How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Whoo! Whoo!

Experiencing the unique dizziness of dimensional leap magic, I found myself in a new city.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"It's a city called Beko' far east of the Cardis estate. Its famous as a commercial city because its a place where numerous merchant trade routes are connected," Andras explained.

It was quite chilly when we left the farm but the weather here was so warm that the clothes I was wearing felt a little stuffy.

The difference in the climate alone made me realize that I had traveled far away from the farm, and the place we arrived at was like a large backyard surrounded by buildings.

As our eyes wandered around, someone who looked familiar appeared in front of us.

"Ha ha! You're finally here. I've been waiting since this morning."

A man with slender glasses welcomed us. I recognized the demon's face right away.


"It's been a while, Milord. I, Ergin, a merchant belonging to the Golden Clock Chamber, greet the lord of Cardis."

I received his polite greeting with a slightly puzzled expression. Ergin quickly read my expression and added words.

"This is the Golden Clocks branch in Beko. As soon as I heard that Lord Cardis' party was visiting here. I put everything else aside and waited to greet Lord Cardis in person."

"Ah! okay."

Andras also added an additional explanation.

"We often ask our merchants to cooperate to use the Dimensional Leap Magic. It is easy to prepare the coordinates because there are many cases where the coordinates are set separately."

"Then, isn't it a nuisance?"  I asked, and Ergin quickly responded with a cheerful attitude.

"Oh, Its not a nuisance at all! You're being completely reasonable. It's a great honor just to have the Lord visit our branch. I was so excited to meet Milord after a long time that I couldn't even sleep properly."


I responded with an awkward laugh at his smooth words like a typical merchant's sugar-coated words.

"Let's go in first. We've prepared to welcome the VIPs inside."

We followed Ergin towards the building.

"Welcome, Lord Cardis."


As soon as we entered through the entrance on the first floor, many employees of the trading company greeted us.

Feeling overwhelmed by the grand welcome, I looked at Ergin. The quick-witted demon understood my gaze and quickly disbanded the staff and led us to the prepared room.

The room he guided us to was filled with very elegant dishes and splendid paintings. The number of seats was arranged perfectly for our group, as if the staff knew in advance how many people were in our group.

Feeling overwhelmed, I sat in the most prestigious seat along with Locus, Andras, Kroc, and Lia were on both sides.

As soon as we sat down, the staff brought out food and drinks.

Its a drink made in the traditional way in this city. Its famous as a beverage that merchants who travel far away enjoy drinking to replenish their energy. And this is a very rare fruit

With great enthusiasm, Ergin explained what he had prepared.

However, Locus openly showed signs of annoyance, while Lia and Kroc focused their attention on the drinks and fruits, letting his words go in one ear and out the other.

Only Andras listened intently, and I pretended to do the same out of courtesy. But as the explanation dragged on, Andras gave a short cough, and I immediately took the cue to interrupt.

"And this painting is."



"Thank you very much for your hospitality, but we have something urgent to do. I don't think we can stay here for long."

Ah, no! Sorry. I didn't notice" Ergin bowed with a startled expression.

I waved my hand and gave a look that it was okay.

"If there's anything I can do to help you, please feel free to let me know. I'll do my best to help you as long as I can."

Andras' eyes sparkled as if he had been waiting for this.

"Hmmm. Then can I ask for your help?"

"Of course, Mr. Andras."

"I will definitely remember the favor I received from the Golden clock Chamber today."

"That's enough."

The corners of Andras and Ergin's lips rose slightly at the same time. They looked as if they had got what they wanted.

"We need someone who knows Beko's slums well."

"The slums?"

"Yes. Not only the one who can guide us through the complex slum but also the one who has the trust of the people who live there"

"Hmm Could you wait a moment?"

Ergin quickly left the room with a serious look on his face. After waiting for his steps to move away, I asked Andras about the current situation.

"Andras, what's with the slum all of a sudden?"

"According to the information I received from Ryan. The recent location of the person we're looking for was found near the slum. I don't have any other information right now, so I think we'll have to look around the slum ourselves."

"Does that mean she might not be in the slum?"

"That's a possibility. As I said before, she's such a mysterious person"

Andras blurted out his words and made an anxious expression. The careless Locus muttered, I wish she isn't there, and was showered with glares from Lia and Kroc.


Please, let the demon named Terzan be in the slums

Ergin brought someone to help sooner than expected.

But the problem was..

"My name is Luke."

A young puppy-like creature wagged his tail and looked up at me with very bright eyes, despite his shabby appearance.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Cardis!"

"Uh Uh Well, yeah. I look forward to your kind cooperation."


Luke's pure smile reminded me of Miru from Elden Village. He seemed lovable enough to be petted, but I wondered if he was capable of guiding us through the slum.

"Ergin, is this kid really capable of being a guide?"

"Yes, he's a kid who helps a lot of businessmen. He's from the slum, so he knows the geography and circumstances of the place. He's intelligent for his age, so you can trust him."

Luke raised his hand and expressed his confidence. "If it's the slums, it's in the palm of my hand! I spent most of my life there, so trust me."

It was very cute to see this young guy use the expression most of his life and show his confidence with his ears pricked up. It seemed like the other members also liked Luke's confidence.

I exchanged glances with the party, then bent my knees to look at Luke.

"Luke, then can I ask you to guide us to the slum?"

"Of course! Just follow me."

"All right."

I smiled and patted Luke's head lightly. Seeing him wagging his tail, it seemed he didnt hate it.

If you need anything, come by anytime!

After being seen off by Ergin in front of the building, we headed towards the slum of Beko.

Beko was similar to the other demon cities we had visited before, but it had a uniquely lively and bustling atmosphere of a commercial city.

Looking at the merchants and fancy products, we passed through the city center and approached the outskirts before we knew it.

Just a little way out of town, the surrounding atmosphere has become incredibly quiet. It felt like the noisy atmosphere we just saw a while ago was a lie.

When we left the main street and entered the back alley, the dark side of the city was revealed in earnest.

Please, just one coin

The homeless and beggars in the street reached out helplessly.

Unlike me, who frowned at the uncomfortable sight, the other party members passed them calmly. Even young Luke didn't seem to care much.


Andras's big body came right next to me, as if he was trying to cover my gaze.

Even in a commercial city full of money, not everyone can be rich. Don't worry too much about it, it's a common sight," he said.

"The difference between the haves and have-nots is a problem everywhere. I feel uncomfortable thinking about the residents of my territory for no reason," I replied.

This is what a normal city looks like. Sihyeons estate is a special case, Andras said.

I nodded bitterly as we quickened our pace and made our way through the back alley.

When we arrived at the outermost part of the city, we saw a slum village with shacks tangled up.

Luke turned around in front of the entrance to the slum.

"This is the entrance to the slum. What can I do for you now?" he asked.

"Luke, we're looking for someone. Do you happen to know anyone named Terzan?" I asked.

"Terzan?" Luke closed his eyes and repeated the name Terzan'. "Terzan.Terzan.Hmmm. I don't know," he replied.

"Then who looks like this?" Andras showed a piece of paper with a picture of a woman with a calm atmosphere.

"I'm not sure about this either," Luke said.


When Luke didn't show what I expected, I felt a little disappointed. He also felt a bit discouraged, different from his confident appearance at the beginning.

Lia behind me said in Luke's defense.

"Sihyeon. Sister Terzan is like a ghost. It must have been hard for ordinary people to recognize."

"Is that so?"

"Maybe we should go in and find out for ourselves."

Sheesh! I dont want to go into such a dingy place, Locus grumbled openly, but the party's opinion leaned in the direction of directly searching the slum.

"Then lets go in and

"Ha ha! What a windfall this is!" a man interrupted.

"Last night I had a good dream and it seems like its showing the results now."

"Luke, are these the ones you brought?"

At the entrance of the slums, about 10 demons and beastmen surrounded us in an instant.

"Why do noble people come to such a shabby place?" one of them asked sarcastically.

"Keukkeuk! Of course, it's to give everything they have to the poor like us, isn't it?" another replied in a similarly sarcastic tone.

At first glance, they didn't seem to have good intentions.

(To be Continued on Apr 24(MON))

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