I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 307: The Disease That Grows Feathers on the Philtrum 2

Chapter 307: The Disease That Grows Feathers on the Philtrum 2

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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The world is vast, filled with weirdos, and diverse tastes.

Just like there are viewers who get excited not by the pure white bosom of a harpy but by its red feathers, among those who got kicked out of the chat for causing chaos.

"Hanna, are you thinking of making explosives through alchemy again?"

"Hmm? I tried it last time and it was nice. Why, ?"

"No, it's nothing..."

There are people like Han Se-ah who think of explosions as art.

After throwing the armored harpy into the tower and finishing her conversation with the temple, Han Se-ah immediately started wandering around the market.

Irene, curious about her actions, was caught on camera with a strange expression, nervously chewing on her lips.

While spending time with Grace and Katie at a café that had somehow already set up shop in the stone dwarf city, Han Se-ah was probably planning out her explosive strategy as she progressed through the quest.

"No matter what, explosives are the most efficient. After breaking through and liberating the underground city of the stone dwarves, we need something to attack from underground to above ground."

-Well… never mind, as long as you're happy, lol

-Just don't forget you're mainly a mage. You're still the number-one mage streamer.

-How about switching to being an alchemist instead? Forget the tower and join the Alchemy Guild. They have great discounts.

-How about a stream on alchemy recipes since there aren't any new spells?

-Oh, teaching the kids bad things again. Don't fall for it, or you'll be stirring jars for 90 hours.

The viewers seemed dumbfounded seeing her gather bomb materials while doing the quest.

Of course, for Han Se-ah, it was just about replenishing the materials she used on the floor 45 boss, but the "bomb maniac" meme that unified East and West didn't disappear despite her protests.

All I had to do was check the internet via the hologram window.

In the Western Reddit boards, she was showered with honorable titles like "Magical Bomber Girl," "Michael Bay's Avatar," and "Muhammad Han."

Posts on Western Reddit would be translated and laughed at in the Heroes Chronicle Forum, and then Westerners would translate them back and share them again.

The positive cycle of memes had begun thanks to Han Se-ah, who had become a global star.

…Should I call it a vicious cycle since there's some discrimination mixed in?

"Oh, here she comes. Did she have a lot to talk about at the temple?"

"Hanna, Irene! Over here!"

As I leaned on the table, leisurely surfing the web, Grace, who was sipping her drink and watching the road outside, raised her arm and called out to Han Se-ah.

No wonder the road looked familiar; she had already made her way to the market street where we were.

Well, it's only natural since she bought the alchemy bomb materials nearby.

Grace sprang up and waved her arm, and Han Se-ah and Irene noticed her and ran over with smiles.

Even if she likes bombs, she's a good kid…

Perhaps that's how she organized her thoughts because Irene, who joined us at the table, no longer had that strange frown from earlier.

"The crumble here is good. Want to try an apple crumble?"

"Crumble? Sure. …It looks a lot like soboru bread."

Chatter over desserts and coffee.

Han Se-ah's distinctly Korean muttering briefly stirred up the stream but was dismissed as a light joke.

Naturally, the conversation among the five of us at the table was about the main quest.

In other words, how we would respond to the Harpy Empire.

Even if we reported the situation to the tower, the temple, and the Adventurer’s Guild, our party needed to decide on our own actions.

And in this situation, the conclusion for Han Se-ah, the streamer, was already set.

"We'll be the vanguard and infiltrate the stone dwarves' city under their control."

"The vanguard, huh. Yeah, it's best to move covertly in small numbers for this."

As the top streamer in clearing floors worldwide, Han Se-ah couldn't let the Temple Knights and adventurers take the lead while she stayed back.


Raei Translations


The campaign to conquer the Harpy Empire progressed faster than I expected.

Just as the Rice Country spreads democracy and takes the black liquid rising from the ground as payment, mages and merchants were eager to bestow freedom upon the stone dwarves and receive mana stones in return.

They planned to turn the stone dwarves' city into a free city like the City of Adventurers and open trade routes.

Just like the Crusades and witch hunts were motivated by money, capital began to gather swiftly as eyes turned red.

With money and adventurers pouring in, progress accelerated like a stone rolling down a slope.

Moreover, the stone dwarves, who had a strong sense of kinship, began to lend a hand.

They started modifying the vacuum stones used to dig massive tunnels into smaller versions, utilizing the know-how from the boss battle.

"We're planning to use the improved vacuum stones to infiltrate the city."

"Well, since they've lost a unit, it's only natural that security will be tight."

"They enslave stone dwarves and lure adventurers, so they must be more advanced than the Harpy Kingdom on the 43rd floor. The fact that they call themselves an empire suggests they’ve had interactions with humans."

"Hmm... If it was before they entered the tower under the Demon King's control, it's entirely possible. The stone dwarf brothers said they had consistently traded with humans."

So, the plan was simple.

Instead of creating a massive tunnel large enough for carriages and siege weapons, they would secretly dig a small passage just big enough for a single person to pass through, and then push the hero party through it into the heart of the empire.

Named black harpies and red harpies, whether they belonged to the empire or the kingdom, were patrolling the mountain range from above.

According to the armored harpy, the underground was considered the slaves' domain.

Just like assassins infiltrate castles through filthy sewers, we would infiltrate the Harpy Empire through the underground, which they looked down upon.

After that, well... we'll handle it skillfully.

The stone dwarves are not only master blacksmiths, alchemists, and metallurgists but also merchants who value trading with humans.

They wouldn't welcome exploitation instead of trade, so the plan would work out one way or another.

...If things go south, we could always resort to the "Tactical Roland Deployment" that the viewers joke about, killing all the harpies that come down underground.

"No matter how vast the Harpy Empire is, it's still within the tower, so we should be able to handle it floor by floor."

"Since the 45th floor was that giant beast's nest, you're thinking of conquering the floors one by one starting from the 46th?"

"We'll reclaim the stone dwarves' underground city, rescue them through the tunnel, and then attack the empire above. This isn't a territory war; it's more like a bandit or barbarian raid."

"Well... those harpies call us inferior, so aren't we barbarians? A barbarian party and perverted Roland."

"Why bring that up all of a sudden?"

While discussing the rough outline of the plan, Grace suddenly dropped a comment about perverted Roland.

The unexpected ambush left my expression subtly twisted, which made the party members smile, finding it amusing.

Grace, who likes to tease and joke around, wasn't going to miss this opportunity.

With a smile befitting her nickname, she teasingly provoked me with a charm that would have bewitched the neighborhood boys.

An 11-year veteran adventurer and a top-level unwavering tank.

Since there weren't many chances to tease me, she seemed unwilling to miss this opportunity.

‘…Ah, I see. So now even Irene has joined in.’

Moreover, Irene, who used to act as a sort of "brake," had now been persuaded by Han Se-ah and came to my bedroom at night.

Han Se-ah had already become a peeper, and Grace and Katie had gone from drunkenly crashing into my bed to tackling me together.

Since there wasn't a single woman in the party that the playboy Roland hadn't touched, Grace had become a truck with no brakes, flooring the accelerator.

"Since we're on the topic of harpies and perverted Roland, unlike the kingdom's harpies, I hear the harpies of the empire cover their bodies like humans and feel shame?"

"That's true. Not only are they vicious enough to enslave stone dwarves, but they also have the cognitive ability to consider themselves an empire."

-Harpies that walk around naked vs. harpies that feel embarrassed when seen—which is better?

-Teacher Roland is taking mental damage, lol. A teasing older sister is the hottest.

-If they have a sense of shame, maybe they've set up morals and laws too.

-Lol, what does it matter? They're going to end up "devout" in the temple's underground anyway.

Grace teased me, asking if she should help me avoid being called a pervert, and viewers, who were watching her with growing excitement, ended up getting cut down by the mod AI.

In the usual chaos where no one was focused on planning, Han Se-ah laughed cheekily.

Really, if she wasn’t the world’s number one, I'd have written a 5700-character backseat comment close to a hate post.

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