I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 103.1

Chapter 103.1

Lin Beifan exclaimed loudly, I have summoned a master to suppress him, quickly capture him!

Yes, Your Majesty!

On the second day, Lin Beifan came to the dungeon to visit Ouyezi.

By then, Ouyezi had all his powers sealed, and his entire body was firmly bound by chains weighing hundreds of jins, making it extremely difficult for him to move.

Upon seeing Lin Beifan, Ouyezi did not give him a warm welcome: If you want to kill me, then kill me; if you want to flay me, then flay me. If I frown even slightly, then I am not a true man

It would truly be a waste to kill you!

Lin Beifan said with a smile: It is said that Master Ouyezi, you are a master smith, especially skilled in forging divine swords. I admire you greatly and would like to request your help in crafting some weapons!

With a clap of his hands, he commanded: Bring it in!

Several Imperial Guards struggled to carry in the piece of meteoric iron from beyond the heavens.

Its this stone!

Lin Beifan laughed, It comes from beyond the heavens, weighs 5000 jin, and is indestructible. Even an Innate master exerting all their strength cannot leave a single mark on it!

Before, I had already asked several master smiths, but they were all powerless! However, I have heard that Master Ouyezi can do it, so I would like to ask you to kindly lend me a hand!

Ouyezi struggled over and lay on the stone, tapping and knocking, carefully feeling it.

Then he exclaimed with joy, This is truly a fine material for forging weapons! As hard as cold iron, as heavy as a boulder, clearly it has been tempered by the fires from beyond the skies, yet touching it makes ones skin feel cold! I have been refining and forging weapons for many years and have never seen such a fine material! Once forged, it will surely be a peerless divine weapon!

I thought the same, which is why I wanted to ask the master to give it a try! Lin Beifan smiled.

Ouyezi laughed heartily, proudly saying, Youve really found the right person! Under the heavens, aside from myself, no one can refine this stone and forge it into a divine weapon!

Really? Lin Beifan questioned.

Are you doubting my expertise? Ouyezi seemed insulted.

Other masters have failed, how can you succeed?

Thats because they dont know the method, nor do they have the means. Let me enlighten you!

Ouyezis enthusiasm was piqued by Lin Beifan: This piece of meteoric iron has been forged by celestial fire, indestructible! To melt it, you must find a flame that rivals the celestial fire! Do you know what kind of flame can compare with the celestial fire?

Lin Beifan shook his head: I dont know!

Foolish! What is above must correspond to what is below. Therefore, only by using the fire from beneath the earth can it be refined!

Lin Beifan pondered thoughtfully, Fire from beneath the earth? Are you talking about the flames from a volcanic eruption?

Exactly, you really have a quick grasp!

Ouyezi praised, then continued, It must be melted with the fire of magma, that is, geothermal heat. The process will take about forty-nine days!

That doesnt sound too difficult. Find a volcanic vent to melt it, and then get a few masters to forge it into a weapon. Isnt that feasible? Why rely solely on you? Lin Beifan said dismissively.

Ouyezi was infuriated.

Boy! What do you know!? To forge a divine weapon, there are specific requirements for the geothermal heat. First of all, it must be sufficiently high in temperature, and it also needs to be continuous and stable!

But as you know, this geothermal heat is not under human control. It can erupt suddenly or cool down just as quickly, making temperature control impossible! If the temperature cant be controlled, the quality of the forged weapon will be greatly compromised!

Such geothermal heat is truly rare!

Ouyezi shook his head and sighed, I have traveled all over the world and found that the number of volcanic vents that meet my requirements can be counted on one hand!

So thats how it is! Lin Beifan nodded.

Besides having requirements for the underground fire, there are also very high demands on the blacksmith!

Ouyezi spoke with a serious expression, After the material has melted, it must be forged next to the fire, otherwise, it will quickly solidify again! This process can take a few days at the shortest and up to a month at the longest!

But how can a body of flesh and blood, a mortal frame, withstand the roasting of the earth fire? Even an expert at the peak of the Acquired Realm would be instantly turned to ash upon contact with these flames!

Even a strong practitioner of Innate Astral Qi would find it extremely uncomfortable in such a scorching environment! It is only I, who not only possess Astral Qi to protect my body but also have cultivated a physique as tough as copper and iron, who can withstand such conditions and forge divine weapons!

Boy, now you know what Im capable of, haha!

So it is! Among the master blacksmiths, it is indeed you, Ouyezi, who is the most revered!

Lin Beifan greeted him with a smile, I entrust this piece of meteoric iron from beyond the heavens to you! Once the task is accomplished, not only will I grant you your freedom, but you shall also be handsomely rewarded. High-ranking positions and generous stipends are all within my power to bestow!

Ptui! Impossible!

Ouyezis complexion changed as he angrily retorted, You have imprisoned me here and are the master behind that thief. Our principles are different, and our paths do not align. I would rather die than serve you!

You would not be willing even if I killed you? Lin Beifans eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Go ahead, make your move! Ouyezi closed his eyes, filled with defiance and a readiness to die.

Suddenly, Lin Beifan broke into a smile, Just kidding, Master Ouyezi. How could I bear to kill you? I greatly admire your courage and your spirit of facing death without fear! Guards, come and unbind the master!

Yes, Your Majesty! The jailer stepped forward and unlocked the chains from Ouyezi.

Lin Beifan also had his martial arts unsealed and his hammer returned to him.

Ouyezi was dumbfounded: Are you going to let me go?

Lin Beifan smiled and nodded: Not only am I letting you go, but I also plan to treat you to a drink!

Dont think that just because youve released me, I will be grateful and do your bidding! Ouyezi said stubbornly and defiantly.

Thats all for the future. Lets drink first!

Following that, Lin Beifan arranged a grand banquet, inviting Ouyezi and everyone else to share a meal.

Lin Beifan sat in the seat of honor, raised his wine cup, and said with a smile to Master Ouyezi: Master Ouyezi, we can now say that weve gotten to know each other through a fight! After drinking this cup, lets consider our grievances settled!

Ouyezis face soured, and he was slow to raise his glass.

Lin Beifan taunted, Whats the matter Dont dare to drink?

I could care less about my life, what else is there to fear? Drink! Ouyezi picked up his cup and downed it in one gulp.

His eyes lit up immediately: This liquor is good! Spicy and heady, yet very fragrant. One sip and it invigorates the whole person!

Wine Sword Immortal, while holding his drink, smiled and said, This is a distilled liquor developed by His Majestys command. Indeed, its fragrant, but it burns the throat and gets one drunk more easily! I, however, prefer this Hundred Flowers Brew, with the fresh aroma of flowers and a soothing effect on the throat, its taste sweet and pleasant!

Ouyezi scorned, The drinks youre talking about are womens drinks, you could drink a thousand cups and not get drunk, no fun at all! Its this kind of distilled liquor that a true man should drink!

After finishing his words, he poured himself several more cups in succession, drinking until his face was flushed red and repeatedly exclaiming how refreshing it was.

Because he drank too quickly, he had finished off the entire bottle of distilled liquor.

Even after finishing, he still craved more.

He wanted to ask for a few more bottles to satisfy himself, but remembering the hostile relationship between them, he felt too embarrassed to speak up.

At this moment, Lin Beifan asked with a smile, Master Ouyezi, as a world-renowned master of casting, you must know a lot about forging materials, right?

Of course, theres not a single forging material under the heavens that I, Ouyezi, do not recognize! Ouyezi declared proudly.

Thats excellent! I have many forging materials. Could you help me take a look at them?

Do you have a lot of materials for refining artifacts?

A lot! A tremendous amount! Enough to fill an entire palace! Lin Beifan said with a laugh.

Ouyezis eyes lit up: Lets go, lets have a look!

After the time it takes to drink half a cup of tea, they arrive at a palace.

This palace was named the Treasure Pavilion by Lin Beifan, and it was specifically used to store some of the more precious items.


TLN: What the fkck is going on? Just created kofi few hours ago

Dragonk105 with a super generous tips of 20 motherfkjcng dollar. Thank you so much!


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