapons. Therefore, first, we must cordon off this area and prevent others from approaching. I plan to seek out the greatest blacksmith masters in the land to come here and forge divine weapons!

Ouyezi was not pleased to hear this.

Is there any master blacksmith under the heavens who can compare to him?

You actually invited them and not me?

What kind of judgment is that!?

General: Yes, I shall obey the order! But Your Majesty, the crater is hot and fiery all year round, and even experts at the peak of the Acquired Realm cannot stay inside for long. Therefore, I am worried that we will not be able to find a suitable master blacksmith!

Ouyezi nodded silently to himself.

Thats right!

That place is so hot and fiery that even experts at the peak of the Acquired Realm cant stay there for long, let alone forge weapons.

Only he, an Innate-level master blacksmith, could forge divine weapons within.

So, come and beg me!

Just beg me with a sincere tone, and Ill reluctantly agree!

Lin Beifan: No worries, you just need find the right person. Innate-level master blacksmith are hard to come by, but there are plenty of Acquired Realm master blacksmiths! I have miraculous medicines that can enhance their power and help them break through to Innate! With that, Ill have an Innate Realm master blacksmith who can craft divine weapons for me!

Ouyezi: F*ck!

Lin Beifan: Thats right, now that we have a place for refining weapons and a master blacksmith, how can we proceed without materials? Go and move the refining materials from the Treasure Pavilion over here, let the master practice!

Ouyezi: F*ck!

He was on the verge of losing his composure!

To hand over those refining materials, which he treasured like precious gems, to a bunch of people who couldnt hold a candle to him for practice?

It was too wasteful, too much of a heresy!

The general hesitated: Your Majesty, isnt that too extravagant?

Ouyezi nodded vigorously. The question was a good one, you cant do that!

Lin Beifan: Waste what? I have plenty of these things, it doesnt matter whether its wasteful or not! If these materials can be used to cultivate a master blacksmith who is no less skilled than Ouyezi, I think its worth it!

Ouyezi: F*ck!

Lin Beifan: Moreover, since hes working for me, I cant let him be wronged! Immediately find someone to build a large and fine residence here, specifically for the master to live in!


Lin Beifan: Additionally, his three meals a day must be taken care of. Whatever I eat, he shall eat the same!


Lin Beifan: Ive heard that these blacksmith masters all like to drink strong liquor, so fine wine must not be in short supply! The distilled spirits that I brew should be provided to them without limit until they wish to drink no more!


Lin Beifan: Additionally, there are also

Following that, Lin Beifan listed a multitude of benefits and perks.

Eavesdropping, Ouyezi trembled with anger.

These so-called masters, inferior to himself, were actually going to live, eat, and drink better than he did!

They even got to use the refining materials he treasured like precious gems, practicing their craft in the very place he had longed to refine weapons!

In the end, he would have to watch, wide-eyed, as they forged divine weapons, surpassing him!

This is outrageous, utterly infuriating!

There is a limit to what humans can bear!

Whirling around, he charged back and let out an angry roar: Shut up, dont you say another word!

Lin Beifan was surprised: Master Ouyezi, why have you returned?

Master Ouyezi bellowed furiously: If I didnt come back, all those rare and precious materials for weapon refining would have been completely ruined by you!

Lin Beifan was in a dilemma: But leaving them unused is also a waste, isnt it?

Shut up, let me do it! Ouyezi continued to roar angrily.

Lin Beifan: But I have heard that you, Master, have a very peculiar temper, refusing to work without materials provided

Ouyezi bellowed: Arent there top-quality materials in your Treasure Pavilion?

Lin Beifan: You also say that if the money isnt enough, you wont refine. I dont have much money

Ouyezi roared: You dont need to give me money. Cant I just put my own money instead?

Lin Beifan: You also say that if you dont like the look of someone, you wont refine

Ouyezi bellowed: Now, I find you very pleasing to the eye!

Lin Beifan added, You say you wont do it when youre in a bad mood, and you wont do it when youre too happy either

Ouyezi continued to roar, I am feeling extremely conflicted right now, is that good enough for you?

Lin Beifan: But

Ouyezi flared up, Why are you dilly-dallying so much? Im offering you money instead, and you still dont want to?

Lin Beifan felt wronged, It was you who said that you would rather die than serve me

Did I?

Ouyezi blinked and bellowed, I said Id rather die than serve you, but look, Im not dead. The point was, I wouldnt serve you to the extent of dying. Now, since Im alive, the condition of rather dying than serving doesnt apply. Im serving you because Im alive, not dead. Whats wrong with that? Tell me, where did I go wrong?

Lin Beifan gave a thumbs up: Master, your insight is profound; you have convinced me!

Good that you know!

Ouyezi harrumphed: Dont get too smug, Im not really keen on working for you. I just cant bear to see those fine materials wasted! Those materials can only show their true potential in the hands of someone like me!

Lin Beifan nodded repeatedly: Yes, yes, youre absolutely right!

Master, if you work for me, I cant let you be underappreciated, can I? You wont have to pay out of your own pocket; Ill give you 10,000 taels of silver every month! And if you forge a divine weapon, Ill give you an additional reward. How does that sound?

Ouyezis eyes lit up: Is that possible?

Furthermore, this place is too remote, with hardly any households around, making it inconvenient to live. I will immediately order someone to build a courtyard for you, just as you require. Whatever style you want, well build it. How about that?

Ouyezis eyes sparkled again: Can that really be done?

And as for food and drink, we cannot neglect the master! I have ordered people to prepare three meals a day for you, with plenty of meat and fish at every meal! There will be an ample supply of drinks, especially the distilled liquor you love the most, ten jars delivered every week, how does that sound?

Ouyezis eyes lit up again: Is that really possible?

Furthermore, its not very convenient for you to live here alone, master. I will command servants to come and attend to you, taking care of your daily needs and meals! You only need to focus on refining; leave all other matters to the servants, how about that?

Ouyezis eyes were now shining like little suns: How could I possibly refuse that?

Lin Beifan clapped his hands decisively: Then its happily decided!

Alright, its happily decided! Ouyezi burst into hearty laughter.

Next, Ouyezi shared his upcoming plan with Lin Beifan. He intended to use the meteorite, along with some other materials from the Treasure Pavilion, to forge a peerless divine weapon. This process was estimated to take about three months, roughly 100 days.

Lin Beifan nodded repeatedly, expressing his full support.

Thus, Ouyezi was successfully persuaded by Lin Beifan and became a member of Great Xia.

At this time, another piece of good news came from the north.

The Northern General, An Lushan, and Shi Siming, under the pressure of Great Yue, finally made a breakthrough and became Innate masters.

With this, Great Xia now had 11 Innate masters.


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