I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 102.2

Chapter 102.2


General, someone has come to see you

General Zhao roared, Dont bother me, I wont see anyone!

Whats the matter? Even when I come, General Zhao wont see me? It seems my status is too lowly to catch General Zhaos discerning eye, huh! A somewhat effeminate voice floated in, sounding ethereal, now distant, now near.

General Zhao felt the voice was somewhat familiar. Turning his head, he was shocked and his face paled: Eunuch Huang, how did you come here?

The one who came was an old eunuch with a pale complexion and graying hair. This person was not only an Innate-level expert but also the most trusted individual by His Majesty.

Why have I come here? Does General Zhao still not understand?

In the blink of an eye, Eunuch Huang had crossed a distance of over a hundred zhang to arrive in front of General Zhao, and with a smile that did not reach his eyes, he said, General Zhao, His Majesty commanded you to lead the troops to attack the three nations of Shang, An, and Peng. You indeed conquered them, but at the loss of 400,000 soldiers and without gaining anything, you have disappointed His Majestys trust in you!

Now, His Majesty is very angry, and the entire court is dissatisfied with you, so he has specially ordered me to come and take you back to face your punishment! General Zhao, pack your things and come back with me!

General Zhaos heart was filled with bitterness: Alright, Eunuch Huang, I will follow you back! But this place

Others will naturally take responsibility here; General Zhao need not trouble himself any further!

Thus, General Zhao bid farewell to this place of sorrow and went back to face the consequences of his actions.

With General Zhaos reassignment, the 400,000-strong army of Great Yue was finished. Without its defensive forces, Lin Beifan ordered An Lushan to push the borders of the Great Xia Kingdom forward by more than 200 miles, expanding the territorial area by approximately 200,000 square miles.

Then he continued to order people to clear the land and cultivate it, making use of the soil.

At this time, the Empty Hand Master arrived with four master smiths to pay respects to Lin Beifan.

Greetings, Your Majesty, long live the emperor!

Lin Beifan smiled and said, Masters, there is no need for such formalities! Your journey from afar to share my worries and solve difficulties brings me great joy! Whether successful or not, I will have a generous reward for you!

Hearing these words brought great comfort to everyones hearts: Thank you, Your Majesty!

Then, Lin Beifan ordered people to carry the meteorite from outer space forward.

This rock was extremely heavy; it took 10 Imperial Guards to barely lift it.

When it was placed on the ground, it made a huge rumbling noise.

This is the meteorite from outer space, weighing 5000 jin, indestructible! Even an Innate cannot leave the slightest mark on it! Do you have a way to melt it and forge it into a divine weapon?

As long as someone can accomplish this, I will reward them handsomely!

Four master smiths immediately gathered around, scrutinizing the material closely, but in the end, they all shook their heads.

The material itself is of good quality, but its too hard, impossible to forge!

Yes, this material came from beyond the skies, having already been forged by celestial fire! The temperature of that celestial fire is much higher than the temperature we use for ordinary weapon forging! Therefore, to melt it, we need an even higher temperature!

I am powerless to help, Your Majesty, please seek someone more capable!

Lin Beifans gaze darkened: Masters, you have come from afar, and although you have not been able to alleviate my concerns, you have done your best! Each of you will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver for your travel expenses, please do not delay!

Thank you, Your Majesty! The four master smiths took their leave.

Lin Beifan, dragging the Empty Hand Master along, asked, Empty Hand Master, is there anyone else?

There is actually one more person He should be able to do it! The Empty Hand Master hesitated in his gaze.

If you know of him, why not invite him over? Lin Beifan said, clearly annoyed.

Because hes not easy to invite!

The Empty Hand Master said with a wry smile. The persons name is Ouyezi, and hes the best at forging swords! Many people from the rivers and lakes come seeking him out, hoping he can help them forge divine weapons!

However, this person is extremely erratic. He wont forge without materials, wont forge if the payment isnt enough, wont forge if he dislikes you, wont forge if hes in a bad mood, and also wont forge if hes in too good a mood In short, hes too difficult to serve!

Lin Beifan was shocked: Such a whimsical person, isnt he afraid of being killed?

The Empty Hand Master shook his head: Hes not afraid at all, because he himself possesses the strength of the Astral Qi level, and there arent many who can defeat him!

So thats how it is. The courage is bolstered by strength!

Theres also another crucial point

The voice of the Empty Hand Master lowered: I once stole a precious sword from under his watch, and he hunted me for seven days and seven nights! If I hadnt returned the sword to him, he might have continued the pursuit indefinitely. Hes particularly stubborn, so its really not easy to ask for his help!

Lin Beifan was speechless.

So there was such a grudge between them; no wonder the Empty Hand Master wouldnt ask for his help!

This wasnt a case of it being difficult to ask for help; it was clearly a case of being too afraid to ask!

At that moment, Lin Beifans heart stirred, and he asked, This person you speak of, what does he look like?

The man hes not very tall, but hes muscular and robust, with a body that seems to be cast in bronze. His hair is a mess, his clothes are casual, and he usually carries a huge iron hammer with him! That hammer is so fierce that it seems to weigh a thousand jins, and with a single swing, it can cause mountains to crumble and the earth to split. Even masters of Imperial Qi get a headache when they face him!

Lin Beifan blinked and patted the shoulder of Empty Hand Master, How about you find a place to hide for now?

Why should I? Empty Hand Master was somewhat confused.

The person you described seems to be on his way here!

No sooner had the words left his mouth than an angry roar came from the distance.

Empty Hand Master, come out and face your death!!!

The Empty Hand Masters complexion changed, and he panicked: Youre right, that person is really coming to kill me! I must slip away, farewell!

With a whoosh, he dashed out of the imperial palace.

Moments later, a scruffy strong man, just as the Empty Hand Master had described, appeared before everyone.

He was not particularly tall, but his limbs were incredibly strong and muscular, with bulging muscles like those of a primeval beast. In his hand, he held a large iron hammer, and with each step he took, the ground trembled, sending chills down the spines of onlookers.

He looked at the fleeing Empty Hand Master and bellowed, Thief! Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will surely catch you and sacrifice you to my sword!

Then he continued the pursuit.

But as evening approached, the Empty Hand Master had not returned, yet Ouyezi did.

He arrived at the gates of the imperial palace and bellowed, Open the gates! I, Ouyezi, request an audience with the Great Xia Emperor!

By His Majestys command, summon Ouyezi to enter!

After the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Ouyezi stood before Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan asked, You have come to visit us, what urgent matter brings you here?

While casually picking his nose, Ouyezi said nonchalantly, Nothing much, I heard that little thief has joined you, so no matter where he runs off to, hell surely return here! The monk may run, but the temple wont, so Ill just wait here for him! Dont mind me, once I catch him, Ill leave on my own!

How dare you! the crowd exclaimed in anger.

Lin Beifan, expressionless, said, Ouyezi, you show such contempt for the imperial authority and even seek to kill my people. Do you think I can overlook that?

Even if you want to, do you think you can control me? Ouyezi swung his hammer, showing off his muscles.

Lin Beifan commanded, Seize him!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Eunuch Liu, Bai Zhu, Wine Sword Immortal, and others made their moves.

Although Ouyezi was powerful, he couldnt withstand so many experts at once, and his tone finally softened, I didnt expect your little Emperor to have so many experts at his disposal. I was careless! Great Xia Emperor, how about we make a deal?

Theres no room for negotiation! Submit or die! Lin Beifan said indifferently.

Ouyezi became furious: Impossible! Then! Witness my Chaotic Wind Thunderclap Hammer Technique!

He swung a massive iron hammer with such force that it created a fierce wind. His Astral Qi radiated outward, preventing anyone from getting close.

Seizing the moment, Ouyezi pushed off the ground with both feet, rocketing into the sky like a missile, his arrogant voice trailing back: The man who can capture me hasnt been born yet! Im off, haha!

Just then, a gigantic golden palm descended from the heavens, swatting at Ouyezi as if he were a fly.


Ouyezi was smashed down from the sky with a heavy thud.


A deep pit appeared on the ground.

Ouyezi lay in the pit, his body convulsing and his face twisted in pain.

Ouch! It hurts so much


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