How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Ryan and I were seated next to each other at the cocktail bar adjacent to the restaurant. While Ryan held his usual cocktail, I sipped on a fruity drink.

"That's too bad. It would have been nice if Sihyeon could enjoy the cocktail together."

"I have to drive on the way back. And I'm not in the mood to drink right now."

A smile crept around Ryan's mouth.

"Are you that worried?"

"Of course I'm worried. Didn't you see Andras' face earlier? He went in with a look like he lost his mind."

While we were sitting in front of the cocktail bar, Andras and Amy headed to a room where they could enjoy the night view and have dinner. It was a space for the two to avoid the eyes of the surrounding people.

As they were guided by the restaurant staff to their room, Andras' expression was completely stiff with tension. I couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry too much. Even if he looks like that, he does it when he has to."

"Well, you're quite relaxed about this. I bet you would feel nervous if you were confessing your love,"

Ryan sipped his cocktail with a relaxed expression and replied, "I've never had a difficult time confessing. Often, the other person confesses to me first."

Even when I do confess directly, I've never been rejected. Maybe that's why I don't remember ever feeling nervous."

"Ryan, I'm telling you this because we're closer now, but that comment is really annoying," I responded with a slightly irritated look.

Ryan found my annoyance amusing and laughed,

"Haha! I'm just being truthful. Please don't give me that look."

"Ugh," I grumbled.

"Come on now. Let's just relax and enjoy this time. Everything will work out fine," Ryan said as he raised his cocktail glass in a toast.

Reluctantly, I raised my glass of fruit juice and clinked it against his.

"Wow! Look at that, Andras. The night view is so pretty.

Amy burst into admiration at the night view colored with colorful lights.

Andras nodded his head awkwardly in response, like a creaky machine.

Thankfully, Amy didn't seem to mind Andras' uneasiness and focused on enjoying the colorful night view.

Soon, the food began to arrive, starting with the appetizers

Fortunately, the food served was delicious even for the taste of the two demons.

Amy spoke to Andras with a very satisfied face.

"Great night view and delicious food It's really nice. It would have been nice if Sihyeon and Ryan were also with us."

Yeah, thats right.

Unlike Amy, who enjoyed food comfortably, Andras was so nervous that he didn't know whether the food in front of him was going into his mouth or his nose.

He gulped down the wine in the glass to shake off the tension, but he couldn't easily find peace of mind.

While Andras was busy fighting against the tension, Amy pretended not to know and watched it all.

A faint smile came to her lips for a moment.

"Thank you so much for today."


Thanks to Andras, I was able to see this world with my own eyes. It was full of amazing things, just like I heard in stories. If it wasnt for Andras, I would never have experienced this.

"Don't mention it

"What was especially impressive was the mall. There were a lot of home appliances there. How did the people here think of making such things?

Andras' eyes sparkled at the story of home appliances.

Isn't the technology here really amazing? When I first saw Sihyeon's Smartphone', I felt as if I was seeing a new world. If it wasn't for the promise I made with Sihyeon, I would have disassembled mine right away

"Yes. As a Wizard, I also have the desire to research things here."

Once the bottle was opened, the conversation continued very naturally. Andras poured out his thoughts and the research topics related to the human world one by one.

If it were the farm members, they would have gotten sick of it quickly because it was such a difficult and professional topic.

On the other hand, Amy responded properly, and she even added her own opinion about the subject.

It was possible because she was a member of the Germor Wizardry like Andras and put a lot of effort into what she was interested in.

The two were so immersed in the conversation that they forgot the food in front of them. Andras, who had been suffering from tension, also looked natural.

So I think


Andras, his voice full of excitement, suddenly fell silent. His gaze locked on the person sitting across from him.


Andras belatedly realized something.

Why did she bring up this topic, I wonder to deliberately put me at ease?

Despite his embarrassment at his own appearance, he felt grateful for her warm consideration.

As the emotions he'd been suppressing began to surface, he was overwhelmed by a feeling he could no longer ignore.

Like water bursting through a dam, Andras's feelings for Amy swirled in his mind, washing away the poetic words he had crafted during his brainstorming session with Sihyeon and the surprise event he had planned.

All that mattered now were the emotions welling up in his heart and the beautiful woman before him, who shone brighter than the night view outside the window.

Without hesitation, Andras opened his mouth to convey his feelings to her.


She turned her head towards him, meeting his gaze.

"I was so happy to spend today with you. And it confirmed what I already knew: there's no one else like you in my life."


Silence filled the room as Andras produced a small box from his pocket and revealed a necklace inside.

Though simple in design, it radiated a soft, warm glow.

"It's the best thing I've ever made, and I can be confident that I've put everything into it. I want to start a formal relationship with you, Amy. Will you be my partner for the rest of my life?"

Amy was momentarily speechless, and Andras could feel his hand trembling with anticipation. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"If you don't mind meyes

Andras had to ask again, as if in disbelief.

"Are you sure?"

Tears glittered in her eyes as she nodded, and Andras felt a surge of emotion that nearly overwhelmed him.

He nearly dropped the necklace in his hands, so strong was his elation.

"I promise to cherish you, always," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

As Amy turned to face him, Andras couldn't help but smile, feeling like he was on top of the world.

He fumbled for the necklace, quickly moving behind her and draping it around her neck.

The way her hair fell to the side revealed the delicate skin of her neck, making Andras's heart race even faster.

"It looks beautiful on you," he whispered, his fingers fumbling as he secured the clasp.

The moment was sweet, one that Andras would never forget.

It was even sweeter than the ice cream they shared for dessert that night.



A piercing cry reverberated through the sky, as two young griffins soared with their wings beating in unison.


Their movements were so meticulous, it was hard to believe they were only just beginning to fly. I watched them with delight, reaching for the flute that hung from my necklace.


As soon as the sweet sound of the flute reached their ears, Grify and Finny effortlessly adjusted their altitude and flew straight toward me.




With a graceful descent, the two landed on the ground and I smiled brightly and stroked both of them at the same time.

"Oh, my! Good job, my babies! Now I can't keep up with you guys even with the flying device."

Biip! Biip!


As they basked in my compliments, the griffins held their heads high in pride.

I had worried they might struggle, starting later than most, but they had proven me wrong.

Beaming with pride, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a treat.

"Here you go! Beef jerky for my little champions!"



Their eyes brightened at the mention of the delicious snack, and I fed them one by one.

With this, there will be no problem with the Barbatos family event, right?

Imagining their regal appearance soaring through the sky at the upcoming Barbatos family event filled me with a sense of grandeur.

Lost in my daydreams, I was interrupted by the distant calls of two familiar voices.


"Senior Sihyeon!"

Recognizing the voices of Elaine and Urki, I stood up to greet them.

"What's the rush? Have you finished working in the strawberry field?"

Gasping for breath, the two struggled to explain.

"What is it? Why did you come running in such a hurry?"

"Huh It's a big deal, Senior!"


Alfred shouted with a pale face.

"All the fairies in the strawberry field have disappeared!"


(To be Continued on Apr 17(MON))

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