I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 172: Someone is cooking a plan?

Chapter 172: Someone is cooking a plan?

At the same time, in a part of the Zhenzhu

Thetwomen,cloakedinblackhoods,strolledthrough the dimly lit alleys and after a while ofwalking, they found a hotel room and entered in.

They quickly walked to the 3rd floor but the guard standing outside the door stopped them. "Sorry, only special members are allowed here. You can go downstairs."

One of the two quickly took the VIP card and showed it to the guard. Looking at the card, the guards demeanor quickly changed as he bowed his head.

"Esteemed customers, please enter." He said opening the door for them.

As soon as they entered they met with the sight of naked hot women getting fucked in the sofas, threesome, gangbang while some men were drinking and gambling.

One of them turned to look at the other and asked "Why did they select a place like this? Is thisa brothel?

"i don't know first elder." The man who just replied is the second elder of the Stormweaver sect, Lang Shumin, while the other is the first elder, Jee Ming.

Jee Ming shook his head "Forget it, what's the room number?"

"Its 312."

Lang Shumin and Jee Ming wandered around the third floor searching for the room number, and after a while, they found the room and entered in.

Inside the room, there was a middle aged man sitting on a couch with a table in front of him as he gulped down the bottle.

Glancing at the two black hooded man, the middle aged man gestured for them to come in.The first and second elders of the Storm weaver sect came and sat in front of him.

The first elder spoke "What happened? Why the sudden call for a meeting?"

The middle aged man gave a slight nod as he placed the bottle on the table "Yeah, there have been slight changes in the plan."

"The plan won't be executed on the second day of competition."

The first elder was startled to hear this: "Huh? This is the perfect time for the plan, as that ruthless woman, Yu Hua is also not here in the Royal Capital."

The middle aged man nodded his head "I know, but the plan has changed. We will execute our plan on next month for the celebration of the founding of the Royal Family, which happens once every 100 years."

The first elder narrowed his eyes "Why the plans change suddenly?"

The middle age man shrugged "We were expecting a person to arrive but that person has still not arrived, so we got to change the plan."

The second elder was amused hearing this, who is that person that is so important that they have to change a big plan like this?

The middle aged man spoke "Also convey the information to that woman as well."

Knowing which woman he is mentioning, the first elder nodded his head and after a short while of discussing they prepared to leave "I will inform my sect master about this plan change."



Ning Xue spoke with a slight frown etched on her eyebrow. "Seems like you have a deep connection with the Lunar Blossom Pavillion."

Zhao Tian gave a nod "I do."

Ning Xue got down from her bed andmadeherwayovertohim "So that Ling Huang is your woman?" she asked, sitting beside him on the couch.

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Huang'er is my woman."

"Oh? You said you are new to Zhenzhu, how did you come into contact with the Lunar Blossom Pavillion first."

Hearing her question, Zhao Tian shrugged. "I met Ling Xin during my time in the Ancient ruin expedition and got to know her."

Hm? at this time, Ning Xue also recalled her talk with Ling Xin and remembered Ling Xin saying that a cultivator helped her fight the Stormweaver Sect people and also helped in finding the treasures.

"So you are the one who helped her in the Ancient ruin, huh..." Ning Xue muttered.

'And that Ling Huang is his woman from Lunar Blossom Pavillion. I see... he left me to spend time with that woman.'

She shook her head gently as she placed her hand on his shoulder "Leaving that aside, why did you sit on the couch... you could've sat with me there in the bed."

Zhao Tian raised his hand, tenderly caressing her cheek and admiring her beauty "Xue is so beautiful and because of the physical attraction I might force myself on you like that day."

As she felt his gentle touch against her cheek, Ning Xue couldn't help but close her eyes and let out a small, amused laugh "Well, I don't mind that, as I can control myself... haha."

With a gentle smile, Zhao Tian leaned towards Ning Xue, pressing his lips against hers. Ning Xue was caught offguard by his sudden kiss, but she still returned the kiss gently sucking his lips.

As they pulled back from the kiss, Ning Xue spoke "Maybe I am wrong... your kiss alone is turning me on."

Zhao Tian softly pinched her lower lip "Let your tongue out."

Ning Xue obediently let her tongue out, and Zhao Tian intertwined his tongue with her deepening the kiss. *slurp* They delicately sucked on each other's tongues tasting their mixed saliva.

And suddenly the passionate kiss got fervent as they began to literally bite and suck on each other lips completely lost in the raw passion of the moment.

*huff* Every touch and every exchange of breath ignited a fiery desire within them, fueling their insatiable hunger for each other

Zhao Tian pulled her closer, placing her on his lap and Ning Xue too wrapped her arms around his neck without breaking the kiss.

They hugged each other so tightly and continued kissing as saliva drooled down from their lips but they didn't mind that and madly sucked on each other's lips as if trying to eat each other.

Their mouths moved in perfect harmony, exploring and savoring every inch of one another, as if trying to etch the taste and sensation into their very souls.

A little later, they reluctantly pulled back the kiss only because they wanted to breathe. *huff* *huff* Gasping heavily, their eyes locked onto each other, sensing the intense lust simmering within them.

Ning Xue licked the saliva that was drooling from his lips "Tian, seems like I overestimated myself... I can't even control myself."

"Haah, same with me too..."

*knock* At this time, a sudden knock echoed through the room and the female servant's voice was heard "Your Majesty, your dinner."

Ning Xue controlled her breathing nodded her head and said, "Come in."

*creek* As the door creaked, the female servant entered the room, gracefully pushing a service cart adorned with an array of delectable food items.

But as her eyes fell on Ning Xue seductively sitting on a young man's lap, her eyes widened and she hurriedly lowered her gaze.

She didn't expect the respected Queen to be sitting on a man's lap like that. she has been serving her Queen for years and this is the first time she has ever seen her like this.

Ning Xue spoke "You don't have to serve. Place the dishes and leave."

"A-As your wish, Your Majesty." The female servant hurriedly placed the dishes and left the room without uttering another word.

As the woman left, Zhao Tian chuckled "I thought you would try to maintain our relationship as a secret."

Hm? Ning Xue raised an eyebrow "Who is this Queen afraid of to keep my relationship secret?"

She softly cupped his face in between her palms. "I have a man and I would proudly show him off to everyone."

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