I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 198: Talk between woman!

Chapter 198: Talk between woman!

"Ehhhhh!" Sitting on the couch inside the artifact, Lin Huang and Ling Meiying curiously looked at the mobile phone in Zhao Ying's hands, who was sitting between them.

Zhao Ying chuckled seeing their reaction and Ling Huang said, "This box is so colorful."

Ling Meiying nodded her head. "Is this a decorative artifact?"

"No, this is called Mobile. Wait, let us take a selfie first." Zhao Ying spoke as she opened the camera.

As she raised her hand, Ling Huang and Ling Meiying looked at the screen and said, "Oh, its a mirror."

With a chuckle, Zhao Ying said, "It's more than a mirror. Come closer."

Ling Huang and Ling Meiying moved closer as their faces fully appeared on the screen. "Now say cheese."

Eh? Ling Huang and Ling Meiying looked at Zhao Ying, confused. "Say what?"

Zhao Ying smiled wryly "Well, just smile then..."

Ling Huang and Ling Meiying smiled and Zhao Ying took the photo. As she lowered the mobile, Ling Huang and Ling Meiying curiously peeked at the screen.

"Oh, its our faces!" Ling Meiying exclaimed.

Ling Huang spoke "So, its like Envisage Shard, huh?"

Zhao Ying giggled "Actually, there is more to it. With this, you can call someone, play gamesand see insta reels, which are sometimes stranger than the dark web."

"Ohhhhh." Ling Huang and Ling Meiying were fascinated by hearing these things from the human world.

And Zhao Ying was thoroughly enjoying their fascinated eyes as she continued to show them the wonders of the human world.

Xia Shenyi and Chi Miya, who were on the opposite couch, only chuckled at their interactions.

With a soft sigh, Chi Miya spoke, "Sister Shenyi, then I will go and fight some astral beasts in that pagoda."

In the Black Pagoda, not only Zhao Tian but also his women can enter and fight Astral beasts, crossing levels to gain rewards.

Xia Shenyi gave a nod "Hm, now you have already reached the 5th level of Spirit Astral Stage. Though the rewards are not that great in the pagods, you can still use them for a little combat experience."

Hearing this, Ling Huang, who was immersed in the mobile, turned her head. "Its already impressive that you reached this stage when you are just 27 years old."

"Well, the astral energy here is dense, but still, that's a great achievement."

Chi Miya nodded her head with a smile "Yeah, its been like two months but I am still trying my best for Tian."

Huh? This time, Ling Meiying also raised her gaze from the mobile phone. Ling Huang blinked her eyes, perplexed. "Wait, did I hear that wrong? 20 years or 2 months?"

Chi Miya tilted her head and said, "Um, 2 months."

H-Huh? What the actual? Ling Huang rubbed her forehead, completely taken aback, hearing this: "So you are telling me that you reached the fifth level of the Spirit Astral Stage in... 2 months?"

Chi Miya nodded casually. "Yeah, I did."

"HOW?!" Ling Huang exclaimed in shock.

"Even though the astral energy is dense, it is impossible to reach that level in just two months."

Chi Miya was dumbfounded. "But I did; even Ying is also like that, she is in the 9th stage of the Spirit Astral Stage, on the verge of breaking through to the Heaven Astral Stage."

Ling Meiying looked at Zhao Ying, bewildered. "Ying? You also reached that stage in just two months?"

Chuckling, Zhao Ying gave a nod. "Yeah."

Ling Huang looked back at Chi Miya and Zhao Ying, amazed by their talents—the level that took them decades to reach... Zhao Ying and Chi Miya reached in just two months.

At this time, Xia Shenyi said, "You remember Tian's physique, right?"

Frowning, Ling Huang gave a nod. "Yeah, I remember you telling me that he has the most powerful physique in existence and having sex with him increases cultivation."

"But still... you gain more only the first time; the next time you do that, the energy will decrease, right? So this is still impossible in two months."

Xia Shenyi spoke with a faint nod. "Yeah, but here, Zhao Tian is getting stronger every day. As he gets stronger, the energy also increases."

"And his cu-ahem essence nourishes the meridians, strengthening them, and you can cultivate even quicker."

"With the help of array and Zhao Tian's essence, they reached this much in two months."

"O-Oh..." Ning Huang mumbled, contemplating in her mind.

Xia Shenyi's lips twitched. "Honestly, they should have already crossed the Heaven Astral Stage but Miya's been busy with her company and Ying was slacking off."

C-Crossed the heavens astral stage? Ling Huang and Ling Meiying could only smile wryly as they are talking about casualties crossing the Heaven Astral Stage which is still a dream for many people in Zhenzhu.

Zhao Ying shrugged. "Why should I sit in one place, cross-legged, and cultivate when I have Tian'er? With him, I can cultivate happily in bed."

"Haha..." The others laughed upon hearing this and Xia Shenyi shook her head helplessly.

At this time, a doubt raised in Ling Meiying's head "Sister Shenyi, if Tian dual cultivates with you, he can easily become stronger, right? You are from High Stars with powerful cultivation."

Xia Shenyi let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, but he promised me that he wouldn't dual-cultivate with me until he became stronger than me."

Ling Huang giggled "That's a pity. So only Sister Shenyi hasn't done the deed with Tian? It actually feels really good with Tian in bed."

Upon hearing this, a playful smirk appeared on Zhao Ying's lips. "No, Sister Huang. Sister Shenyi has already done it with Tian'er."

Hm? Xia Shenyi frowned, but then a huge blush took over her face as she remembered Chi Miya and Zhao Ying watching her have anal sex with Zhao Tian.

"N-No... Ying...." Xia Shenyi pleaded, as she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the new women and damage the powerful big sister character she has created in front of them.

Seeing this, the smirk on Zhao Ying's lips widened. "What should I do?" Chi Miya smiled wryly, seeing Zhao Ying teasing Xia Shenyi.

Ling Huang was quite confused "How did Sister Shenyi already do it with Tian?"

Zhao Ying chuckled, not wanting to tease Xia Shenyi anymore. "Well, you will know someday."

*ahem* Xia Shenyi quickly coughed, dispelling the situation and changing the topic "Um, Miya, you are still not leaving for the pagoda."

"Yeah, yeah, I am leaving."

As she left, Xia Shenyi looked at Ling Huang and Ling Meiying "You know what? Miya was not supposed to be a cultivator, as her meridians are not developed to cultivate when she was born."

Huh? Ling Huang and Ling Meiying know the meridians that can conduct astral energy are gained in birth, when a child is born in a place with dense astral energy or if the family are cultivators.

"But she is cultivating now?"

*chuckle* "That's also because of Zhao Tian's essence nourishing her meridians."

"Ohhhhhhh." Both Ling Huang and Ling Meiying were amazed to hear this as they came to know even more interesting things about Zhao Tian.

"Husband is really wonderful. As I said once, we are really blessed."

Ling Huang giggled "Yeah, But I wonder how many years it took for Tian to reach the 9th level of Emperor Astral Stage with his physique."

Zhao Ying smiled "Don't die from shock, but two months."

"WHAT?!" x2

Ling Huang and Ling Meiying yelled in shock!

Only two months??? That's just frightening!

"H-He climbed all the way up from down to... 9th level of E-Emperor Astral Stage in just two months?" Ling Huang stammered still reeling in shock.

Ling Meiying knows that his women are not much more powerful than him, so he must have reached that stage by his own cultivation. "T-Two months... I can't even think about it."

Here they are almost reaching a hundred years of age and still in Heaven Astral stage but this guy just skipped levels as if it were nothing in just two months?

If people in Zhenzhu heard about this, they would die on that spot in jealousy and would do anything to get him in their faction.

Ling Meiying muttered "And he has control over all e-elementals."

Ling Huang's eyes quivered in shock. "What is he?"

I hope you guys liked thsi chapter.

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