I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 195: A little teasing and seriousness!

Chapter 195: A little teasing and seriousness!

"Aunt Zuiye! Aunt Zuiye!" Zhao Tian shook Ning Zuiye's shoulders, causing her to snap out of her daze as she glanced at Zhao Tian.

"T-Tian..." Ning Zuiye stammered, her eyes moistening in tears as the visuals she sealed in her mind burst open.

The things she didn't want to remember—the memories she never thought of looking back—flooded her mind as her heart clenched in intense pain.

Seeing her getting overwhelmed by emotions, Zhao Tain spoke in a soft tone, "Aunt Zuiye, calm down."

Ning Zuiye looked at him and clutched his hand, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. "Haah, Haa, Tian.... w-why are you reminding me of the past and making me suffer like this?"

"Those are the things... I don't want to remember."

Zhao Tian let out a sigh "Because someone is suffering there, not knowing her sister is still alive."

H-Huh? Ning Zuiye was shocked to hear this and her eyes shook in surprise. "W-What do you mean by that? My sister is still alive?"

Zhao Tian raised his hand and an Envisage shard appeared from his palm. "Envisage shard?" Quickly recognizing it, she took the shard in her hand and looked at the image.

Her hands holding the shard trembled as she saw the beautiful blonde-haired woman with Zhao Tian "Sister Xue?" a gasp escaped her lips.

She hurriedly turned her eyes to Zhao Tian, a hit of happiness flashing in her eyes as she muttered "T-Tian, this... is this real?" her voice dripping with excitement.

Seeing the happiness in her teary eyes, Zhao Tian chuckled "Do you think... I can photoshop in Envisage shard."

"Brat..." she mumbled as she again glanced at the woman in the Envisage shard.

With a trembling hand and tear-stained cheeks, she slowly lifted her arm, brushing away the droplets of sorrow that cascaded down her face, as a relieved sigh escaped her lips "Seems like... Sister Xue survived."

But then she remembered something and hastily asked "Tian, Sister Zhilan, what happened to Sister Zhilan?"

Sister Zhilan? Zhao Tian remembered seeing her name on the grave and shook his head "Probably... dead."

"Urgh!" Ning Zuiye clutched her forehead in pain; she couldn't stop herself from remembering the traumatizing things.

She is telling her mind not to remember. But her mind is exactly showing that image again and again.

Zhao Tian asked in a soft voice "Aunt Zuiye, what happened that day..." he inquired, wondering if he could gain information about the 'miracle'.

Ning Zuiye looked into his eyes, her fingers playing with the Envisage shard in her hand, still quite reluctant in her heart to talk about those horrifying things.

Seeing her being hesitant, "Well, if you don't want to... it's ok," he spoke gently pulling her closer.

Ning Zuiye shook her head and rubbed her forehead "Well, I will tell..."

"I was born as the fourth daughter of the Ning family. I was very spoiled at a young age by my sisters and my parents."

"They didn't even force me to cultivate and I was roaming around the Palace happily without a worry in the world."

"But that day, I was with my mom on the balcony, enjoying the dim moonlight and we suddenly heard some people yelling in pain."

"My mom got alert quickly and sensed the surroundings. She told me that there are many people surrounding the castle and everyone is powerful, with some of them being in Monarch Astral Stage."

"At that time, suddenly many cultivators barged into the palace and they began to kill the royal guards. Me and my mom rushed from there and went to the throne room to find my father."

"But... as we e-entered., I saw my father lying on the ground dead, with some ministers and people from other sects standing around him, mocking him."

With a deep sigh, she continued, "Sensing our presence, one of them quickly came towards us to kill us. But my mom somehow escaped from there and entered her room."

"But that cloaked figure found out about that and barged into our room. In the next instant, I don't know what happened, it all seemed to be a blur..."

"I saw my mom on the ground, stabbed by a spear in her heart."

"At that time, Sister Zhilan came and rescued me from there. She quickly flew through the air taking me away from the Royal palace."

"But one of them still followed and Sister Zhilan tried to fight him. In the midst of battle... I somehow fainted."

"And the next time I opened my eyes... I was in the military custody. Later Father and Mother took me in."

"I see." Zhao Tian muttered under his breath.

Ning Zuiye couldn't help but steal another look at Ning Xue's picture, causing a rush of nostalgic emotions to fill her heart.

Memories of being pampered and cared for by her sisters flooded her mind, bringing a smile to her face that she couldn't seem to wipe away.

"By the way... the picture. Do you know Sister Xue? How?"

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod "Yeah, she is my woman."

Eh? "Sister Xue is your woman... huh?" she blinked her eyes in surprise, looking at Zhao Tian who has a teasing smile on his face.

"That makes you my brother-in-law."

"Wait, what happened that night, after the rebels started killing everyone? How did the royal family win?" Ning Zuiye hastily asked, still confused.

Zhao Tian shook his head "I don't know. I heard that a miracle happened, saving the Royal family."

Ning Zuiye's eyes crescented in sadness "Miracle? How many people in the Royal family were saved?"

"Only Xue."

Ning Zuiye4's body shook hearing this "I-I see."

At this time, wearing a soft smile on his face, Zhao Tian asked "How about I bring her here for you to meet her?"

Hearing the suggestion, Ning Zuiye shook her head "No, Tian... I don't want to meet anyone. I am keeping myself away from the world of cultivation. It is a world full of killing and blood."

"That's why I never tried to cultivate after all these years."

Seems like she was still traumatized, Zhao Tian pulled her even closer causing her to place her head on his chest "Aunt Zuiye, there in Zhenzhu...Xue is thinking that there are no other relatives or sisters for her."

"So, I want her to know that her Sister is good and alive. You were happy to know that Xue is alive right?"

Ning Zuiye gave a slight nod, a smile blooming on her face "Yeah, I am glad she is alright."

Zhao Tian spoke "Xue also deserves that happiness, she also wants to know that her sister is alive."

Hearing this, Ning Zuiye was quite convinced "I.. um..., ok then."

Zhao Tian asked curiously "Is Xue your real sister?"

Ning Zuiye who was in his right arm gave a slight nod "Yeah, my second eldest sister... Zhilian is my third eldest sister."

Zhao Tian was quite bewildered as Ning Xue's age was more than 150 and Ning Zuiye's age was 43. The age gap is quite big.

Well, cultivators live for thousands of years, so their parents wanting a child at this age gap is normal.

Hm? At this time, Zhao Tian was taken aback when he felt a gentle caress on his neck and as he turned his gaze, he saw Ning Zuiye snuggling on his, nestling her face on his neck.

"Aunt Zuiye..."

Ning Zuiye tapped his cheek with her hand "It is your fault, brat. Making me remember all those things... now my mind is not at peace."

Zhao Tian smiled wryly "Well, my fault. What do you want me to do now?"

With a sigh, Ning Zuiye spoke "I'm not sure what to do... Let's just stay like this for a little while. Maybe if I hug you, I can start to feel like myself again."

She held onto him, seeking comfort and solace, hoping that it would help her find some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos and confusion that had consumed her thoughts.

Zhao Tian slowly removed his hand from her shoulder and instead wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer. With his free hand, he lovingly ran his fingers through Ning Zuiye's dark hair.

Seeing her face and their intimate position, he couldn't help but tease "Shall we take it to bed?" he whispered in her ear.

Huh? Ning Zuiye's lips twitched and she pulled his cheek "You, when did you get this shameless. What are you trying to do to this old woman? You are taking me to bed?" she asked, bewildered by his audacity.

"You are the only one who calls yourself an old woman. You are still young."

Ning Zuiye grabbed both of his cheeks stretching them "Such a sweet tongue, brat. Are you trying to woo me?"

*chuckle* Zhao Tian only chuckled seeing her playful antics and the light banter of teasing and laughing continued.

A few minutes passed, "Haah..." Ning Zuiye let out a sigh still leaning on his shoulder. "As I said once, it is really good to be with you, Tian."

"Hm?" Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... minutes ago I was devastated. But now I am laughing because of you and your sweet words, brat. You really have a knack for making women fall in love with you."

"I will give you five points for that."

Zhao Tian tightened his hug around her waist "How many points do I need to get this beautiful lady in my arms?"

Nigng Zuiye giggled as she playfully hit his chest. "100 points."

"Hoh, seems like I have to work hard."

*chuckle* "Brat!"

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