I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 197: Let's go to the date!

Chapter 197: Let's go to the date!

*thrass* In the serene beauty of the cascading waterfalls, Zhao Tian and Xia Shenyi, completely naked, stood tightly embracing each other and they could not even feel the chilling water as they embraced the warmth of each other's bodies.

"Tian...hmm," Xia Shenyi murmured, entwining her tongue with his, her arms hugging Zhao Tian's neck tightly, her boobs pressing against his chest.

Meanwhile, Zhao Tian's hands are fondling her ass as he spreads them and squeezes them, relishing the suppleness in his fingers.

"Haa..." Xia Shenyi let out a soft sigh as she pulled away from the kiss, a smile playing on her lips as a small trail of saliva lingered.

She leaned in, giving him a kiss on the collarbone. "I feel like its been a long time since we spent time together."

Her hands around his neck got tighter "Now you have a lot of women, and you are also busy with the stuff in the outer world. You barely even notice me."

*amooch* Zhao Tian gave a kiss on her forehead. "You know that's not true... Remember, you are my first woman." he spoke with a soft smile on his face.

Hearing this, Xia Shenyi smiled proudly. "Yeah, I am..."

"How about I spend the rest of this day here with you?"

Xia Shenyi rolled her eyes "Well, that's not fair compensation. But I'll bear with it... for my husband, hmph."

With a chuckle, Zhao Tian leaned in, pressing his lips against hers and Xia Shenyi too complied, reciprocating the kiss.

Pulling back from the kiss, Zhao Tian firmly grasped her ass and raised her up. Xia Shenyi chuckled and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Zhao Tian nestled his face on her neck and Xia Shenyi raised her head, looking at the sky and feeling his soft, chilly kisses on her neck.

Her eyes glanced at the blue sky with clouds and a sun. "It would be better if it were night right now. Its been a thousand years since I saw the moon."

She didn't understand how the artifact worked when she first got trapped here. Is that really a sky? Is that really a sun?

She flew towards it at her full speed but no matter how long she traveled, she couldn't touch the clouds or the sun.

Only at that time did she understand that it was just a beautiful illusion.

Zhao Tian muttered, "Yeah, it would be better if it were night right now."

Suddenly, the world turned dark and Zhao Tian noticed the faint glint on the golden tattoo in his hand.

Fei Ziyu, who was watering the medicinal garden enthusiastically, was startled as the lights turned off. What happened?

Huh? Xia Shenyi narrowed her eyes, seeing the night sky filled with beautiful stars and a moon.

"Tian, it changed after you spoke."

Zhao Tian gave a nod and said, "Yeah, my tattoo also glowed."

"Hm? Can this artifact fulfill any of the owner's wishes?" Xia Shenyi mused with a slight frown.

"Tian, say let it rain."

Eh? Zhao Tian said, looking at the night sky, "Let it rain."

Nothing happened!

"It seems like the artifact just has a dark mode." Zhao Tian spoke and Xia Shenyi nodded.

"Maybe so... This makes me even more curious. Who created this artifact?"


Next day-

*thud* Zhao Tian jumped into Ning Xue's room through the balcony and looked around the room, but it was empty.

"Where is she?" he muttered, walking in.

He took a quick look towards the door of the room before making his way over to it, gently pushing it open.

Huh? As he pushed it open, the female servant who was standing outside was shocked, and she instantly recognized him even though he was wearing modern clothes "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Tian glanced at the woman and she lowered her gaze, giving respect to him as she knew he was the Queen's lover. "Forgive me for my rudeness just now, Your Highness."

Zhao Tian spoke, "Where is Xue?"

The woman, keeping her gaze down, spoke, "Right now, Her Majesty is taking her bath."

"Take me there."

Eh? The woman raised her head and blinked her eyes "Uh, okay... Your Highness, please follow me."

The woman began to walk and Zhao Tian followed her. Soon, they reached a grand doo.

*creek* As the woman gently pushed open the creaking door, a wave of soothing scents wafted through the room, a mix of medicinal aromas and the sweet perfume of nature hit Zhao Tian's nose.

As he looked in, he saw a large golden bath tub at the center of the room, which can be considered a mini-pool.

The woman stopped on her tracks and spoke, "Your Majesty, Your Highness has come to see you."

Zhao Tian walked to the large tub and Ning Xue raised her head from the water. "Tian..." she looked at him, a soft smile spreading across her face.

As Zhao Tian reached the tub, he saw the leaves and flowers in the water.*spalsh* Ning Xue stood up on the tub, causingthe water torippleandsplatterallaround.

Zhao Tian was instantly captivated by the naked beauty in front of him, as this was the first time he saw her fully naked.

And adding to its allure, the glistening waterdrops falling from her body enchancing her already seductive body.

Ning Xue raised her hand "You leave."

The woman nodded and quickly left the room before closing the door.

Ning Xue turned her gaze to Zhao Tian and felt his scorching gaze all over her body. With a faint giggle, she stepped out of the tub. "Have you seen enough?" she teasingly questioned, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"No, I am still looking."

Hearing his honest answer, Ning Xue moved closer to him but Zhao Tian stopped her. "Stay still."

Huh? Ning Xue was surprised and stood still. "What happened?" She used her astral sense and she couldn't sense anyone or any danger.

Zhao Tian gaze fixed on her right boob, where a glistening water drop hanged at the tip of her pink nipple "Just a second... "

"Um?" Ning Xue also noticed his gaze on her right boob and wondered, What is there?

Zhao Tian brought his hand closer to her right boob and gently cupped it in his palm. Slightly crouching, he opened his lips *num* and began to suck her right nipple.

Eh? Ning Xue chuckled at seeing this and Zhao Tian retracted his lips. Ning Xue leaned in, giving a quick peck on his lips.

She then walked to one end of the room, where her towel and bathrobe were hanging. She took the towel in her hand and began to dry herself.

Zhao Tian smiled, looking at her. "Xue, shall we go for that date?"

"Now?" Ning Xue turned to him as she continued drying her body with the towel.

Zhao Tian glanced at her crotch and noticed small blonde hair like grass. "Yeah now."

"Naughty guy..." Ning Xue muttered, noticing his gaze, and Zhao Tian continued to look at her seductive body.

Ning Zuiye took the bathrobe and wore it. Then she walked to Zhao Tian and wrapped her arms around his neck as she playfully leapt up from the floor.

Zhao Tian also moved his hand softly, taking her in his arms. "Are you busy right now?" Zhao Tian asked.

Ning Xue squinted her eyes "I received a letter, with the ministers arranging a meeting to talk about the recent aggression of the Astral beasts... and even requesting my presence."

"Well, fuck them. We can go to the date."


*swish* Zhao Tian and Ning Xue were flying over the skies of the city and Ning Xue was absolutely stunned by the beautiful cities and bustling roads with cars.

"Zhao.. Tian?"

Suddenly, Zhao Tuan heard a voice from behind and saw the policewoman flying towards him "What are you doing here?"


(A/n: I have seen many author doing this so I also thought of this, uh ahem

100 Gt= 2 bonus chapters

um 500 PS? = bonus chapter

and for big gift, bonus chapters.

So do encourage me to post more chaps!)

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