I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 194: Talk with Ning Zuiye!

Chapter 194: Talk with Ning Zuiye!

Zhao Tian and Li Jiewalkedout of the room. With aworriedfrown, Li Jieasked, "Are you sure? Tian, I am worried; it might bring back her trauma."

Zhao Tian gave a nod "Of course it would, but she has to face it someday, so let it be today."

Li Jie let out a sigh and spoke "Thenyou talk to heralone,itmight be uncomfortablefor her to talk aboutitwhenI'mthere."

Zhao Tian gave a nod and came downstairs but not seeing her, he used his astral sense and sensed the presence in Ning Zuiye's room.

He again went upstairs and went to her room. *knock* He gave a knock on the door and he heard a faint voice from inside "Yueli?"

"Aunty, it's Tian."

"Tian?" Ning Zuiye who was sitting on the dress, folding her dresses was surprised to hear his voice and hurriedly stood up reaching the door.

*creek* She opened the door with a smile on her face "Tian!"

"Aunt Zuiye." Zhao Tian muttered looking at the beautiful woman in front of him wearing a loose t-shirt and jeans.

*puff* Ning Zuiye hugged Zhao Tian and with a smile, Zhao Tian also hugged her back. Holding her soft body in his arms and looking at her beauty, no one would believe that she is actually 43 years old.

Ning Zuiye's lips formed a gentle smile as she slowly drew away from the warm embrace "Why the sudden visit, Tian?"

Zhao Tian smiled playfully "Why? Should I need a reason to meet this beautiful lady?"

Ning Zuiye couldn't help but giggle and raised her hand, softly pinching his cheek "Come in."

With a faint nod, he entered the room and saw the clothes scattered on the bed. Noticing his gaze, Ning Zuiye spoke "I was folding my clothes after the laundry."

Zhao Tian chuckled "You know that you have a maid in this house."

Ning Zuiye just shrugged. "We got to do our own chores." as she spoke, she spotted a pair of panties and bras with the clothes.

Zhao Tian also noticed that and an awkward smile appeared on Ning Zuiye's lips. "Tian, you sit on the couch... I will just tidy up some clothes."

Zhao Tian just smiled wryly and sat on the couch while she took her underwear and placed them in the drawer.

Letting out a soft sigh, Ning Zuiye came and sat beside him on the couch. Zhao Tian too, casually draped his hand around her shoulder and Ning Zuiye didn't mind that as they have been close for about two years now.

"How is Ying doing?" Ning Zuiye asked gazing into his eyes.

Zhao Tian gave a nod "She is doing great."

"I forgot to tell you, Tian... but when Shui told Yueli that Chi Miya is your girlfriend, she created a little commotion in the house saying that she is the one who is going to marry Big Brother."

Zhao Tian let out a hearty laugh, and his infectious joy caused Ning Zuiye to break into a gentle smile as she slowly leaned on him.

The two of them began to talk, filled with playful teasing and good-natured banter that kept their conversation light and enjoyable.

Ning Zuiye gently pinched his waist "You brat, stop teasing me."

Zhao Tian laughed with a teasing smile, "But what I said is true, right?"

Ning Zuiye cutely pouted her lips "You and your sweet mouth. hmph!"

Seeing her sulking her lips, Zhao Tian spoke "Actually, Aunt Zuiye.. I came to have an important talk with you."

Eh? Ning Zuiye rolled her eyes "Important talk with me? Hm... Do you want me to arrange a betrothal between Yueli and you?" sheasked, hertonedrippingwithsarcasm.

Zhao Tian shook his head helplessly and asked, looking into her purple eyes "Aunt, you know about cultivators?"

H-HUH? Ning Zuiye's heart trembled at the unexpected question and she hurriedly averted her gaze, her eyes shaking in nervousness.

"See, Aunt Zuiye." Zhao Tian muttered as he raised his hand, conjuring a flame on his palm.

*gik* Ning Zuiye's heart skipped a beat seeing this. Fire elemental? T-Tian is a cultivator? she looked at him utterly shocked.

*cough* But with a cough, she controlled her swirling emotions and spoke "O-Oh my, what a good magic trick... haha, if I can learn that I can easily cook."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Tian couldn't help but chuckle and Ning Zuiye lowered her gaze from the flame.

Hm? Zhao Tian who still has his right arm around his shoulder, felt her body trembling and spoke "I just talked with that old man about where you are really from."

"T-Tian?!" She looked at him bewildered and Zhao Tian felt her body trembling even more and sweat began to form on her forehead, her heart palpating with anxiety and nervousness.

Retracting the flame, he softly grabbed her shoulders "Aunt, calm down."

"Tian, Tian, tian..." She continued muttering his name as her mind recalled the past, the invading cultivators storming the palace and mercilessly slaughtering the loyal Royal guards.


35 years ago-

*thrissh* In midst of the burning bedroom, Ning Zuiye stood there completely horrified by the sight of her mother's lifeless body on the floor, a long spear pierced right at her chest.

She stoodthere,rootedto thespot,unabletotearher gazeawayfromthedevastatingsight in front of her.

Her eyes were devoid of any color as she looked at the cloaked figure in front of her. *tap* At this time, another man entered the bedroom and waved his hand.

*thrissh* A shiver of terror ran through her body as she watched her mother's lifeless body engulfed in flames.


*thrash* At this time, breaking the window a woman jumped in "Zuiye!"

Ning Zuiye slowly turned her gaze to her Sister "Sister Zhilan."

Ning Zhilan glanced at the corpse of her mom and bit her trembling lips in pain. 'Fucking bastards' she cursed, her heart clenching in agony.

But now she has to save her younger sister at least. The two cloaked figures turned their gazes toward the woman who just came in.

"Ah the two Royal princesses are here."

*swoosh* Nibg Zhilan quickly took Ning Zuiye in her hands and dashed out of the window.

"I'll go and kill them." One of them spoke as he followed her out of the window.

*swoosh* Ning Zhilan dashed through the air and muttered, "I hope Sister Xue is alright."

The moment she left, the miracle happened.

*swoosh* The woman's silver hair flowed gracefully as she effortlessly levitated in mid-air. Her elongated and pointed ears added to her ethereal appearance, making her seem like a being from another realm.

Freya Arianwen Everglade raised her hand looking at the rebels, who were like ants in her eyes.


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