How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 695

- Gaiden episode 62

Gaiden episode 62

Gaiden chapter 10. Living in a legal society where monster lovers work means working.

A job is a noble thing! You have to work to make a living!

If you do not work physically, not metaphorically, you will starve.

“cancer. Money doesn't matter.”

Even Arel was the first thing he wanted to solve in this life, because that was the problem.

money. money. money.

money in the end.

“There was a lot of chatter about this and that, but let’s talk about it openly. It's a nuisance.”

Arel said while looking into the eyes of a child who was temporarily imprisoned.


And now I'm just an unemployed kid who loves monsters.

“So you work too.”


A self-proclaimed trainer. The name of this life... … I don't want to mention it, so I won't say it.

“???? worst.”

Nothing is really going right in this life.

For reincarnated people, life is like a so-called lottery ticket.

If you go over 10 times, they say that from then on, you will calmly open your eyes as if you were drawing lots.

That's it.

I had no intention of doing anything this time. Just quietly find a pet and tame it.

Though he had such a simple thought, he ventured to run away at the age of only a few years old.

After that, things didn't go as planned.

After a few years, I ran into the reincarnated Harry Earl.

There was a difference in power, so I didn't have the heart to choose confrontation.

So, first of all, we cooperated.

Of course, if they were to fail, I was going to withdraw without hesitation.

And Harial self-destructed.

It was because he invited too many reincarnated people and eventually brought in the worst variable called Arell Ernesia among them.

‘… … That guy is that guy.'

To evaluate Arell Ernesia extremely coldly, he is, in a sense, the same kind of human being as Herial.

The conclusions pursued are different, but the method chosen is the same.

Spread your own answers with power and knowledge.

As a result, Arell won and Herearl lost. There are only results.

And her ordeal is not over.

Unintentionally, he was caught again by Arell.

First of all, I cooperated as instructed.

I tried to escape by looking at the gap, but I missed the opportunity.

‘… … It doesn't matter.'

She knows better than anyone else that she is not in a position to ask for mercy.

Even if it wasn't my intention, I don't think I'm not responsible.

Even if he was exiled, it didn't matter.

No, I thought I would be deported unconditionally.

‘It's over.'

However, the result was the opposite.

Rather, this is what Arel said.

“I can’t look at you twice, and now that it’s like this, work like a dog in my estate and go.”


… … I'd rather have him expelled.

“I’d rather kill you!”

He actually said that.

I even pretended to lie down with my belly exposed.

However, the problem is Arel's logic.

“Then, at least you have to pay the debt for the trouble you caused?”

What he claimed was a very small amount of debt.

It means that even some of them must pay the price for cooperating without noticing the nature of Mileus.

Debts are fine, but I can't deny Arel's words about compensating those who caused trouble.

Because he knows the mistakes he made.

“Ah okay.”

First of all, I was compliant.

It didn't matter what I did after that.

and… … .

“… … Buy some chocolate.”

Stuttering and mumbling a little.

The place where she is is one of the specialties of Pahilia.

A large store where you can see new products such as chocolate and other snacks first.

In front of it, she is handing out flyers to attract customers.

Wearing a cute uniform that is in vogue recently, I recall the feeling of shame that I thought I had forgotten.

There's nothing unusual about the outfit.

Rather, it would be cute just for her appearance. purple. The gaze of the surroundings also gathers.

It can be said that he is truly talented.

Of course, I would die of embarrassment.

“Raise your voice a little more. So, where will you stand out?”

And the stern-speaking Delneph.

Lately, I've been going back and forth between the hometown of dragons and Pahilia, but when I heard that a trainer was going to work here, I flew right away.

To make fun of course.

“… … Damn lizard.”

“red. It is part of the labor anyway. Didn't I say it didn't matter what I did?”

“At least I wished it was something else!”

His half-strange attitude suddenly breaks down to the point of retreating.

“There are many other things to do!”

It didn't matter if it was a chore or a job or a kitchen. yes kitchen! how good! Out of sight!

“I hate to say this, but you… … Can I do it right?”

“That's a huge excuse!”

But it is not because of personal resentment that Delnef speaks with bitterness.

He is a great worker now.

It would be such a pathetic attitude that his sister back home would cover her forehead when she heard it.

“You speak well.”

It wasn't Delnef who had been blaming this kid like this from the start.

In fact, I wanted to do something appropriate for now.

Still, he is not a reincarnated person.

So you must have great talent.

I thought.

“I didn’t know it could be so bad.”



“kitchen? red. Are you saying you know what you made?”

Of course, Delnef initially placed them in a kitchen or something and then had them work in anticipation of their own dexterity.

In less than 30 minutes, the trainer had to be kicked out of the kitchen.

“I was told to make food for humans to eat.

I never asked you to make dog food.”

“I think the quality of the fu is not bad.”

“That's not the problem... …

Apparently, most of what she makes is something that can be given to monsters or animals.

Dog food, Delneph said.

It doesn't mean that he can't cook, he really just made feed.

also unconsciously.

Rather, it is more curious how to make it with the ingredients there.

“if… … Are you an animal, not a human?”

“… … haha.”

“I'm not saying to be shy.”

Why are you more than happy?

Delneph sighed deeply.

Too much talent is concentrated.

“listen carefully. In the end, all you have left is that little body and face.”

“Oops! That angers me too!”

“Do you think you are in that position?”

“… … Ugh.”

The trainer wrinkled his face as if he was humiliated.

“I'd rather attract guests.

… … Apparently, humans don't seem to be able to use their four limbs when invited by a cute person.”

“… … Sounds like Arell Ernesia. that.”

“Stop talking and do your job.”

Hearing that he was like Arel, Delnef also frowned as if he was sick to the stomach and drove the trainer away again.

It's better than doing something you can't do.

It's actually drawing attention.

“… … Again, if you don't like it, you can do something else.”

I'm telling you, but it's not compulsory.

Whatever she does, she actually has the right to decide.

It doesn't matter if you do business.

It doesn't matter if you do other things.

Decide freely, observing only those that do not harm anyone.

That's what Arel had instructed.

Still, she just does what she's told.

‘… … I really don't have the will itself.'

Delneph sighed heavily.

“Did you say that kid was the most severe of the monsters?”

The gaze that that trainer puts when talking to humans.

It has nothing in it.

Feels like looking at a stone.

It could be said that it was a drier emotion than the bored dragons of the past.

‘I don't know what this means. Arele Ernesia.'

Perhaps the reason why Arell Ernesia collected those reincarnated people was because she had other thoughts.

I don't want to get involved, I just watch.

After a day that doesn't know how many days it's already been like that.

“… … Awesome k”

The trainer trudges through the streets with a suitable cheap drink.

Walking around with a bottle of alcohol in this appearance itself is quite out of place, but it doesn't matter.

Putting aside the appearance, counting the age of the mind itself is meaningless.

“It would have been better to escape sooner… …

City life itself is hard work for her.

I have no complaints about convenience or anything else.

The standard of living here is high.

She didn't hate it either.

however… … .

“… … There are too many humans.”

She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes.

Human presence felt everywhere.

Just being conscious of that sensation creates a feeling of discomfort in your head.

I don't like humans.

They didn't do anything here.

In any case, the cause is her memory.

Only unpleasant memories that naturally come to mind when you detect a human presence.

(It's terrible...)


(Why don't you use that power for us!)

(You are monsters who only exist for us.)

(Those who know the minds of monsters are not human!)

If you are conscious of the human presence, it rings like tinnitus.

“… … act.”

In that respect, monsters and animals are good. It doesn't make noise like humans.

They only sense the essence and respond to it to communicate.

Honest without showing hate.

“Aa0|a? I need a monster... … .”

The fluffy guy is hungry for something.

Should I secretly catch one and raise it in the dorm?

He was a trainer who thought like an office worker contemplating whether to raise even one cat.

I was trying to go back to the dorm with such an unmotivated step.

“???? hmm?”

The trainer noticed something on a street corner and looked away casually.

There was only one thing that caught her attention.

“A white fox?”

There was a monster doing tricks in a corner of the road.

A small fox-like creature.

A creature with silvery fur and a two-tailed tail.

That guy sucks! and cried lightly.

It is no ordinary animal. It's probably a mutant of some monster. In her eyes, it was an instant insight.

But why are monsters here?


” skill?”

When the light blond young man handling the instrument plays it, he performs tricks according to the signal.

it's a common trick

“… … aha. A street performance?”

The fox earnestly catches attention by jumping up and down to the music of its master or spewing out white embers, but it does not receive much attention.

‘No luck.'

This is Pahilia, which has a lot to see.

If it were a country estate, there would be no way that such a crude trick would work in a place like this.

The trainer yawned and watched the crude trick.

I have no particular interest. The human face next to it does not come in.

but… … .

“… … cute.”

It's really pitiful to see her watching her all the time, but the young man starts playing with the feeling that he will show more enthusiasm.

“… … Noisy.”


The response that comes back is a blunt tone.

Hearing these words from her, who had been staring at her as if he was rather annoyed to hear, the young man hesitated as if he was embarrassed.

“Little girl? Weren't you interested in my tricks?”

“Nothing… … The sound is crude, and to be honest, I recommend learning to play again.”

Hearing her dissatisfied tone, the young man was speechless as if he was dumbfounded.

“To be honest, the skills I taught were limited to the very basics. I can't get enough of this kid's cuteness at all. below third rate.”

It's getting a lot of bad reviews. Even the passers-by watching the scene secretly send sympathetic glances.

“All I want to see is this kid.”

The trainer quietly held out his hand towards the monster.

as if to come

The scene must have seemed cute to her heart, and Cheng-Nen smiled happily and smugly boasted.

“It's a pity, but even if the little girl reached out her hand, he wouldn't approach me easily. … uh?”

The reason why he couldn't finish talking was because as soon as she reached out her hand, the white fox approached her without hesitation.

“Wait a minute?”

Unlike the horse, it rode the trainer's hand without any wariness.

“Sit down.”

With a simple command, it lays down as if revealing its stomach.

“huh… … It's not nice, it's nice... …

While he was fully satisfied with the texture of the fur, the young man was completely in tears.

It must be embarrassing for you to shout that you only listen to yourself. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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